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Main reading for Monday, March 3rd:
David Fifield, Gabi Nakibly, and Dan Boneh. “OSS: Using online
scanning services for censorship circumvention”. In Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (PET), pages 185–204, Bloomington,
IN, USA, July 2013.
Main reading for Wednesday, March 5th:
Eric Wustrow, Scott Wolchok, Ian Goldberg, and J. Alex
Halderman. “Telex: Anticensorship in the network
infrastructure”. In USENIX Security Symposium, San
Francisco, CA, USA, August 2011.
Not selected:
Kevin P. Dyer, Scott E. Coull, Thomas Ristenpart, and Thomas
Shrimpton. “Protocol misidentification made easy with
format-transforming encryption”. In ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 61–72,
Berlin, Germany, November 2013.
Philipp Winter, Tobias Pulls, and Jürgen
Fuß. “ScrambleSuit: a polymorphic network protocol to
circumvent censorship”. In Workshop on Privacy in the
Electronic Society (WPES), pages 213–224, Berlin, Germany,
November 2013.