We consider the semilinear parabolicequation $u_t=\Delta u+f(u)$
on $R^N$,
assuming that $f$ is an arbitrary $C^1$ function satisfying $f(0)=0$
$f'(0) < 0$. We prove that any bounded positive solution that decays
to zero at
spatial infinity, uniformly with respect to $t$, converges to a (single)
solution as $t\to\infty$. Our proof combines energy and comparison
with dynamical system arguments. We first establish an asymptotic
result: as $t\to \infty$, $u(x,t)$ approaches a set of of steady states
that are radially
symmetric about a common origin in $R^N$. To this aim we introduce
a new tool
that we call first moments of energy. Having established the
symmetrization, we
apply a general convergence result for gradient-like dynamical
systems. This
amounts to showing that the dimension of the kernel of the linearized
around an equilibrium $w$ matches the dimension of a manifold
of equilibria
passing through $w$.