Zhi-Li Zhang

Qwest Chair Professor and
McKnight Distinguished University Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota
4-192 Keller Hall
200 Union Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55416

Associate Director for Research, Digital Technology Center

Digital Technology Center
499 Walter Library
117 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Office: Keller Hall 6-187 and DTC 489 (where I spend most of my time these days)
Phone: (612) 625-8568; Skype id: zhzhang612
Fax: (612) 625-0572
E-mail: zhzhang (at) cs (dot) umn (dot) edu
(For faster response, please email me instead of leaving a voice mail!)

Links:[awards], [teaching], [research], [publications], [students], [professional services], [resume], [short bio]

Zhi-Li joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Minnesota in January 1997, where he is now a Full Professor. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1992 and 1997 (Ph.D thesis advisors, Profs. Don Towsley and Jim Kurose. Zhi-Li graduated with B.S. in Computer Science with highest distinction from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. After his B.S. from Nanjing University, China, he was awarded a highly selective fellowship from the Chinese National Committee for Education for graduate study in Europe, and studied at the Computer Science Department, Århus University, Denmark. Zhi-Li is a Fellow of IEEE.

Awards and Honors



Firs of all, I am always looking for self-motivated, creative and hard-working graduate and undergradtaue students (and also post-docs, when funding is available) to work with us on a number of research projects. If you are interested, please email me with the Subject line: "Interested in Ph.D (or MS, or undergraduate, or Post-Doc) Research Opportunities", together with a short description of your background and research interests/experiences and a CV.

Now a bit more about my research: My research interests lie broadly in computer communication and networks, Internet technology, multimedia and emerging applications. While my past research was centered on the analysis, design and development of scalable Internet QoS solutions to support performance-demanding multimedia applications, my current research thrusts focus primarily on i) building highly scalable, resilient and secure Internet infrastructure and mechanisms to enhance Internet service performance, availability, reliability, manageability and security; and on ii) developing next-generation, service-oriented, secure, manageable and economically viable Internet architectures to provide better support for creation, deployment, operations and management of value-added Internet services (e.g., large-scale mobile, cloud services and content (esp. video) delivery systems) and underlying networks. I am also interested in complex networks, social network analysis, robustness of critical infrastructure networks, and the interplay between socio-technical networks.

Some of the ongoing research projects include:

A list of select funded projects in the recent past, many of the research topics we are still pursuing: I am leading the Networking Research Group.

Here is a list of my (not yet completely updated) publications; You can find my most recent publications on my Google scholar page.


Current Ph.D students who are working with me (incomplete list):

Past Ph.D students who I advised or co-advised:

Current and Past Visiting Scholars, Visiting Students and Post-Doc Fellows:

I am also working with -- and have worked with -- a number of talented M.S. graduate students as well as several undergraduate students on various research projects/topics.

Recent Professional Services

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