University of Minnesota
Security and Privacy in Computing

Readings on: smartphones

Possible main readings: Adrienne Porter Felt, Elizabeth Ha, Serge Egelman, Ariel Haney, Erika Chin, and David Wagner. “Android permissions: user attention, comprehension, and behavior”. In Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Washington, DC, USA, July 2012.

Adwait Nadkarni and William Enck. “Preventing accidental data disclosure in modern operating systems”. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 1029–1042, Berlin, Germany, November 2013.

Sebastian Uellenbeck, Markus Dürmuth, Christopher Wolf, and Thorsten Holz. “Quantifying the security of graphical passwords: the case of Android unlock patterns”. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 161–172, Berlin, Germany, November 2013.