University of Minnesota
Program Analysis for Security


The latest course announcements will be posted here.

5/14: The solutions for hands-on assignment 2 are now linked from the assignments page.

5/8: The Moodle assignment for turning in the final project report is now available, as are the solutions for hands-on assignment 1. The web page now correctly reflects the cancellation of hands-on assignment 3.

4/6: The course Moodle page, which you should use for turning in hands-on assignment 2, is now available to students.

4/3: The deadlines for the interim project report, and the final question of hands-on assignment 2, have been extended. The project page also now includes more details about the interim report.

3/29: The complete schedule of readings for the second half of the semester has now been filled in.

3/25: The second hands-on assignment, on binary rewriting using assembly language, is now linked from the Assignments page.

2/25: Started a Project page with information about the one-page proposal due this Friday.

2/20: Updated the Assignments page with a description of the policy for partial credit on late hands-on assignments.

2/13: The first hands-on assignment has been updated with the extended due date and submission instructions, and a pointer to a different copy of KLEE on dio.cs.

2/8: The first hands-on assignment, covering symbolic execution with KLEE and a little bit of binary code reading, is now linked from the Assignments page.