A few extra answers for some of the suggested study problems from Section 3.4. I'm not intending to post a solutions manual for this section, so details are sparse; talk to us via email or in person if you're having trouble justifying the correct answer. 1. The following are true: (a,b,d,f,g,h) 2. In this problem, (c,d,e,f) are not covered in this course. Of the remaining parts, (a,i) are true. 3. Answers are in the back. 4. (a) every point in this set is a boundary point, as is 0. (b) {0,5} (c) every point in this set is a boundary point, as are 0 and 2 (d) every point in this set is a boundary point, as is sqrt(2) (e) {2} 5. (a) Neither (b) Closed (c) Neither. (every pt is a boundary pt, but so are all the irrationals) (d) Both. (It's the empty set) (e) Closed. It's [4.5,5.5] (f) Open. Its (-infinity,0)U(0,infinity)