This will be the 9th annual Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference. In the past, the conference has been held at Illinois, Penn State, Auburn, Kentucky, UC Davis, Washington, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
The conference features 20 minute talks by graduate students in parallel rooms, along with hour long talks from the plenary speaker. This year's plenary speaker is Adriano Garsia of UCSD. Everyone is encouraged to give a talk. Talks on your own research are encouraged, but you should also feel free to give a talk on an open problem or an interesting subject.
The conference poster is available in PNG and as a (rather large) PDF. (Note that the poster says the conference is the 20th and 21st, not 19th-21st.)
Questions? E-mail
Adriano Garsia is well-known as a gifted expositor, educator, and champion of combinatorics. He is the master of manipulatorics, a co-discoverer and explorer of the mysteries of diagonal harmonics, and has made many other deep contributions to representation theory, symmetric functions, and algebraic combinatorics. We are honored that Adriano Garsia has agreed to be the keynote speaker for this year's GSCC.
Photos from the conference are here.
In 2014, the GSCC will be at Auburn.
If you registered after March 1st and requested funding, we're currently checking whether funding is available for you.
The deadline for requesting funding was the 28th of February. You can still register for the conference, but you should not count on funding being available. At this point (March 8), you should also not count on being able to give a talk.