My research interests include:
Sparse matrix computations, parallel algorithms, eigenvalue problems,
matrix methods in materials science; Linear algebra methods for
data analysis.
My technical reports can be accessed in the
PDF format. They are listed by year.
A bibtex file "saad.bib" is also available.
Click Here for information on my books
(1) "Numerical methods for large
eigenvalue problems", SIAM, (2011)
(2) "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems", WPS, (1996);
and (3) The 2003 edition of this book from SIAM.
Several software packages for solving linear systems are available online.
Go to the Software page for additional details
and links. Here are the most important ones:
SPARSKIT A basic tool-kit for sparse matrix computations
(Written in fortran 77).
parallel Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solver (pARMS)
Iterative Solution module (now includes Zitsol the complex variant).
Other packages and links to existing packages can be found in the
Software page.
Here are the main courses I tought in the past few years:
Computational Aspects of Matrix Theory (csci 5304);
Elementary Computational Linear Algebra (csci 2033);
Analysis of numerical algorithms (csci 5302);
Sparse matrix computations (csci 8314) ; and
Introduction to Parallel Computing (csci 5451).
Lecture notes are
generally posted on the Teaching
web-site for the year when the course is taught. I also post recent
tutorials given - generally on topics in numerical linear algebra.