Math 1241 Syllabus, Fall 2012
General information
Synopsis of course
Math 1241, Calculus and dynamical systems in biology, is an introduction to calculus, but it has a significantly different focus than a typical Calculus I course. As evidenced by the title, we will introduce the concepts of calculus and related mathematics through modeling the dynamical behaviors of processes and systems in biology. Biological systems are constantly in flux, and the mathematical rules we can develop to capture the dynamics of living systems provide an ideal basis for introducing the basic elements of calculus.
Using models of biological systems as a guide to the development of the mathematics, our goal is to elucidate both how mathematics can lead to a deeper understanding of biological systems and how biology can unlock some of the mystery of calculus, dynamical systems, and other areas of mathematics. Compared to a traditional calculus course, Math 1241 will focus less on specific computational techniques and more on the concepts underlying the mathematical tools and their application to modeling living systems.
For more details on the course content, see the course description.
Relationship to other Calculus courses, prerequisites
Math 1241 will develop the tools of calculus from scratch, so no previous experience of calculus is required. However, Math 1241 is not an exact substitute for a traditional Calculus I course. Math 1241 includes a broader range of topics than a traditional Calculus I course, covering some topics not typically presented until Calculus II or later. By the same token, it will not cover all the topics of Calculus I in the same depth as a traditional first semester of calculus. For this reason, it does not satisfy the prerequisites for Calculus II (Math 1272). If you discover you wish to take Calculus II after taking Math 1241, you will need to discuss your options with your instructor.
Course materials
Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists, Third Edition, by Frederick Adler
Math Insight
Additional expository material, interactive applets, and exercises will be posted on the Math Insight website.
Some assignments will involve the use of Geogebra, a graphics program that will allow you to visualize both mathematical models and data.
The course grade will be based out of a total of 1000 points. The 1000 points are distributed among exams, homework, quizzes, and group problems according to the following scheme.
Course component | Points each | Total points |
Three midterm exams | 120 | 360 |
Comprehensive final exam | 300 | 300 |
Best 10 homework assignments | 10 | 100 |
Best 7 quizzes | 20 | 140 |
Group work | 100 | |
Course total | 1000 |
Midterm exams will be on the following Thursdays in the discussion sections.
- Exam 1: September 27
- Exam 2: October 25
- Exam 3: November 29
The final exam: 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Friday December 14.
Homework will be assigned each week and collected the following Tuesday.
Each week, you will have a quiz on Thursday, with the exception of exam weeks and Thanksgiving week.
Group work
Reports from group activities will handed in as specified during class.
Conversion to letter grades
The conversion of course points to letter grades will depend on class performance. However, the following minimum grades will be awarded.
- 900 points: at least an A-
- 800 points: at least a B-
- 700 points: at least a C-
- 600 points: at least a D
Students must make arrangements in advance if they will not be handing in homework on time or will miss an exam. Exam absences due to recognized University related activities, religious holidays, verifiable illness, and family/medical emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. See official University Policy on Makeup Examinations for Legitimate Absences.
The class will be conducted under the presumption that you have attended all lectures and discussion sessions. In particular, you are responsible for all the announcements made in class.
Scholastic conduct
We expect the highest standards of conduct from members of this class. Cases of academic dishonesty will be treated with utmost seriousness. See Student Conduct Code.
Student privacy and course website
In this class, our use of technology will sometimes make students' names and U of M Internet IDs visible within the course website, but only to other students in the same class. Since we are using a secure, password-protected course website, this will not increase the risk of identity theft or spamming for anyone in the class. If you have concerns about the visibility of your Internet ID, please contact your instructor for further information.
A final grade of incomplete is given only if you have successfully completed all but a small portion of the work of the course, and have a very compelling, well documented excuse from completing the course. Simply being behind in your work does not qualify you for an incomplete.
Drop dates
You may drop the course without permission by the start of the ninth week of the semester. If you drop before the start of the third week, no mention of the course will appear on your transcript. Otherwise, you receive a "W" for the course.
Liberal education requirement
This course fulfills the Mathematical Thinking component of the Liberal Education requirements at the University of Minnesota. An important part of any liberal education is learning to use abstract thinking and symbolic language to solve practical problems. Calculus is one of the pillars of modern mathematical thought, and has diverse applications essential to our complex world. In this course, students will be exposed to theoretical concepts at the heart of calculus and to numerous examples of real-world applications.
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