Math 3592H Honors Mathematics I Fall Semester 2008
Assignment 3: Modification I am still not covering enough material in class to keep up with the homework I set. On Thursday 9/25/2008 hand in only the questions 2, 3, 4, 5 about vector geometry, and from Section 1.5 questions 4, 6 only. In other word, do not hand in question 14 from Section 1.5. See below for what happens to the rest of the questions!
Assignment 4 - Due Thursday 10/2/2008
Read: The rest of Hubbard and Hubbard Section 1.5.
Hand in only the exercises which have stars by them.
Section 1.5: 8, 9, 10* (assume 9 without proof), 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21a*, 22, 23c*, 23e*
Extra questions:
1*. Consider the sequence of points in given by
. Find a number M so that
for every n with n > M.
2*. Consider the function which appears in question 14d of Section 1.5. Find a positive number d so that |(x,y) - (1,2)| < d implies |f(x,y) - 6| < 0.1 .
The first mid-term exam will be held in the recitation on Thursday October 2. The material which will appear on the exam will be taken from sections 1.1 - 1.5, together with material such as has appeared in the extra questions I have written out on this assignment sheet and the last. On this exam you may not use any book or notes. I have decided that you may use a calculator during the exam. The issue in my mind here is that some of you may have calculators which calculate determinants and inverses of matrices, and perhaps some other useful things. I will deal with this by not asking questions where it would be an advantage to have such a calculator. You may not bring a computer to the exam.