Jon Weissman
Professor of Computer Science
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
4-192 Keller Hall
200 Union St. S.E.
Minneapolis , MN 55455

Office: 4-225F Keller Hall
Lab: 4-204A Keller Hall
Phone: (612) 626-0044; Fax: (612) 625-0572
Email: jon->cs,umn,edu
My bio is here.


My research is in the area of distributed systems. I am working predominantly on Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Edge Computing, IoT, and HPC, developing techniques to improve performance, reliability, and energy efficiency. Sub-topics include storage systems, resource management, and security. Our research activities are outlined here. I am looking for strong and motivated Ph.D. students. Publications are here.

Courses I Teach

Interested in Edge Computing? I am offering a seminar in Fall 2021(Trends in Edge Computing)

- CSci 2021:Computer Organization and Architecture
- CSci 4061: Introduction to Operating Systems
- CSci 8980: Distributed Network Services: A Systems View
- CSci 4131: Internet Programming
- CSci 5131: Advanced Internet Programming
- CSci 8101: Advanced Operating Systems
- CSci 4211: Introduction to Computer Networks
- CSci 5103: Operating Systems
- CSci 5105: Introduction to Distributed Systems


- Ph.D. (1995), Computer Science, University of Virginia
- M.S. (1989), Computer Science, University of Virginia
- B.S. (1984), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University

Recent Professional Service

Conference Leadership:
HPDC International ACM/IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Steering Committee co-Chair
Recent Editorships:
TPDS IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Associate Editor
TCIEEE Transactions on Computers, Associate Editor
Consulting Activities

I have consulted on a range of technical/legal projects including expert analysis, patent examination, intellectual property, and industrial projects, in the area of Internet applications, mobile computing, distributed systems, and the cloud. Professional references available upon request.


Hannah and Claire
Hannah and Claire and Lily