The quote at the beginning of this lab is from It's near the bottom of the page. Much of the expository material in this lab is by Jonathan Rogness; the "Driving in the Rain" example is a standard one and no claim of originality is made here. (In fact, I spent some time searching on the web to determine who first wrote this example down without any luck; at least 5-10 other math courses throughout the country have posted similar examples, though.) The rest of the lab (including the "Batman-ization") is by Dan Drake. Comments and questions are welcome to either of us.
This lab is copyright 2002, 2004 by Daniel Drake ( and Jonathan Rogness ( and is protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. You can find more information on this license at
Although it's not specifically required by the license, I'd appreciate it if you let me know if you use parts of our labs, just so I can keep track of it. Please send me any questions or comments!
Created by Mathematica (November 6, 2004)