Andrew Odlyzko: Recent Papers on Technology and Financial Manias
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Main papers:
The railway mania of the 1860s, A. Odlyzko, pp. 105-119 in
Early Railways 7: Papers from the Seventh International Early
Railways Conference, J. Liffen and S. K. Jones, eds., Early Railways Conference Committee, 2022.
[chapter reprint, PDF][preprint, PDF]
The railway mania of the 1860s and financial innovation, A. Odlyzko.
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Bagehot's giant bubble failure, A. Odlyzko.
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 31, no. 5, 2024, pp. 798-841.
(In special issue, Walter Bagehot and Lombard Street (1873): A 150-Year Retrospective.)
[published article][preprint, PDF]
[earlier version, PDF], with less background on the
British economy of the 1860s, but much more material about Bagehot as an expert on the
financial markets, and on his slow recognition of the bubble that was developing.
Dionysius Lardner, the denigrated sage of early railways, A. Odlyzko,
pp. 39-58 in Early Main Line Railways 2: Papers from the Second International
Early Main Line Railways Conference, M. Chrimes, ed., CPI Group, 2019.
[preprint, PDF]
Newton's financial misadventures in the South Sea Bubble, A. Odlyzko.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, vol. 73, no. 1, March 2019, pp. 25-59.
[online journal version][preprint, PDF]
Novel market inefficiencies from early Victorian times, A. Odlyzko.
Financial History Review, vol. 24, no. 2, Aug. 2017, pp. 143-165.
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Financialization of the early Victorian economy and the London Stock Exchange, A. Odlyzko.
[preprint, PDF]
The forgotten discovery of gravity models and the inefficiency of early railway networks, A. Odlyzko.
OEconomia, vol. 5, no. 1, 2015, pp. 157-192.
[online journal version][preprint, PDF]
The early British railway system, the Casson counterfactual,
and the effectiveness of central planning, A. Odlyzko.
Essays in Economic & Business History, vol. 34, 2016, pp. 60-94.
[online journal version][preprint, PDF]
Economically irrational pricing of nineteenth century British government bonds, A. Odlyzko.
Financial History Review, vol. 23, no. 3, Dec. 2016, pp. 277-302.
[preprint, PDF]
Supplementary material for `Economically irrational pricing of 19th century British government bonds', A. Odlyzko.
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The Railway Mania: Fraud, disappointed expectations, and the modern economy, A. Odlyzko.
J. Railway & Canal Historical Society, no. 215, Nov. 2012, pp. 2-12.
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Crushing national debts, economic revolutions, and extraordinary popular delusions, A. Odlyzko.
Charles Mackay's own extraordinary popular delusions and the Railway Mania, A. Odlyzko.
The collapse of the Railway Mania, the development of
capital markets, and the forgotten role of Robert Lucas Nash, A. Odlyzko.
Accounting History Review (formerly Accounting, Business & Financial History), vol. 21, no. 3,
Nov. 2011, pp. 309-345.
[an extended preprint, PDF], with additional material (primarily two appendices),
entitled The collapse of the Railway Mania, the development of
capital markets, and Robert Lucas Nash, a forgotten pioneer
of accounting and financial analysis.
Bubbles, gullibility, and other challenges for economics,
psychology, sociology, and information sciences, A. Odlyzko.
First Monday, vol. 15, no. 9, Sept. 2010.
[PDF][First Monday version]
This time is different: An example of a giant, wildly speculative, and
successful investment mania, A. Odlyzko.
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, vol. 10, issue 1, 2010, article 60.
[BEJEAP version][preprint, PDF]
Trust in science and mathematics, J. Johnson and A. Odlyzko.
ACM Ubiquity, June 2022, pp. 1-9.
[online journal version]
The Profession of IT: An interview with Andrew Odlyzko on cyber security, Peter J. Denning,
Communications of the ACM, vol. 62, no. 9, September 2019, pp. 28-30.
[online version]
People of ACM - Andrew Odlyzko, August 13, 2019. One in a series of posts
about `the unique scientific accomplishments and compelling personal attributes of ACM members
who are making a difference in advancing computing as a science and a profession.'
[online version]
The glorious promise of the post-truth world, A. Odlyzko.
ACM Ubiquity, March 2017.
[online journal version]
What would surprise early Victorian market players if they came alive today?, A. Odlyzko.
LSE Business Review blog, Sept. 30, 2016.
[LSE Business Review]
2014 interview about research directions: A minute with Andrew Odlyzko,
Algorithmic Finance, vol. 3, no. 3-4, 2014, pp. 141-142.
[online version, PDF][copy at SSRN]
Book review by A. Odlyzko: Speculation: A History of the Fine Line Between Gambling
and Investment by S. Banner. Economic History Review, vol. 71, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1011-1012.
[preprint, PDF]
Book review by A. Odlyzko: American Railroads: Decline and Renaissance in the
Twentieth Century
by R. E. Gallamore and J. R. Meyer.
Economic History Review, vol. 68, no. 3, 2015, pp. 1103-1104.
[preprint, PDF][journal version]
Book review by A. Odlyzko: Harriman vs. Hill: Wall Street's Great Railroad War
by L. Haeg.
Economic History Review, vol. 68, no. 2, 2015, pp. 754-755.
[preprint, PDF][journal version]
Book review by A. Odlyzko: This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
by C. M. Reinhart and K. Rogoff.
IEEE Spectrum, April 2011, p. 26, and longer version on the Spectrum site:
[IEEE Spectrum online version][text]