Math 1572H Honors Calculus Spring Semester 2002
Assignment 7 - Due Thursday 3/14/2002
Hand in the starred (*) problems.
Read: Simmons, Sections 13.3, 13.4. I was over-enthusiastic in the last assignment in expecting to get to section 13.3, so the questions on that section from assignment 6 are not due on 3/7/02, but reappear here. This is difficult material, so I only specify two sections.
Sec. 13.3: 2b, 2i, 2l*, 5b, 5e*, 5f, 5g*, 5h, 10a, 12*
Sec. 13.4: 1, 2, 2a*, 2b*, 2c*, 2e* 3c, 3d, 6, 8*
A*. (This in an exercise on the logic of the definition of the limit of a sequence given on page 433.) Consider whether or not a sequence {xn} has the number 7 as its limit. Which of the following correctly expresses the statement that xn does not tend to 7 as n tends to infinity. Give some brief explanation!
(i) For each positive number e and for every positive integer n0 there exists a number n > n0 with |xn - 7| > e.
(ii) There is a positive number e for which there is a positive integer n0 so that for every number n > n0 we have |xn - 7| > e.
(iii) There is a positive number e such that for every positive integer n0 there is a number n > n0 with |xn - 7| > e.
B*. Let . Find a number n0 so that for every n > n0 we have an < 1/10.