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Math Dept
Help me out by sharing your comments on the course!
I'm asking for your help for two reasons...
- Although the "official" course evaluations include a question about
the TAs, and many of the written comments on the back are about TAs, I
generally don't get to see them. Comments from students are an invaluable
tool for me, both as a way to get general feedback about a course, and to
help me be a better TA for later courses.
- We've made significant changes to the course this semester; nearly all
of the labs are either new or completely rewritten. One of the goals has
been to make better use of the computers. (In the past some labs were
essentially "busy work.") We've tried to change things to make the labs
more instructive and to play off of Mathematica's strengths -- especially
So we'd really like any comments you have about the labs:
which labs did you like? Which labs actually helped your understanding of
the material? Which ones just felt like busy work and were just painful?
I'm begging and pleading for some well-though-out answers to these
questions. I know you're busy and may not have time right now to pull out
all the labs and answer these questions, but if you could find some time
you'd be doing a great service to future classes. Thanks!
This form includes a spot for your name; I don't care if you use it or
not. If you'd prefer to have your name sent to me with your comment -- or
if you want a reply -- then feel free. You can also stay anonymous if you
wish. (Anonymous replies are sometimes more helpful because they're more
honest. But I'll give you my word that your comments here won't affect
your grade.)
Of course you should also feel free to comment about anything else:
lecture, office hours, homework assignments, textbook, etc.
Thanks for your help!
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Junior Colloquium
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Math Dept
This page is http://www.math.umn.edu/~rogness/math2374/comments/index.shtml
The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly
those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been
reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.