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Possible main readings:
Eric Wustrow, Scott Wolchok, Ian Goldberg, and J. Alex
Halderman. “Telex: Anticensorship in the network
infrastructure”. In USENIX Security Symposium, San
Francisco, CA, USA, August 2011.
David Fifield, Gabi Nakibly, and Dan Boneh. “OSS: Using online
scanning services for censorship circumvention”. In Privacy
Enhancing Technologies (PET), pages 185–204, Bloomington,
IN, USA, July 2013.
Kevin P. Dyer, Scott E. Coull, Thomas Ristenpart, and Thomas
Shrimpton. “Protocol misidentification made easy with
format-transforming encryption”. In ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 61–72,
Berlin, Germany, November 2013.
Philipp Winter, Tobias Pulls, and Jürgen
Fuß. “ScrambleSuit: a polymorphic network protocol to
circumvent censorship”. In Workshop on Privacy in the
Electronic Society (WPES), pages 213–224, Berlin, Germany,
November 2013.