A Few Selected Papers (PDF files)
- Chazy-type asyptotics and hyperbolic scattering for the n-body problem(download PDF)
- Minimal geodesics of the isosceles three-body problem(download PDF)
- Embedding the Kepler Problem as a Surface of Revolution(download PDF)
- Free Time Minimizers of the N-Body Problem (download PDF)
- Counting Relative Equilibrium Configurations of the Full Two-Body Problem
(download PDF)
- Minimum Energy Configurations of Gravitationally Attracting Rigid Bodies
(download PDF)
- The Foucault Pendulum (With a Twist)
(download PDF)
- Realizing All Reduced Syzygy Sequences for the Planar Three-Body Problem
(download PDF)
- Bifurcation of Relative Equilibria of the (1+3)-Body Problem
(download PDF)
- Symmetric regularization, reduction and blow-up of the Planar Three-Body Problem
(download PDF)
- From Brake To Syzygy
(download PDF)
- Symbolic Dynamics in the Planar Three-Body Problem (2/2/2007)
(download PDF)
- Shooting for the Eight -- A Topological Existence Proof for a Figure-Eight Orbit of the Three-Body Problem (1/24/2007)
(download PDF)
- Finiteness of Stationary Configurations of the Four-Vortex Problem. (12/13/2006)
(download PDF)
(download VortexCalculations notebook)
- A Topological Existence Proof for the Schubart Orbits in the Collinear Three-body Problem. (6/6/2006)
(download PDF)
- A Proof of Saari's Conjecture for the Three-Body Problem in R^d (5/20/2005)
(download PDF)
(download Mathematica notebook)
- Finiteness of Relative Equilibria of the Four-
body Problem, Inv. Math. 163, 289-312 (2006)
(download PDF)
(download Mathematica notebook (1.7 mb))
- A Variational Proof of Existence of Transit Orbits in the Restricted
Three-Body Problem, Dynamical Systems: an Intenational Journal, 20,1,45-58 (2005)
(download PDF)
- A Computer Assisted Proof of Saari's Conjecture for the
Planar Three-Body Problem, Trans.AMS 357,8, 3105-3117 (2004)
(download PDF)
- Sturm's Algorithm and Isolating Blocks, Jour. Sym. Comp.40, 1242-1255 (2005).
(download PDF)
- Isolating Blocks Near the Collinear Relative Equilibria of the Three-Body
Problem, Trans.AMS, 356, 4395-4425 (2004).(download PDF)
- Generic Finiteness for Dziobek Configurations, Trans.AMS, 353, 11, 4673-4686 (2001)
(download PDF)
- Some Relative Equilibria of N Equal Masses (unpublished) (1989)
(download PDF)