Math 5486
Introduction to Numerical Methods II
Spring 2009, University of Minnesota


Lecture Time: MWF 1:25 PM - 2:15 PM
Classroom: Vincent Hall 301

Instructor: Duane Nykamp
Office: 202 Vincent Hall
Phone: 625-0338
Office hours: MWF 2:25 PM - 3:25 PM or by appointment

Textbook: A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Brian Bradie. The second semester will cover chapters 6-11.

Grading scheme:

Homework: Homework problems will be assigned most weeks. They are due one week after assignment. Several homework problems will involve Matlab programming. Homework assignments will be posted here.


Midterms and Final: The first midterm and the final will be take-home exams that will involve Matlab programming. The second midterm will be an in-class exam.

Grading Standards and Student Conduct: Students are expected to be familiar with University of Minnesota policies on grading standards and student conduct, including the consequences for students who violate standards of academic honesty.