
Lecture Time: MWF 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Classroom: Vincent Hall 211

Instructor: Duane Nykamp
Office: 202 Vincent Hall
Phone: 625-0338
Office hours: MWF 1:25 PM - 2:25 PM or by appointment

Textbook: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: Continuous and Discrete by R. Clark Robinson.

Description: The course will begin with the second part of the textbook, focusing on the iteration of one-dimensional maps (Chapters 9-11) and including topics such as fixed points, periodic points, stability, bifurcations, and chaos. Then, as time permits, we will sample topics from higher dimensional maps or continuous dynamical systems.

Prerequisites: Linear algebra and differential equations (Math 2243, 2373 or 2573) and multivariable calculus (Math 2263, 2374 or 2574).

Grading scheme:

  • Homework assignments 25%
  • Two midterm exams, 20% each
  • Final exam 35%.

Homework: Homework problems will be assigned most weeks. They are due one week after assignment. Homework assignments will be posted here.

Midterms and Final:

  • Midterm 1: Monday, October 19
  • Midterm 2: TBD
  • Final Exam: 1:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday, December 23

Grading Standards and Student Conduct: Students are expected to be familiar with University of Minnesota policies on grading standards and student conduct, including the consequences for students who violate standards of academic honesty.