About me

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My name is 张文泽 (Wenze Zhang) and I go by Sylvester. I publish under Sylvester W. Zhang.

I am a fourth year Ph.D student in Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, the same place where I did my undergraduate studies.

I am currently working on algebraic combinatorics under the guidance of Pasha Pylyavskyy.

About me

My name is 张文泽 (Wenze Zhang) and I go by Sylvester. I publish under Sylvester W. Zhang.

I am a fourth year Ph.D student in Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, the same place where I did my undergraduate studies.

I am currently working on algebraic combinatorics under the guidance of Pasha Pylyavskyy.

Contact Info

  • Email
  • Office
    Vincent Hall 426
  • Virtual Office
    Zoom Link.
    Math 2263.
  • Address
    206 Church Street SE
    Minneapolis, MN 55455
  • Office Hours
    Spring 2022

Contact Info

Combinatorics at Univ. of MN

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The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.