Movies and Mathematica code connected with the paper
Olver, P.J., and Sheils, N.E., Dispersive Lamb systems, preprint, 2017. pdf
The following plots are all for a system that begins at rest with zero initial velocity: u(0,x)=u_t(,x)=0. Each plot is tagged by the associated dispersion relation.
The Mathematica document used to make these vidoes is available here. These videos are also available on YouTube.
The Bidirectional Lamb Model
The wave equation on the whole line:
The Periodic Lamb Model
The wave equation on a periodic domain:
Bidirectional Dispersive Lamb Models
Linearized Boussinesq on a periodic domain
Dispersive Klein-Gordon on a periodic domain:
Water wave dispersion on a periodic domain:
ω=(k tanh(k))1/2
Regularized Boussinesq on a periodic domain: