International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For
Scientific And Industrial Applications
July 1 -- 3, 2018
Twin cities, Minnesota
Abstracts and posters
Send your submission to with the exact subject line:
[the e-mail is filtered - so make sure to use
exactly this subject line]
Please use the template latex file provided for your abstract:
LastNameTemplate.tex .
The file
submission.tex is provided so you can run latex on your
abstract and check it -- but you need not send this to us.
Your submission should consist of a short message (optional) along
with your
LastNameTemplate.tex file discussed above as an attachment.
You can also attach other files containing accompanying
figures if needed.
If you submit a poster indicate so in the title by preceding the title with: "(Poster)"
If your abstract is for an Invited Presentation indicate so in the title by preceding the title
with: "(IP)"
A mini-symposium will consist of 4 talks (session of 2h) or 8 talks
(two 2h-sessions)
If you submit a Mini-Symposium (MS) your title should be like
"Minisymposium: title of Minisymposium". Please include the
names and tentative titles of the speakers in you MS in the
Use the same
LastNameTemplate.tex templace file (and instructions)
discussed above as an attachment to submit your MS abstract.
Once your MS is accepted, please have speakers in your
session submit abstracts for their own talks.