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In general you
will find me to be easy-going, and I will treat you with the respect that
you deserve as an adult. As part of that, I expect and trust that you
will not cheat. You will face severe consequences if I find my trust and
respect has been misplaced. Academic dishonesty will not be
tolerated. Cheating on homework, quizzes or tests will result in a
failing grade on the assignment or test, and usually further sanctions,
possibly including a failing grade in the course or further sanctions
through the university. Any collaboration on quizzes and tests given in
class will be considered cheating.
However, please do collaborate on learning how to do the homework.
After cooperating on learning how to do a problem, each student must do
the problem themselves to turn it in. Copying homework, or turning in
homework that you did not do yourself, is considered cheating.
Jonathan Rogness