The 2015 Midwest Combinatorics Conference will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tuesday-Thursday May 19-21 2015.
Plenary Speakers: There will be two 60 minute talks by each of the three plenary speakers:
Ben Brubaker, University of Minnesota
Location: The venue is
Vincent Hall on the
University of Minnesota campus.
Conference program:
There will be additonal 30 minute talks by invitation only.
Here is a
list of registered participants. Here is the program
for the conference.
Speakers, Titles, and Abstracts/pdf's of Talks:
Plenary Speakers
Ben Brubaker, University of Minnesota, Combinatorial
Solutions to Automorphic Problems
Invited Speakers
Ben Braun, University of Kentucky, Geometric properties of r-stable hypersimplices
Here is a link for some conference photos.
Registration: There is no registration fee, and all are
invited to attend the talks. However all participants must register by April 1, 2015
by sending e-mail to Dennis
Hotels: Nearly all participants will stay at the
Days Inn.
If you are supported by the conference we will book a room there
for you. Another
nearby hotel (even closer)
is The Commons Hotel.
Local Travel Information: The MSP airport (terminals 1 and 2) has stops for the
light rail transit (LRT) serving Minneapolis and St. Paul. To get to the Days Inn via the LRT,
first buy your ticket ($1.75 or $2.25) at the automated ticket machine, which is located
between the down escalators which take you to the LRT airport underground station.
It is likely that no one will take your ticket.
Then board the train (Blue) going to downtown Minneapolis. Get off after 9 stops at Downtown East,
and change to the Green train to St. Paul. (You will cross the tracks to change.)
The Stadium Village stop (3 stops) is The Days Inn. A transit map is
Taxi service is also available, an approximate fare is $40. There is no reimbursement for
taxis or the LRT.
Social Events: There will be an informal reception, 5:30-6:30 on Tuesday in Vincent
Hall. On Wednesday night at 8 pm there is an after dinner wine/dessert party at Vic Reiner's house.
Other Events: There are 2 combinatorics seminar talks on Friday May 22, see
this schedule.
Travel support: The conference does offer
travel/local support
particularly to
graduate students and people early in their career. Others may also apply
for support.
Travel awards now (February 17, 2015) are being made. NEW! (March
17, 2015) Travel support funds are dwindling, you should apply as
soon as possible.
Organizing Committee:
Questions may be sent to any of us.
Acknowledgement: This conference is supported by NSF RTG Grant DMS-1148634.
Sergey Fomin, University of Michigan
Steven Sam, University of California, Berkeley/University
of Wisconsin, Madison
Sergey Fomin, University of Michigan, Webs, invariants, and clusters and
Computing without subtracting (and/or dividing)
Steven Sam, University of California, Berkeley/University
of Wisconsin, Madison, Schur-Weyl duality and
Matthew Dyer, University of Notre Dame, Poincaré series of
Coxeter groups and multichains in Eulerian posets
Eric Egge, Carleton College, Snow Leopard Permutations, Even Knots, Odd Knots,
Janus Knots, and Restricted Catalan Paths
Richard Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky, The descent set
polynomial revisited
Ryan Kinser, University of Iowa,
New inequalities for subspace arrangements
Aaron Lauve, Loyola University, The characteristic polynomial of the antipode
for combinatorial Hopf algebras
Jeremy Martin, University of Kansas, A non-partitionable Cohen-Macaulay
simplicial complex
Kyle Petersen, DePaul University, Surrounding Gessel's conjecture
Bruce Sagan, Michigan State University,
Of antipodes and involutions
John Shareshian, Washington University in St. Louis, Subrack
lattices of group racks
Anna Stokke, University of Winnipeg, Increasing tableaux and the
cyclic sieving phenomenon
Bridget Tenner, DePaul University, Enumeration problems about
reduced words
Martha Yip, University of Kentucky, A categorification of
the chromatic symmetric function
Alex Yong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Combinatorics and geometry of symmetric orbit closures
Fabrizio Zanello, Michigan Technological University,
Partitions with distinct parts and
Gregg Musiker
Pasha Pylyavskyy
Vic Reiner
Dennis Stanton