A modest proposal for preventing Internet congestion
Andrew Odlyzko
AT&T Labs - Research
September 3, 1997
Abstract: A simple approach, called PMP (Paris Metro Pricing), is
suggested for dealing with congestion in packet networks such as the
Internet. It is to partition a network into several logical networks,
each of which would treat all packets equally on a best effort basis,
just as the current Internet does. There would be no formal
guarantees of quality of service. The separate networks would differ
only in the prices paid for using them. Networks with higher prices
would attract less traffic, and thereby provide better service. Price
would be the primary tool of traffic management.
1. Introduction
The Internet is the great success story of the 1990s. However,
endemic congestion has led to wide dissatisfaction, and there is
general agreement that new applications, especially real time ones
such as packet telephony, will require higher quality of service.
Various solutions to data network congestion are being developed,
typically involving bandwidth reservation or priority setting. (See
[Huitema, JordanJ, Keshav, Shenker2] for a discussion of some
proposals and references.) Many of the proposed schemes are
complicated, and involve substantial costs in both development and
operations. Furthermore, since the basic problem is that of
allocating a limited resource, any solutions will surely have to
involve a pricing mechanism. This is felt by some to be a blemish,
going against the tradition of the "free" Internet. Still, an
explicit charging mechanism does appear inevitable to prevent the
"tragedy of the commons" in which every packet is sent with the
highest possible priority. Following in the footsteps of Jonathan
Swift [Swift], I propose to turn a perceived burden into a solution,
and rely on usage-sensitive pricing to control congestion, bypassing
most of the complexity of other solutions. This should allow for
simpler networks that are easier to design and deploy and operate
The proposal (called PMP, an abbreviation of Paris Metro Pricing, for
reasons explained below) is to partition a network into several
logically separate networks. Each would have a fixed fraction of the
capacity of the entire network. (Some variations on this design are
possible and are discussed in Section 2.) All networks would route
packets using protocols similar to the current TCP and UDP, with each
packet treated equally. The only difference between the networks
would be that they would charge different prices. Customers would
choose the network to send their packets on (on a packet-by-packet
basis, if they wished), and would pay accordingly. There would be no
formal guarantees of quality of service, with packets handled on a
"best effort" basis. The expectation is that the networks with higher
prices would be less congested than those with lower prices.
All pricing mechanisms affect user demand, and thus can modify traffic
loads. For example, the discount for evening calls on the voice
telephone network shifts demand into the off-peak hours, and evens out
the load on the network. The PMP proposal is to go further and use
pricing as the main method of traffic management.
The PMP proposal was inspired by the Paris Metro system. Until about
15 years ago, when the rules were modified, the Paris Metro operated
in a simple fashion, with 1st and 2nd class cars that were identical
in number and quality of seats. The only difference was in the price
of 1st and 2nd class tickets. (The Paris regional RER lines still
operate on this basis.) The result was that 1st class cars were less
congested, since only people who cared about being able to get a seat,
not have to put up with noisy teenagers, etc., paid for 1st class.
The system was self-regulating, in that whenever 1st class cars became
too popular, some people decided they were not worth the extra cost,
and traveled 2nd class, reducing congestion in 1st class and restoring
the differential in quality of service between 1st and 2nd class cars.
The analogy of PMP with the Paris Metro should not be overdrawn. On
the Paris Metro, both 1st and 2nd class passengers arrived at the
destination at the same time. Different prices paid only for the
expected differential in discomfort caused by congestion. In PMP,
differences in service quality would be more complicated. For
example, packets on lower-priced networks would have a higher chance
of being dropped. The main point of the analogy is to show that a
simple pricing scheme can induce users to separate themselves into
classes that provide different quality of service, and that the
division can be self-stabilizing.
Pricing is a crude tool. Different applications vary in requirements
for bandwidth, latency, and jitter, for example. PMP would not
provide any specific Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Unlike ATM,
say, it would provide only a few channels, which would have only
expected levels of service, not guaranteed ones. Moreover,
subdividing a network into several pieces (even when the subdivision
is on the logical and not the physical level) loses some of the
advantages of statistical multiplexing that large networks offer. The
justification for PMP is that, for all its deficiencies, the Internet
does work, and with less congestion, even real-time applications can
be run. Furthermore, there is no simple characterization of what QoS
is required by different applications. The quality of service
perceived by users depends in complicated ways on quantitative
measures of network performance, and has a large subjective component.
Thus there is little hope of satisfying everyone's quality demands.
The hope of PMP is that a few classes of service will be satisfactory
for most applications, just as a few classes of airline service
suffice for most travelers, even though they have varied preferences
for leg room, food, air temperature, and other attributes of air
There are experts in the data networking community who argue that
instead of working on complicated network schemes, all resources
should be devoted to improving capacity (the "fat dumb pipe" model).
(See p. 138 of [Huitema] and [Steinberg].) Technology is changing
rapidly, and so there is an advantage to simple systems, since they
can be developed and deployed much faster. As an example, for all the
vaunted flexibility of ATM, it is currently being used primarily to
provide "fat dumb pipes" [Steinberg]. ATM happens to be the fastest
technology available, so it is deployed even though hardly any of its
features are used. However, "fat dumb pipes" by themselves are
unlikely to provide a workable solution, since all the evidence
shows that with zero marginal costs, traffic will always grow to
exhaust capacity. The PMP proposal is close to the "fat dumb pipe"
one in the spectrum of possible approaches to network management.
However, it brings in economic incentives to provide uncongested pipes
(and thus higher quality services) for those who need them.
PMP inverts the usual order in which networks are designed. Usually
an attempt is made to determine the QoS required by various
application, then the network is designed to provide that QoS, and
finally the prices are set. PMP sets the prices, and allows users to
determine, based on their requirements and budgets as well as the
feedback they receive about the collective actions of other user, what
QoS they will receive. The expectation is that the different logical
networks would usually have predictable performance and would provide
sufficient QoS variety to satisfy most needs.
The pricing mechanism of PMP is about as simple as that of any
usage-sensitive pricing scheme that has been proposed for the
Internet. Thus the additional complexity it would introduce is
minimal, and appears inevitable, since usage-sensitive pricing appears
inevitable. The advantage of PMP is that it would provide congestion
control essentially for free, once the pricing mechanism is in place,
with only minor changes to the network infrastucture being required to
handle the traffic management tasks.
The success of the Internet comes to a large extent from its
connectionless nature, which simplifies the tasks of both users (who
do not need to know anything about how their packets are handled) and
networks (which, aside from the issue of routing tables, only have to
react to local conditions, and do not need central or even distributed
end-to-end coordination). Lack of adequate QoS is now leading the
Internet community to consider bandwidth reservation policies such as
RSVP. These require network nodes along the path of a transmission to
coordinate their actions, and are thus "reinventing telephone
technologies" [Steinberg]. The hope is that PMP would permit
dispensing with measures such as RSVP and their complexity, and go
back to the simpler model of the traditional Internet.
PMP is also designed to be acceptable to users, who have a strong
preference for flat-rate pricing. It appears that consumers are
willing to tolerate substantial variation in quality of a service or a
product, but strongly prefer simple and predictable pricing schemes.
Section 2 presents PMP in greater detail. Section 3 discusses some of
the potential problems of PMP, and possible ways to overcome them.
Section 4 deals with the transition to PMP. Section 5 sketches the
arguments for usage-sensitive pricing of the Internet, and also
describes the public's aversion to such schemes, and the way in which
PMP might help reconcile the two. Finally, Section 6 briefly outlines
some of the other proposals for pricing data networks.
Modeling proposals such as PMP is hard, since our knowledge of the
Internet and of user requirements and responses to different pricing
schemes is sketchy at best. Appendix 1 presents some simple economic
models of the gains that one could obtain from schemes such as PMP.
Since there are large economies of scale and a steep learning curve in
networking, lower cost service can be secured for all users by
providing premium channels that attract additional, QoS-sensitive
users. Such users are currently crowded out by the traffic that is
insensitive to congestion.
Many aspects of PMP would require extensive research before it could
be considered for deployment. This note is only a sketchy initial
2. PMP
The main idea of PMP is simply to have several channels that differ in
price. They would offer different expected quality of service through
the action of users who select the channel to send their data on.
This section presents some methods for implementing this idea, and
also discusses some related issues.
The number of subnetworks in PMP should be small, possibly just two,
but more likely three or four. Having few networks minimizes losses
from not aggregating all the traffic, and also fits consumer
preferences (discussed in Section 5) for simple schemes. Furthermore,
it is known (cf. [Wilson]) that in many situations, most of the
economic gains from subdivision into different classes of service can
be gained with just a few classes. In other, somewhat similar
settings, a small number of classes of service has worked
satisfactorily. Some railroads in the 19th century had up to four
classes of cars, whereas today they operate with one or two. Airlines
mostly have either two or three classes of service.
The basic version of PMP mentioned in the Introduction assigns to each
subnetwork a fixed fraction of the capacity of the entire network.
One can also use priorities. In the proposals [BohnBCW, GuptaSW2],
for example, packets with higher priorities would always be treated by
a router before packets with lower priorities. The advantage of this
approach is that the full gain from aggregating all traffic on one
network would be obtained. However, allowing high priority packets to
block completely lower priority ones violates the fairness criterion
that appears to be important to consumers (see Section 5 for further
discussion of this topic). A better approach might be to use weights
in routing decisions, such as in the weighted round-robin technique
[Keshav]. One could also use different approaches in different parts
of the network. One can even mix these approaches on the same link.
For example, one could assign 40% of the capacity of the network to
class 1 traffic, and 60% to classes 2 and 3, with weighted priority
queuing determining what packets in classes 2 and 3 are to be sent
first. The fixed assignment of capacities to different classes of
service would probably be best for the core of the network.
In general, assignments of capacities and prices to the subnetworks in
PMP should stay constant for extended periods. This would fit
consumer preferences for simplicity and also allow usage patterns to
stabilize, and thus produce a predictable level of service on
different networks. However, it might also be desirable to have
different assignments of capacities and prices for nights and
weekends, to encourage better utilization.
PMP is concerned primarily with the user interactions with the
network. It does not specify how traffic management is to be carried
out inside the network. Methods such as Fair Queuing can be used with
PMP when appropriate, as can IP-switching and tag-routing. Just as
some current Internet IP traffic is carried by ATM networks, PMP
traffic can be sent over a variety of networks. The intention in PMP
is to reduce the traffic management task by inducing users to separate
themselves into classes with different requirements. This would
eliminate or at least reduce the need for approaches such as RSVP
[Huitema, Keshav], which violate the Internet's connectionless
approach, and require complicated coordination across the network.
However, PMP could be combined with RSVP, if that was felt to be
necessary, by having a separate channel devoted to traffic with
bandwidth reservations. (One could also carve out RSVP capacity out
of the lowest-cost channel.)
PMP is concerned only with usage-sensitive charges for data sent over
a network. Currently such charges are infrequent, but there strong
arguments (summarized in Section 5) that such charges will be needed
for efficient networks that provide the variety of new services that
are emerging. Other charges are already common. Flat monthly fees
based on the bandwidth of the access link currently pay for most of
the Internet. There are also charges for connect time (common in
Europe, for example, whereas in the U.S. they apply primarily for
access through 800 numbers, or for some online services), which are
appropriate when modems or telephone lines have to be paid for. (Such
charges would be less appropriate if data splitting equipment is
installed, so that data traffic does not use the switches of the voice
phone network.) Some charges of these types would be expected to
apply in addition to the usage-sensitive charges for PMP (but would be
considerably lower than if there was no charge for data loads). (For
a survey of different types of Internet access charges around the
world, see [OECD].)
PMP would also not deal with some other problems where charging might
be appropriate. The only effective way to deal with spam (massive
junk email) may well be to impose charges for email delivery.
However, a 200-byte spam message takes just as much effort to
recognize and delete as a 200-kilobyte message, while the costs of
handling a 200-byte message are extremely low. Therefore, to control
spam, email charges would have to be considerably higher than the
charges imposed by PMP, and should be considered separately.
PMP charges would be assessed on each packet, and would probably
consist of a fixed charge per packet and a fee depending on the size
of the packet. The combination of these two fees would depend on
network costs. Application software would undoubtedly be written to
generate packets of sizes that would minimize transmission costs, so
the prices would have to be "incentive compatible," in economists'
3. PMP problems and solutions
Would users find the lack of guaranteed quality of service (QoS) of
PMP acceptable? In voice telephony, experience has taught people to
expect a uniform and high level of service. However, that is an
exception. Most purchases (of books, cars, and so on) are made on the
basis of expected, not guaranteed, quality. (Section 5 has further
discussion of this topic.) Today's Internet provides extremely
variable and mostly low quality of service. This is only because
there is no alternative. Few people are happy with the service they
get, and some applications are impossible to implement or perform
poorly. This appears to be the driving force behind the numerous
proposals to provide quality of service guarantees. (See [JordanJ]
for an overview and references.) However, it seems likely that the
main problem is not the variability in quality of service on the
Internet but the generally low quality of that service. There are
fewer complaints about QoS on various institutional LANs and WANs,
which do not have any service guarantees, and even the Internet is
generally regarded as good in the early morning hours when it is
lightly loaded. This suggests that PMP, a best-effort system without
guarantees, but with several channels of different congestion levels,
might satisfy most needs.
Even though the concept of guaranteed QoS is attractive, it is largely
a mirage. The only ironclad guarantees that can be made are for
constant bandwidth. That is what voice phone users get, since 64 kbs
of network capacity is devoted to each call. In addition, this voice
call guarantee only applies to a connection that is established, as
there are periods of congestion when call attempts fail. There are
also occasional glitches, such as calls being dropped or noise on the
line, but they are infrequent enough not to be a problem. In data
networks, efficiency depends largely on statistical multiplexing of
sources with varying and unpredictable bandwidth demands. However, it
is clearly impossible to satisfy all user requirements and take
advantage of the efficiency of multiplexing. A 100 Mbs channel can
often handle 50 transmissions, each of which requires 1 Mbs on
average, but occasionally has bursts of 5 Mbs. However, if many of the
bursts occur at the same time, not all the demands can be
accommodated. The current TCP forces all transmissions to slow down,
which might be regarded as unfair to the sources that are transmitting
at low rates. UDP does not slow down at all, which is unfair to TCP
users. Many of the proposed schemes (and even existing ones, such as
those in Frame Relay networks) guarantee each source 1.5 Mbs of
capacity, say. Doing this, however, requires that the network have,
if not centralized, then at least closely coordinated control, to set
up end-to-end bandwidth reservations. Further, the network and the
transmitters have to negotiate for each session. The result for the
user, which, after all, should be the deciding factor, is that the
perceived performance of the network can degrade suddenly as a result
of unpredictable actions of others, when the bandwidth of a connection
drops down to the minimal guaranteed level. In particular,
applications have to be responsive to network conditions, just as
they have to be in a best-effort system like PMP.
Guaranteed QoS is a mirage for another reason as well. For at least
the next decade, it appears that ATM will not come to the desktop.
Hence most applications (aside possibly from services such as packet
telephony, which might use their own network infrastructure) will
start out on Ethernet-like networks, which are inherently best-effort.
PMP would do away with the complexity of network control. There would
be occasional service degradations, but if they are infrequent enough,
this should be acceptable. In PMP, the higher-priced networks would
be less congested, and would suffer less frequent service degradation.
A service with a minimal bandwidth guarantee of 0.5 Mbs could be
simulated by sending the most important 0.5 Mbs (the voice in a
videoconference call as well as the high order bits of the picture,
say) on a higher-priced channel, and the rest on a lower-priced one.
There would be no latency or packet delivery guarantees, but with a
sufficient differential in congestion on the two networks, the effect
could be comparable to that of conventional networks.
The main potential PMP problem is inefficiency. To provide a higher
QoS than the current Internet, the premium networks would need to be
less heavily loaded. Would capacity utilization have to be so low as
to make the scheme uneconomic? Unfortunately we do not have enough
information to answer this question. We do not even know how
efficiently the Internet is operating. There have been careful
studies of Internet performance (see [MonkC, NLANR, Paxson2,
YajnikKT] and especially [Paxson3]), but the difficulties of
collecting the data and analyzing it are substantial. There is not
even comprehensive and widely accepted data on packet loss rates
[Metcalfe]. There are regular workshops on Internet traffic
measurement (see [NLANR] for pointers to these and other information
sources), but the state of our ignorance about the Internet is
astounding. The large network providers do not provide basic data on
their total traffic or capacity utilization, and apparently many do
not collect careful statistics. It appears that every part of the
Internet is a bottleneck, and that the most serious choke points move
around. Even such notoriously congested links as the one across the
Atlantic do have periods when traffic moves smoothly.
The difficulties in deciding how efficiently the Internet is operating
substantial. For the voice phone network, the problem is much
simpler. Calls are discrete items, and are either completed or not.
The fraction of calls that are blocked provides a precise measure of
congestion. The AT&T voice phone network routinely operates at over
80% of its maximal capacity during the peak business hours, and few
calls are blocked. However, the total capacity utilization is in the
15-20% range, since there are few calls in the slack periods. (It is
worth mentioning that although these are precise figures, they are
based on the idea that a phone call is 64 kbs. With compression, much
lower transmission capacity would suffice. Thus even in the phone
network the measurement of capacity utilization is not easy.)
On the Internet, capacity utilization is much harder to define. The
statistics for the NSFNET compiled by Merit (and available through the
links at [NLANR]) show that this backbone, towards the end of its
existence, when it consisted exclusively of T3 lines, transmitted data
at a rate that was only about 5% of the link capacity. What this
presumably means is that the bottlenecks were elsewhere, most likely
at the routers, or at the links connecting to the backbone. We do not
know what the true capacity utilization was.
There are also problems in interpreting current Internet statistics.
For example, consider the 15-minute average throughput data for the
PacBell NAP for the period Aug. 3, 1997 to Aug. 27, 1997, available
through the links at [NLANR]. After removing the data for Aug. 14 and
15 (when apparently the entire NAP was down for a few hours), we find
that the minimum transmission rate was 50.3 Mbs, maximum was 309.4
Mbs, average was 222.3 Mbs, and the standard deviation was 48.0 Mbs.
Thus the average transmission rate was 72% of the maximal one, much
higher than for the phone network. Remarkably enough, the statistics
for just Saturdays and Sundays during that period show figures of
107.8, 273.3, 205.5, and 41.3, respectively. This is again in
contrast to the voice phone network, where there is little traffic
on weekends. Similar utilization profiles apply to the other major
switching points for which data is available at [NLANR].
One conclusion that could be drawn from these statistics is that the
Internet is much more efficient than the voice phone network, with
capacity utilization of over 70% as against 15-20%. However, such an
argument is easy to question. For one thing, the maximal
transmission rate through a node on the Internet under normal
conditions is much less than the theoretical throughput. This is
because data traffic is fractal [LelandTWW] (an observation that was
first made in LANs, and has now been confirmed in many other data
networks). This suggests that all data networks with heterogeneous
sources will use only a fraction of their capacity, a considerably
smaller fraction than the phone network does. There are further
complications. Taking the ratio of observed average traffic to
observed maximal traffic is a misleading utilization statistic, since
the observed maximum is small compared to capacity. Further, observed
traffic is not the same as useful traffic. When packets get lost,
they are retransmitted (when using TCP, for example), which inflates
traffic counts. The retransmission problem gets worse precisely when
congestion increases. (The TCP acknowledgement packets appear to pose
less of an overhead, but the routing information that is constantly
being transmitted is another burden.)
Probably the main conclusion that can be drawn from available traffic
statistics is that the Internet is terribly congested, and that it is
extremely inefficient in the social and economic sense by repressing
demand. Some of the apparently high utilization rate that is observed
for the PacBell NAP, for example, is caused by the desirable shift of
large data transfers (such as in mirroring databases) to the slack
night hours. Most of it, though, appears to be caused by not
satisfying existing and potential demand for data service. There is
some data available through [NLANR] on packet loss rates, which are
one indication of congestion. That is not the full story, though.
Most of the Internet traffic is TCP, which uses variants of Van
Jacobson's backoff algorithm (introduced in 1988 to prevent another
collapse of the type that the Internet had suffered then). This
algorithm slows down individual transmissions in the presence of
congestion. Further, this algorithm has the effect of slowing demand
from users, who, as a result of slow transmission, do less work on the
Net than they could otherwise. Therefore the actual demand for data
transmission is probably much higher during peak hours than is apparent
from the statistics.
One indication of the repressed demand for Internet service is
provided by comparing modem usage with traffic statistics. Data from
an ISP show that the average number of modems in use is about 30% of
the maximum number, a pattern of usage closer to that of the voice
phone network than of the transmission pattern through the NAPs, say.
This shows that it is not that traffic demand is more even on the
Internet than on the voice phone network. Instead, what we are
seeming is the result of severe congestion and rationing.
We are all familiar with highway traffic, when cars are moving
smoothly, and then a sudden perturbation leads to a jam. It is a
general phenomenon of queuing systems that close to a critical point,
small increases in utilization can yield dramatic deterioration in
service quality. Consider the simplest system, the M/M/1 queue. If
the average throughput is increased from 90% of maximum feasible to
99%, the average queue size will grow from 9 to 99, and therefore the
average time spent waiting in the queue will grow by the same factor
of 11. Conversely, if we decrease utilization from 99% to 90%, by
less than 10%, queue size and the time waiting in the queue will both
decrease by a factor of 11. Note that such dramatic increases in
service quality at small costs of efficiency are possible only near
the critical point. If the M/M/1 queue is operating at 50% of maximum
throughput, an 11-fold decrease in average queue size is possible only
by going down to a utilization rate of 1/11, a 5.5-fold decrease.
The analogy should not be overdrawn, but the data cited earlier
suggest that the Internet is operating closer to the 99% utilization
level than to the 50% level in a queue. Looking at queue sizes in
routers may be misleading, since most of the demand reduction is
probably coming from the automatic action of TCP and users' reactions.
Real congestion may be much worse. If this is true, small decreases
in network utilization might lead to dramatic improvements in
perceived QoS. The problem is how to achieve and maintain such a
reduction. Usage-sensitive pricing would provide an incentive for
users to keep their traffic demands from clogging the network, and
also for service providers to build the capacity that there is demand
Much better data on the perceived quality of service as a function of
capacity utilization is needed to determine how well PMP would
perform. The hope that PMP would not require extreme overengineering
of the network is supported by the observation that during the night
and early morning, the Internet provides much better perceived service
than during the busy hours. However, the load carried by the Internet
does not vary much, as is shown by data cited before for the NAPs.
Various additional aspects of PMP that are important for its operation
will not be dealt with here, as they would require further study, but
do not seem to be crucial. For example, how does a network that
implements PMP interoperate with one that does not? (A simple rule
might be to send all traffic from a network that does not use PMP on
the lowest priority subnetwork, but other rules could be more
appropriate.) How would revenues be split among different service
providers? Also, one would need to provide facilities for either the
sender or the receiver to pay for the transmission, a problem that
also occurs in other schemes. Both these problems have been
considered in the literature for other pricing schemes. How
frequently would the capacities and prices of different subnetworks in
PMP vary? (In particular, should there be off-peak discounts, given
that the Internet is a global network, and peak hours might occur at
different times in different regions?)
The remainder of this section concentrates on a few aspects of PMP.
One crucial problem is how to set prices and capacities of the
separate networks. This is a difficult problem in general. However,
it should not be too difficult to get nearly optimal solutions. Aside
from relying on customer surveys and user complaints, one could obtain
the necessary data from time of day variations in traffic patterns. I
suggest that prices and capacities of the networks should stay
constant for extended periods, to provide the predictability of price
and service quality that consumers like. (However, one might allow
for some time of day price variations, such as the evening discount on
long distance phone calls). Since consumers could choose for each
packet the network to send it on, I expect that some would go by some
general expectation of quality of service for different networks,
while others would hunt (using software on their computers) for the
cheapest way to satisfy their requirements. The latter class would
serve a role similar to that of speculators in commodity markets, who
provide liquidity. The natural variation in total demand for
transmission with time of day would lead these users to shift their
demand among different channels. This should allow network operators
to deduce what the distribution of consumer demands and valuations is.
For the PMP proposal to work, the performance of the different
networks has to be predictable, at least on average. Unfortunately,
the fractal nature of data traffic [LelandTWW] means that we have to
expect that all PMP channels will experience sporadic congestion. All
we can expect is that the higher-priced channels will experience this
service degradation less frequently. This could lead to network
instability, with degradation on one channel propagating to other
channels. For example, an extended congestion episode on the
lowest-priced channel might lead a large fraction of users of that
channel to decide to pay extra and send their packets to the
higher-priced networks, which would then become intolerably congested.
There are several ways to overcome this problem (should it turn out to
be a serious one). One is by modifying the charging mechanism.
Access to the premium channels might be not on a packet-by-packet
basis, but instead the user would pay for the right to send 1,000
packets on that channel in the next second. This would increase the
financial barrier to upgrading channels.
Another way to lessen the instability problem is to promote
segregation of different types of services on different networks. For
example, the lowest-priced network (where the price per packet might
be zero, as mentioned before) could have artificial delays and packet
losses induced by the network operators, to make it unusable for
videoconferencing, say. (For example, the capacity of the
lowest-priced channel could be lowered in slack times by requiring
that packets in that channel spend some time in the buffer before
being transmitted.) This would be analogous to the policies of
various companies. For example, Federal Express has next-day delivery
and "next-day-by-10am" delivery. Regular next-day delivery packages
that are available for delivery at 10 am are not delivered then, but
in a separate trip in the afternoon. This type of approach, referred
to as "damaged goods," has been studied by Deneckere and McAfee
[DeneckereM], who show that it is common in high-tech industries, and
that it often serves to promote social welfare. (This approach
appears to be especially suited for trade in information goods. See
[Odlyzko, Varian2].) Methods of this type could be used to induce a
more even load on the separate networks, and thus compensate for some
of the potential difficulties.
4. PMP implementation
The PMP proposal can be regarded as a logical development of some
current trends. Various Internet service providers (ISPs) are
planning to distinguish their networks through higher quality of
service (QoS), and plan to charge extra for that. Customers with
connections to several ISPs would then have a choice similar to that
in PMP. S. Keshav has pointed out that MCI is planning a network for
business customers that would be physically separate from MCI's
regular network for individuals. MCI customers who sign up for both
networks will then have a limited version of PMP available to them.
The PMP proposal would simply let each ISP offer its customers an
array of choices that they might have available through different ISPs
anyway, and should therefore be more efficient.
PMP would be easy to introduce. It would not be necessary to wait for
the deployment of IPv6 [Huitema] or other protocols. The current IPv4
packets already have a 3-bit priority field that is unused. (It was
used for only a brief period a decade ago [BohnBCW, Bailey].) Since
the number of networks in PMP is likely not to exceed 4, this is more
than sufficient. Interoperability would be easy, as all packets that
do not contain any bits indicating class of service could be sent on
the lowest cost (and lowest priority) network.
At least initially, the cost per packet on the lowest cost network
would undoubtedly be zero. There are strong arguments (see Section 5)
for usage-sensitive prices even on this network, but zero prices would
make this network look like the current Internet, and so make the
transition easier. It might also be possible to have zero prices on
this network in the long run during slack periods.
Eventually applications, such as videoconferencing software, would be
rewritten to give users the choice of network (and thus of quality of
their transmission channel) from within each application. Since that
would take time, initially one would need to write "wrapper" software
that would handle all IP traffic on a user's machine and set the
priority bits to the level specified by the user. Network
administrators would have a chance to police users' behavior at the
firewall. For example, a university might reset priorities of packets
coming from students' computers to that of the lowest class.
Inside the network, changes would only have to be done in the router
software. It would be necessary to maintain logically separate queues
or to give appropriate priority to packets from different channels.
The major change required in a network by PMP is the same one as that
needed for any usage-sensitive pricing scheme. It would be necessary
to install hardware or software to count the packets and bytes for
each user. Essentially all of this accounting could be done at the
edges of the network, although there would probably have to be some
measurement at the inter-ISP gateways. This task could be simplified
by using sampling. Unlike some other pricing schemes, PMP would not
require any detailed accounting or pricing decision to be made in the
core of the network, where speed of operations is the greatest
requirement, and so simplicity is desirable.
There is often a chicken and egg problem with introduction of new
network services. They require users to justify introducing the
service, but there are no users until the service is widely deployed.
PMP could be implemented within a single ISP initially, and used to
provide substitutes for private line and Frame Relay services for
large organizations that have several facilities in areas covered
by that ISP.
As with most other pricing schemes, there are still areas requiring
further research. For example, how should one charge for
multicasting? (Cf. [HerzogSE].) It would also be necessary to
arrange for 800-like services, in which the receiver pays. These have
already been considered in the literature, and the authenticated
transactions required for them can also be carried out just by the
service providers at the edges of the network.
5. The irresistible force runs into the immovable object
The need for usage-sensitive pricing appears to be irresistible. It
has impeccable economic logic as well as increasing practical evidence
behind it. Unfortunately, it collides with users' unshakeable
preference for flat-rate pricing. The problem is how to reconcile the
The case for usage-sensitive pricing of the Internet has been ably
made many times already, for example in [Clark2, GuptaSW4, MacKieMV1,
MacKieMV2, Shenker1, Shenker2, ShenkerCEH]. The basic problem is that
the demand for transmission capacity appears to be practically
unlimited, especially as high bandwidth services are developed. This
guarantees a continuation of the nearly constant congestion we are
experiencing right now. This congestion will make many novel
services, such as teleconferencing, impossible, as data transfers that
are insensitive to delay continue to crowd out all other traffic.
The basic argument in favor of usage-sensitive charges is magnified by
the many incentives for Internet users to behave in ways detrimental
to other users, an example of the "tragedy of the commons." When
America Online switched to flat-rate pricing at the end of 1996, its
system could not cope with increased demand. As it became harder for
users to get a new connection, they started leaving their
connections open even when they were not doing anything, seriously
aggravating the problem. For America Online, the problem was a
shortage of modems, which would not have been alleviated by
charging for packets sent. However, similar perverse incentives exist
on the Internet to increase data transfers. To get better performance
from the "World Wide Wait" while Web surfing, tools such as PeakJet
use the time that a user spends looking at a Web page to download all
pages linked to it, so that if the user decides to read one of them,
it can be fetched quickly from a local disk. The worse the
congestion, the greater the incentive for individuals to employ such
tools, and many servers have experienced overloads as a result.
Similarly, there is an increasing temptation to use systems such as
WebWhacker. This program can spend a whole night downloading Web
pages to the hard disk of a PC, just in case that PC's owner wants to
spend a few minutes looking at a small selection of those pages the
next day. While so far only local congestion problems have been
documented that are caused by PeakJet, WebWhacker, and similar
systems, their widespread use would overwhelm the current Internet.
Most computers on average use only a small fraction of the capacity of
their link to the Internet. PeakJet and WebWhacker exploit the full
available bandwidth. It would take fewer than 200,000 PCs (under 1%
of all networked PCs) connected at 28.8 Kbs to saturate the current
Internet (which is estimated to have a capacity of about 5 Gbs) if all
were downloading Web pages at a steady 28.8 Kbs rate. There is
nothing wrong with PeakJet and WebWhacker per se, as they can be
useful, especially when the user has urgent tasks and the local
connection to the Internet is slow. The main problem with such tools
is that with flat-rate pricing, they create incentives for users to
rely on them indiscriminately, even when the benefit to those users is
In general, the survival of the Internet owes much to altruism and
ignorance. There are all too many incentives for users to abuse the
system. These incentives are growing, and as the user population
becomes increasingly heterogeneous, less inclined to cooperate. The
official TCP standard requires transmissions to slow down when
congestion occurs, and the Internet would collapse without this
feature. However, there are many faulty implementations of TCP that
are already deployed, and if they were used more widely, the Internet
would almost surely suffer congestion collapses [Paxson1]. Further,
there is no effective method to prevent the creation and use of rogue
versions of TCP, which would speed up transmission of packets when
they encounter delays or packet losses. Such versions would provide
better service to their users (as long as not too many others follow
the same strategy and cause a collapse), and in a flat-rate pricing
environment would not cost those users anything extra.
Even without unintentionally defective or rogue implementations of
TCP, the Internet is already threatened by the growth of services that
use protocols such as UDP, which do not slow down transmission in the
presence of congestion [BradenFM]. Usage-sensitive pricing could
provide incentives for cooperative behavior. If every packet incurred
a charge, sending two copies of a packet to cope with network losses
would double the cost of the transmission, and induce marginal users
to postpone or abandon their transmissions.
Usage-sensitive pricing would also play a useful role in providing
incentives to service providers to build adequate capacity in the core
of the Internet. It is estimated that ISPs currently spend only about
a third of their budget buying bandwidth. Gains in market share
appear to be the highest priority, and providing good connectivity to
existing customers is secondary. This is only to be expected with the
current flat-rate scheme, since revenues depend only on the number of
Consumer usage as well as satisfaction with good or services depend in
large part on their subjective reactions to pricing schemes (cf.
[Brittan]). In particular, while the arguments for usage-sensitive
pricing seem to be irresistible, they run into users' seemingly
immovable preference for flat rates. This preference has attracted
considerable attention recently, especially when America Online was
forced to offer such a plan. However, there are many earlier examples
in the online world, as when services such as Prodigy and CompuServe
were forced to stop charging for individual email messages. Large
organizations also show a strong preference for flat rates. The
introduction by the U. S. Defense Data Network of usage-sensitive
pricing resulted in the different branches of the U. S. armed forces
building their own networks [Bailey]. This preference for flat rates
is not unique to data networking. It is a general phenomenon that was
probably first explored and documented in the context of pricing of
local telephone calls in the Bell System in the 1970s [CosgroveL]. In
practice, what it means is that consumers are willing to pay more for
a flat-rate plan than they would under a per-user pricing scheme.
This preference is being exploited by various businesses, to the
extent that there is even a utility that offers an annual supply of
natural gas for heating for a flat fee. (The fee is based on the
previous year's usage, with surcharges or refunds if consumption
deviates by more than 20% from the expected level.) As was already
recognized in [CosgroveL], there appear to be three main reasons for
the preference for flat rates:
(i) Predictability: Users know ahead of time how much the service
will cost, and do not have to worry about sudden large bills.
(A recent study showed that a large fraction of the households
in the United States that do not have telephone service could
afford it, since they have cable TV and other services.
However, they do not install phones since they are concerned
about family and friends generating large bills [MuellerS].)
(ii) Overestimate of usage: Customers typically overestimate
how much they use a service, with the ratio of their
estimate to actual usage following a log-normal distribution.
(iii) Hassle factor: With per-use pricing, consumers keep
worrying whether each call is worth the money it costs,
and it has been observed that their usage goes down.
Charges for local calls
in the United States had the effect of shortening the
lengths of calls, even when the charges were on a per-call
Flat rates are preferred by consumers, but they also have major
advantages for service providers. They were already advocated for
broadband services by Anania and Solomon in [AnaniaS], a paper that
was first presented almost a decade ago. On the Internet, they
eliminate the need for a traffic measurement and charging
infrastructure, which, even for a system such as PMP, where almost all
the work would be done at the edges of the network, would be costly to
implement. (Flat rates often have socially desirable effects, as
well. In pricing of household garbage disposal, they decrease dumping
of garbage, for example [FullertonK].)
Flat rate pricing often allows service providers to collect more
revenue. This is often true even when the user preferences mentioned
above (which are hard to incorporate into conventional utility
maximization arguments) are ignored. In general, flat-rate (or
subscription) pricing is likely to be dominant in sales of information
goods [BB, FishburnOS, Odlyzko, Varian1]. The conventional economic
utility maximization arguments show that the advantages of bundling
strategies (selling combinations of goods for a single price) increase
as marginal costs decrease (cf. [BakosB]). Even sales of software
are likely to be more profitable in the conventional arrangement of a
fixed fee for unlimited use than on a per-use basis [FishburnOS].
However, all those predictions are for goods and services with
negligible marginal costs. Moreover, there are often positive network
externalities that strengthen the case for subscription or site
licensing plans. For example, a software producer benefits from users
recruiting other users, generating enhancements to the basic package,
and so on.
While there are strong arguments, such as those mentioned above, that
flat-rate pricing will be increasing as electronic commerce grows,
those arguments have limited applicability to data network pricing.
What makes flat-rate local calling plans feasible is that making a
call requires time from the consumer. As a result, most households
make only about 5 local calls per day (of about 4 minutes each).
There would be no monetary cost for making more, but there would be a
cost in time. Similarly, demand for natural gas for heating does not
vary too much with price, since for most homes, the price of gas is
not a huge part of the budget, and maintaining a temperature of 90
degrees Fahrenheit appeals to few people. Internet access is
different, since the usable bandwidth is growing, and computers can
keep a link occupied even in the absence of human intervention.
Marginal costs are still negligible. However, there are substantial
negative network externalities. If Alice uses a word processor, that
does not preclude anyone else using it, and her usage is likely to
benefit others, who will be able to share files with her and consult
her about bugs. When she sends a packet, though, it can only impede
other users' transmissions. Therefore usage-sensitive pricing does
seem to be necessary. The problem is how to make it palatable to
Consumers have long accepted a variety of usage-sensitive rates. In
the United States, long distance phone calls have largely been paid
for on a per-use basis, and in most of the rest of the world even
local calls have traditionally incurred charges. While there is a
tendency towards flat rates in general, as marginal costs diminish and
it becomes easier to satisfy consumer preferences, this trend is not
universal. For example, Federal Express and United Parcel Service are
moving towards charging for delivery of express mail according to
distance, instead of using a flat fee. Even in Internet
transmissions, there have been many instances of charging for the
amount of transmitted data [Brownlee, OECD]. Such usage-sensitive
pricing appears to be spreading for large customers in the U.S., with
UUnet, MCI, and other carriers offering them. Many ISPs have declared
that they intend to move away from flat rate pricing for individuals.
It seems it should be possible to persuade users to accept
usage-sensitive pricing, especially if the benefits are made clear.
PMP should make the transition easier than with most other schemes,
since the lowest-priced channel could be offered initially at zero
cost per packet, and would thus behave just like today's Internet.
In PMP, the preference for flat-rate pricing can be partially
accommodated by selling large blocks of transmission capacity (giving
the user the right to send or receive 100 MB of data over a week
through the lowest priced channel, or 60 MB through the next most
expensive channel, say). Such pricing has worked well in long
distance telephony in the United States, with consumers typically
paying for more capacity than they used [MitchellV].
PMP offers a simple pricing plan with constant and easily understood
pricing, which is an advantage, as it fits consumer desires. It does
not offer any service guarantees, however. Such guarantees are
popular. L. L. Bean has developed an enviable reputation, partially
as a result of its no-questions-asked return policy. Cable TV
companies are trying to improve their notoriously bad customer
relations by offering days of free service when interruptions
occur. Marketing of telecommunications services to large corporate
users also increasingly relies on guarantees of features such as
availability and data delivery delays. However, few guarantees are
absolute, and most purchases are made on the basis of expectations.
The restaurant meals and books we buy, the movies we go to, even the
clothes we purchase after trying them on in a store, all involve large
elements of uncertainty about the quality we experience. When we
subscribe to a newspaper or a magazine, neither we nor the editors
know in advance precisely what we will get. Expectations, based on
our own experience, word of mouth recommendations, and other sources,
is what we rely on. Moreover, consumers are willing to accept
occasional large deviations from the expected quality of service. An
airplane passenger in first class may have an uncomfortable trip, if
there is a sick and crying child in the seat behind. On the other
hand, a coach passenger may have three seats to herself, enough to
stretch out and get a good night's sleep on a trans-oceanic flight,
and have a much better experience than those in first class. On
average, though, a first class ticket does provide superior service,
and that is enough to maintain a huge price differential. It seems
likely that consumers could accept the lack of guarantees of QoS in
PMP, especially if the average quality of different channels were
predictable enough.
Consumer and business behavior is often hard to fit into the standard
economic framework. A puzzle of modern economics is the reluctance of
businesses to use price overtly as a method of rationing popular goods
or services. With some minor exceptions, ski-lift ticket prices do
not depend on the quality of the snow, nor on whether it is the peak
vacation season. Opera tickets usually do not depend on who the lead
singers are, and admission prices to first-run movies do not depend on
the length of ticket lines. For some reason, free enterprise
companies prefer the socialist method of rationing by queue to that of
rationing by price. This appears to reflect a general public aversion
to the auction mechanism. During the oil crises of the 1970s, bizarre
gasoline rationing rules that were (correctly) derided by economists
as ineffective and inefficient were popular with the public. Laws
against ticket scalping are common, and are widely supported. Yet, to
most economists, scalpers fulfill a socially useful role of getting
tickets into the hands of those who are willing to pay the most for
them. The main puzzle for most economists in this area seems to be
that scalpers can make a living. Why don't theaters and sports arenas
simply adjust ticket prices to clear the market and appropriate to
themselves some of the gain that the public or the scalpers obtain?
However, that is simply not done, except in unusual circumstances.
There have been attempts to explain this phenomenon using conventional
economic utility maximization arguments (cf. [BarroR]), but they are
not entirely convincing. It seems likely that the cause lies more in
the realm of consumers' seemingly irrational economic behavior, whose
study was pioneered by Kahneman and Tversky. The challenge is to
design pricing schemes that approach the goal of efficiency that can
be achieved by auction mechanisms, and yet do respect consumer
aversion to the auction.
A particularly important role in consumer behavior in the economic and
political arenas is played by the notion of fairness [Odlyzko, Zajac].
Fairness is likely to play an increasing role in electronic commerce.
Decreasing marginal costs are increasing the incentives for sellers to
impose artificial barriers, and at the same time the nature of
electronic commerce makes it much more apparent to consumers that the
barriers are artificial. Therefore it will be increasingly important
to convince consumers of the fairness of pricing schemes. In the
design of PMP, assigning fixed capacity to different subnetworks is
likely to appeal to consumers more than some of the priority schemes
mentioned in Section 2. It avoids the appearance of an auction, in
which users willing to pay higher prices hog all the bandwidth. It
also throws the onus for congestion on other users, and not on the
network provider, which again seems to be more palatable.
6. Other pricing proposals
Several proposals have been made for usage-sensitive pricing.
Extensive information can be found on the Web site [Varian0] and in
the collection of paper edited by McKnight and Bailey (of which the
reference [AnaniaS] below is one). Further references, short
summaries, and criticisms can be found in [Clark1, Shenker1,
ShenkerCEH]. Here I only make a few remarks on the main features of
some of these proposals, and how they compare to PMP.
Among the earliest and most influential pricing proposals is that of
MacKie-Mason and Varian [MacKieMV1, MacKieMV2]. (A preprint with
their scheme had circulated much earlier. For extensions of their
work, see also [LehrW].) They propose imposing charges on packets
when those packets contribute to congestion. In particular, charges
would be zero when the network is not fully utilized. Their Vickrey
auction mechanism has some desirable properties. However, as is
pointed out in [Clark1, ShenkerCEH], for example, it requires
complicated systems to conduct an auction among individual packets
(which, moreover, would be most involved in the core of the network,
where simplicity is of highest value to obtain high speed of
operation). In addition, this proposal does not deal with the problem
that delay or loss of an individual packet at a single node is not a
good measure of network performance for most applications. Further,
since a packet typically goes over a dozen or more routers, in the
absence of global information about all routers on the path, how could
the user decide how much to bid to get through the first router on the
path? Finally, in terms of meeting customer preferences, the
MacKie-Mason and Varian proposal is likely to be unsatisfactory, since
it is impossible to predict how much it will cost to transmit any
single packet.
The Gupta et al. proposal [GuptaSW1, GuptaSW2, GuptaSW3, GuptaSW4] is
(oversimplifying a lot) to have a set of service classes and
priorities. As is pointed out in [Clark1, ShenkerCEH], there are
problems with this approach, among them that low priority classes
could fail to get any bandwidth at all if enough traffic from higher
priority classes show up. The scheme also has substantial overhead.
It requires collecting and processing extensive information about the
The schemes that are closest to PMP are those advocated by Clark
[Clark1, Clark2] and Shenker et al. [ShenkerCEH]. These authors
point out that quality as perceived by consumers is not just a matter
of minimizing packet delays or losses, but depends on the application,
and is hard to quantify. It is also highly unlikely that an optimal
policy can be found that would deal with the varied requirements of a
heterogeneous user population and many different services. Those
authors argue for edge pricing (i.e., charging at the entrance and
exit from the network, not based on what happens at internal nodes, as
is required by the MacKie-Mason and Varian proposal), which is a
feature of PMP. They also argue for at least some variant of Clark's
proposal of charging for expected usage, with those portions of a
consumer's offered load that deviate from negotiated statistics being
treated at lower priorities. (This part is similar to another
proposal of Kelly [Kelly].) The problem with charging for negotiated
usage profiles, just as with applications of future markets to
networks, is that they do not deal with the inevitable short-term
fluctuations in traffic. It is desirable to provide incentives for
users to either lower their load on the network or else switch to a
higher-priced network when congestion occurs.
Feng, Kandlur, Saha, and Shin [FengKSS1, FengKSS2, FengKSS3] have
proposed implementing services such as controlled-load and
guaranteed service (cf. [BradenCS]) without end-to-end network
coordination. They use adaptive packet marking with two classes,
with higher priority packets treated preferentially at the routers,
to provide soft guarantees of QoS. They are not concerned with
pricing as such, but appear to assume a variant of Clark's scheme
of charging for expected usage. In many ways their proposal is
similar to PMP in lack of hard QoS guarantees and having separate
classes of packets. However, they assume more intelligence in the
network (changing marking of packets, for example) and have just
two classes of packets. Their main concern is with modifying
TCP to accomplish their goals.
Acknowledgements: I thank Jerry Ash, Vijay Bhagavath, Steve Bellovin,
Kim Claffy, Kerry Coffman, John Denker, Nick Duffield, Bruce Emerson,
Anja Feldmann, Philippe Flajolet, John Friedman, Paul Ginsparg, Albert
Greenberg, Paul Henry, Andrew Hume, Chuck Kalmanek, S. Keshav, Chuck
McCallum, Nick Maxemchuk, Rodolfo Milito, Deborah Mills-Scofield,
Gerry Ramage, Jennifer Rexford, Paul Resnick, Don Towsley, Greg
Wetzel, Walter Willinger, and Pat Wirth for comments on an earlier
draft or providing useful information.
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Appendix 1. Gains from network segmentation
(Note: This appendix looks much better in the typeset version.)
Various aspects of PMP require additional study and modeling. Here we
consider only some simple models of the gains that can be obtained by
having logically separate networks that operate at different
utilization levels. These models are crude and are not specific to
PMP. Any other scheme that exploits the economies of scale of
aggregating traffic with different utilization levels would provide
comparable benefits in this model. For an example of other types of
economic models dealing with pricing in data networks, see
[CocchiSEZ], for example. Still, even these models may shed some
light on how benefits of better data networks would be divided.
We will assume that there are two types of demands for data transport.
Users (generally processes, and not individuals) will be assumed to
fall into types A and B. Type A users might correspond to bulk file
transfers that are not sensitive to delays. We will assume that when
the price is x (per byte, say), type A users will wish to send
a / ( x exp(x) ) (A1)
bytes (per day, say). They will then generate network revenues of
a exp(-x). (A2)
This is an unconventional model, but might not be unreasonable for
data traffic, with total demand limited primarily by general budget
constraints at low prices. Note that historically, prices of data
transmission have been dropping, but total spending has been climbing.
We will assume that the cost (the ongoing operational cost, as well as
depreciation and profit, which will be assumed to be limited by
competition) of operating a network that carries w bytes is
c * w^{3/4} (A3)
for some constant c > 0. This is a conservative assumption, since it
corresponds to less than a 16% reduction in costs when the network
doubles in size (2^{3/4} = 1.68179...). The economies of scale faced
by a single ISP that moves from purchasing T1 lines to T3 lines or the
learning curve experience faced by the network equipment manufacturers
justify assumptions of even higher reductions in costs, which
correspond to exponents even lower than the 3/4 assumed above.
With the above assumptions, if there are only type A users, we expect
the cost of the network to equal the revenues, so that
a exp(-x) = c * ( a x^{-1} exp{-x} )^{3/4}, (A4)
which is equivalent to
x^3 exp{-x} = a^{-1} c^4. (A5)
The unique maximum of x^3 exp{-x} occurs at x=3 and equals 27 exp{-3}
= 1.344250.... Hence for combinations of a and c with c^4 > 27 a
exp{-3}, (i.e., high costs of network compared to demand), there is no
price x that will recover costs, and so the network will not be built.
For c^4 < 27 a exp{-3}, there will be two solutions for x, and it is
the smaller one, call it xA, that will be preferred, since it
corresponds to higher revenue and higher traffic.
Suppose that there are also type B users, who will only use a network
when its utilization rate is at most half of that acceptable to type A
users. (This is a pessimistic assumption, since it seems likely that
much smaller reductions in network loads would suffice to produce
substantial improvements in service.) Suppose that at price x, they
will generate traffic of
b x^{-1} exp{-x}. (A6)
Constructing a separate network for these users will cost
c ( 2 b x^{-1} exp{-x} )^{3/4} (A7)
(the 2 coming from lower utilization rate), and bring revenues of
b exp{-x}. (A8)
Thus in this case the price x that equalizes revenue and cost is a
solution to
x^3 exp{-x} = 8 b^{-1} c^4 (A9)
(provided it exists, which happens when 27 b >= 8 c^4 e^3). We will
use xB to denote the minimal solution to (A9).
Suppose a single network with a single price were to be built for both
type A and type B users. Then its average utilization would have to
be half that of a network meant for type A users alone, and so at
price x would have revenue
(a+b) exp{-x} (A10)
but cost
c ( 2 (a+b) x^{-1} exp{-x} )^{3/4}. (A11)
Hence the price x that equalizes cost and revenue would have to
x^3 exp{-x} = 8 (a+b)^{-1} c^4. (A12)
We let xAB denote the minimal solution to (A12) (when one exists,
which happens precisely for 27 (a+b) >= 8 c^4 e^3). We note that if b
> 7a, so demand from type B users is large compared to that of type A
users, type A users will benefit by having lower prices than if they
had their own network, since xAB < xA. If b is small compared to a,
though, then even if xAB exists, xAB will be larger than xA, so type A
users will be paying more than if they had their own network. They
will also get better service, but the assumption is that they do not
need it. (Note that type B users will always benefit from having type
A users on their network, as prices will be lower, reflecting greater
economies of scale.)
Suppose finally that we can have two networks for type A and type B
users that are logically separate but physically part of the same
network. We also assume that the provision of the logical separation
imposes negligible additional costs. Then, if the price for type A
users is set at y and those of type B at z, revenue will be
a exp{-y} + b exp{-z} (A13)
and the cost of the network will be
c ( a y^{-1} exp{-y} + 2 b z^{-1} exp{-z} )^{3/4}. (A14)
Prices y and z now need to satisfy
a exp{-y} + b exp{-z} =
c ( a y^{-1} exp{-y} + 2 b z^{-1} e^{-}z )^{3/4}.
Since we have two prices to select, we have more freedom of choice.
By letting y -> infinity or z -> infinity we can reduce to networks
that cater exclusively to type B and type A users, respectively.
Intermediate choices are more interesting, though. We consider a few
Example 1. a=b=3, c=1.
We have xA = 0.9524456..., xAB = 2.784204..., while xB does not exist.
The network for type A users only produces traffic of 1.215175..., and
revenues of 1.157389... (in the arbitrary units we are using). A
single network for type B and type A users would produce revenue of
0.3706693... from traffic of 0.133132..., and so clearly would not be
built, since both type A users and service providers would be much
better off with a network just for type A users. On the other hand,
consider a single physical network that has separate channels for the
two types of users. Setting prices y= 0.9 and z= 1.33865... leads to
total traffic of 1.942837... (about 1.355 of type A and 0.587 of type
B) and total revenues of 2.00630..., 1.2197... from type A traffic
and and 0.78659... from type B traffic. Note that the gain to type A
users from a network that accomodates type B users is relatively
slight. The price they pay is reduced only by 5.5%. (The prices y=
0.9 and z= 1.33865... were selected to be close to those that
maximize total revenue. Lowering the price y substantially below 0.9
quickly leads to declining revenues and soon after that there is no
choice for z that will satisfy Eq. (A15).) The main benefit goes to
type B users, who are offered a service they are want at a price they
are willing to pay, and to network providers, whose revenue (and
presumably profit) grows by 73%.
Example 2. a=20, b=10, c=1.
Then the optimal prices are xA = 0.424384..., xB = 1.56303..., and xAB
= 0.85627... for networks designed for type A traffic only, type B
traffic only, and both types on the same network, respectively. We
next consider a single physical network with logically separate
networks for the two types of traffic. Total revenue is maximized
with prices close to y=0.42 and z= 0.606846.... The traffic and
revenue results of this choice for prices is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Traffic on various networks in Example 2
network traffic revenue
A only 30.8293 13.0834
B only 1.3403 2.0950
A+B on single network 14.8809 12.7422
A+B on logically 40.2699 18.5916
separate networks
As in Example 1, type A users experience a slight gain, while type B
users find their price drops by a factor of 2.5 (compared to relying
on a totally separate network just for their own traffic). Networks
operators have a revenue gain of 22% (compared to running separate
networks for the two types of users).
Example 3. a=10, b=20, c=1.
Then the optimal prices are xA = 0.55928..., xB = 1.04321..., and xAB
= 0.85627... for networks designed for type A traffic only, type B
traffic only, and both types on the same network, respectively. A
single physical network with logically separate networks for the two
types of traffic and prices y=0.53 and z= 0.69381... results in
higher traffic and revenues, as is shown in Table 2. A
revenue-maximizing network provider would be almost indifferent
between having physically separate networks for the two types of users
and a single one that gives all traffic the quality of service
demanded by type B users. (Type B users would benefit from having a
single network, type A users would lose from it.) However, a single
physical network with logically separate channels would increase
revenues by 24%.
Table 2. Traffic on various networks in Example 3
network traffic revenue
A only 10.2206 5.7162
B only 6.7545 7.0463
A+B on single network 14.8809 12.7422
A+B on logically 25.5093 15.8794
separate networks
In all these examples, gains to type A users are small. This may help
to explain why there has not been more pressure from users of the
current Internet (whose applications almost by definition have to work
reasonably well even in the presence of congestion) for higher quality
of service.
In the three examples above, a and b are comparable, which means that
the potential traffic from users of types A and B is assumed
comparable. This might seem unrealistic, given that the bulk of
current Internet traffic appears to be insensitive to congestion.
However, the current distribution of traffic is unlikely to be typical
of what would be seen if choices were offered. Much of Web surfing
would surely move to higher-priced channels if those provided better
quality of service. Furthermore, while the Internet is large and
growing rapidly, it is still dwarfed by the private line and frame
relay networks. Large fractions of the traffic from those networks
could be diverted to the Internet if the latter could be improved.