We consider the Dirichlet problem for the semilinear equation
$\Delta u+f(u)=0$ on a bounded domain $\Omega\subset
\mathbb R^N$. We assume that $\Omega$ is convex in a direction $e$
and symmetric about the hyperplane $H=\{x\in\mathbb R^N:
x\cdot e=0\}$. It is known that if $N\ge 2$ and $\Omega$ is of class
$C^2$, then any nonzero nonnegative solution is necessarily strictly
positive and, consequently, it is reflectionally symmetric
about $H$ and decreasing in the direction $e$ on the set
$\{x\in\Omega: x\cdot e>0\}$. In this paper, we prove the
same result for a large class of nonsmooth planar domains. In
particular, the result is valid if any of the following
additional conditions on $\Omega$ holds:
(i) $\Omega$ is convex (not necessarily symmetric) in the
direction perpendicular to $e$,
(ii) $\Omega$ is strictly convex in the direction $e$,
(iii) $\Omega$ is piecewise-$C^{1,1}$.