Cryptographic abundance and pervasive computing Andrew Odlyzko AT&T Labs Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA Moore's Law and related "laws" describing the steady progress in a variety of basic technologies are about to usher in a new era of pervasive computing. We will be surrounded by devices with intelligence built into them. They will require better security than we have been used to in the PC era to prevent chaos and disasters. These same technological advances will also produce an era of cryptographic abundance, where the cost of implementing security algorithms will seem to be trivial. This will lead to a new and welcome freedom in security design, which has, until now, been hampered by performance limitations. However, the net gain is likely to seem disappointingly small. Why, then, this paradox, where a wealth of technologies will seem to yield small fruits? The need for information security in civilian applications was realized in the early 1970s. This led to a surge of unclassified research in cryptography. The results have been negative in that no rigorous formal proofs of security have been found for any practical cryptosystems. On the other hand, they have been positive in that a sense of comfort about the safety of some types of algorithms has been developed. . The time to crack the best symmetric cryptosystems (where the sender and recipient share a common key before the start of the session) is an exponential function of the size of key. ("Exponential" is used here in the precise mathematical sense of the term, not the colloquial usage denoting anything that is hard.) This means that small increases in key size have very large time consequences for the attacker. However, the hardware and software complexities of implementing and running these algorithms increase slowly for legitimate users. This means that key sizes and the complexities of the algorithms do not have to increase much to protect against any foreseeable advances in conventional hardware, which constitutes a practical, if not a theoretical, limit to what is possible. (For the time being, they even seem proof against quantum computers, potentially the most disruptive technology on the crypto scene.) In particular, the current crop of algorithms being considered for the next encryption standard all appear adequate for the next century. This is in marked contrast to the current standard, DES, which was widely criticized even when it was designed for being insufficiently strong. The justification for the 56-bit key size in DES was that anything larger would be too expensive to implement. Over the last three decades, we have labored under the constraint that secure cryptosystems required too much computation to be performed easily. These constraints are disappearing. Moore's Law is producing general purpose processors that can handle the necessary crypto functions in a negligible fraction of their capacity. Tiny special purpose chips can also be produced inexpensively for fulfilling the crypto demands of special applications. Thus we are about to be freed from the constraints of the past. (This is even true for public key schemes. These algorithms, crucial for digital signatures and key management, do not require the communicating parties to possess a shared key that only they have. The computational requirements of these methods are still considerably higher than for symmetric ones, but progress in electronics is overcoming even this barrier.) Yet this new freedom is likely to make little difference in practice. Strong cryptography is required for security. However, strong cryptography alone does not guarantee security. Almost all security problems that keep surfacing with monotonous regularity are caused by economic and social factors, not defects in mathematical cryptography. There are no signs that this situation is about to change. The economic constraint comes from the desire for novelty over usability and security. Some of it can be blamed on the structure of the industry. It is software developers that Microsoft caters to, not the final users, and the developers care more about their convenience than that of users. Further, the industry has a vested interest in keeping customers on the treadmill of steady upgrades and bug fixes. Moreover, we have to recognize that users bear much of the blame. They are the ones who clamor for the latest and greatest. The computer industry can deliver reliable and user friendly products, as game consoles show. However, those have limited functionality, which is not acceptable for most cases. The main constraint on security, though, is sociological. People do not fit easily into the formal structures that any security framework requires. A key problem with strong information security in an office environment is that it would stop secretaries from forging their bosses' signatures. A good assistant exercises judgement and handles routine matters without increasing the load on the boss. Now, in principle, equivalent functionality could be built into a secure electronic environment, with electronic delegations, etc. The prospect of actually doing it in a practicable form are nil. We have never been able to formalize what jobs require. Indeed, one of the most powerful weapons labor has in disputes with management is to "work to rule." In summary, we will have an unprecedented proliferation of devices, the famed information appliances. They will take advantage of abundant strong cryptography. However, we are likely to continue operating with the equivalents of chewing gum and bailing wire, continually running into security and usability problems and patching them as best we can. The nirvana of a clean secure environment is not on the horizon.