Sequential GeMSLR preconditioner. More...
#include <iostream>
#include "../utils/utils.hpp"
#include "../utils/structs.hpp"
#include "../vectors/int_vector.hpp"
#include "../vectors/sequential_vector.hpp"
#include "../matrices/csr_matrix.hpp"
#include "../solvers/solver.hpp"
#include "../solvers/fgmres.hpp"
#include "ilu.hpp"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | pargemslr::GemslrEBFCMatrixClass< MatrixType, VectorType, DataType > |
Class of matvec EB^{-1}FC^{-1}. More... | |
class | pargemslr::GemslrSchurMatrixClass< MatrixType, VectorType, DataType > |
Class of matvec EB^{-1}FC^{-1}. More... | |
class | pargemslr::GemslrSchurSolveClass< MatrixType, VectorType, DataType > |
Class of matvec EB^{-1}FC^{-1}. More... | |
struct | pargemslr::GemslrLevelSetupStruct< DataType > |
The GEMSLR options on each level. More... | |
class | pargemslr::GemslrLevelClass< MatrixType, VectorType, DataType > |
The GEMSLR information on each level, contains the solver for B and the low-rank information for S. More... | |
struct | pargemslr::GemslrSetupStruct< DataType > |
The GEMSLR options. More... | |
class | pargemslr::GemslrClass< MatrixType, VectorType, DataType > |
The local real ilu preconditioner, only work for sequential CSR matrix. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrLowRankOptionEnum { kGemslrLowrankNoRestart, kGemslrLowrankThickRestart, kGemslrLowrankSubspaceIteration } |
The low-rank option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrPartitionOptionEnum { kGemslrPartitionND, kGemslrPartitionRKway } |
The partition option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrReorderingOptionEnum { kGemslrReorderingNoExtra, kGemslrReorderingIO, kGemslrReorderingDDPQ } |
The reordering option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrBSolveOptionEnum { kGemslrBSolveILUT, kGemslrBSolveILUK, kGemslrBSolveGemslr } |
The B Solve option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrBSmoothOptionEnum { kGemslrBSmoothBMILU, kGemslrBSmoothBILU, kGemslrBSmoothAMILU, kGemslrBSmoothAILU } |
The B Smoothing option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrSmoothingOptionEnum { kGemslrSmoothingBilu, kGemslrSmoothingAbj, kGemslrSmoothingL1Jacobi } |
The Smoothing option for the multiplicative solve. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrCSolveOptionEnum { kGemslrCSolveILUT, kGemslrCSolveILUK, kGemslrCSolveBJILUT, kGemslrCSolveBJILUK, kGemslrCSolveBJILUT2, kGemslrCSolveBJILUK2, kGemslrCSolveDirect } |
The C Solve option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrSolvePhaseEnum { kGemslrPhaseSolve, kGemslrPhaseSetup } |
The solve phase. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrSolveOptionEnum { kGemslrLUSolve, kGemslrUSolve, kGemslrMulSolve, kGemslrMmulSolve } |
The solve option. More... | |
enum | pargemslr::GemslrGlobalPrecondOptionEnum { kGemslrGlobalPrecondBJ, kGemslrGlobalPrecondESMSLR, kGemslrGlobalPrecondGeMSLR, kGemslrGlobalPrecondPSLR, kGemslrGlobalPrecondPCLR, kGemslrGlobalPrecondA } |
The schur complement option. More... | |
The B Smoothing option.
The B Solve option.
The C Solve option. Sequential ILUT, sequential ILUK, BJILUT, BJILUK, BJILU with PSLR.
The schur complement option.
The low-rank option.
The partition option.
The reordering option.
The Smoothing option for the multiplicative solve.
The solve option. LU solve: both L solve and U solve; U solve: U solve only;
Mul solve: the multiplicative solve; Mmul solve: the multiplicative solve with modified ILU.
The solve phase.