ACM Distinguished Scientist (2009 - )
ACM SIGCHI President (2015 - 2018)
ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Membership and Communications (2009 - 2012)
Co-chair, 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2002)
Human-Computer Interaction
Social Computing
Recommender Systems
Online Communities
User Interface Design
Graphical User Interfaces
Location-Based Systems
Web search and information management
Click here for a complete C.V. in PDF format, current as of June 2015.
I currently carry out research in two major areas:
The best way to find my publications is through a Google Scholar search. You can also find a list of all the publications from my research lab here.
I hold 10 patents on a broad variety of topics in web search, information management, intelligent interfaces, and graphical user interfaces. I have consulted on a number of intellectual property cases on issues such as location-based advertising, context-sensitive advertising, intelligent web search, and graphical user interfaces. Professional references available on request.