Instructor: | Victor Reiner (You can call me "Vic"). | ||||||||
Office: Vincent Hall 256 Telephone (with voice mail): 625-6682 E-mail: |
Classes: | Mon-Wed-Fri 11:15-12:05pm, Vincent Hall 206. | ||||||||
Office hours: | Mon 12:20-1:10pm, Tues 4:40-5:30pm, and by appointment. |
Course content: |
This is the first semester of the 2-semester Math 8668-69 sequence;
Math 8669 will be taught by Prof. Stanton in Spring 2016. We will study basic combinatorial objects (e.g., subsets, multisets, permutations, set/number partitions, compositions, graphs, trees), their enumeration, and other properties, such as graphical or partially ordered set structures. Roughly speaking this is what we ended up discussing in the first semester:
Assignment | Due date | Problems |
HW #1 | Friday, Oct. 9 (note change!) |
Any 8 of these Stanley Ch. 1 exercises: [2-]: #66, 113 [2 ]: #5, 20, 21, 26, 29, 47(a,b), 54, 68, 69, 102(a,b) [2+]: #12, 18, 47(c), 175, 178, 102(c) |
HW #2 | Wed, Nov. 11 (note change!) |
All of these Stanley Ch. 2 exercises: [2-]: #2 [2 ]: #25 [2+]: #14 (at least A1(n), A2(n), A3(n)) |
HW #3 | Wed, Dec. 16 |
Any 6 from either of -- these Stanley Ch. 4 transfer-matrix method exercises [2]: #67, 68, 69, 73 -- or these Stanley Ch. 3 exercises: [2-]: #10(a) [2 ]: #34, 42(a,b), 45(a), 46(a,c), 47(a,b,c), 53, 70(a,b) [2+]: #10(b), 14(a,b), 46(b), 85 |