Throughout the paper, Notattr1.jpg denotes a locally compact metric space, while Notattr2.jpg denotes a continuous map from Notattr3.jpg to itself.

If Notattr4.jpg is a map, then, for Notattr5.jpg ,


In other words, the map Notattr7.jpg induces a map Notattr8.jpg , where Notattr9.jpg denotes the set of all subsets of Notattr10.jpg .

The standard notation for the iterates will be used, namely,



The notion of convergence in the "Hausdorff metric" will be used implicitly throughout the paper. However, since the concept will not be used in its full generality, the following notation is introduced for the special case of interest here.

Let Notattr13.jpg , Notattr14.jpg , be a sequence of subsets of Notattr15.jpg , and let Notattr16.jpg . The notation


means that

Recall that, if Notattr26.jpg is compact for every Notattr27.jpg , then so is Notattr28.jpg . If, in addition, each Notattr29.jpg is nonempty, then so is Notattr30.jpg .

For Notattr31.jpg , denote



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Copyright (c) 1998 by Richard McGehee, all rights reserved.
Last modified: July 31, 1998.