Tian He

Professor, ACM and IEEE Fellow
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Affiliate with Digital Technology Center
ate faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota
4-205 EE/CSci Building
200 Union Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455

Email: tianhe at cs.umn.edu
Office: (612) 626-1281  Fax: (612) 625-0572


CSci 5231 Wireless and Sensor Networks, UMN, Fall 2015.

 CSci 4211, Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Fall 2015.

 CSci 4061, Introduction to Operating Systems, UMN, Spring 2015.

 CSci 8980 Wireless Networks and Its Applications, UMN, Fall 2014

 CSci 5211 Data Communication and Computer Networks, UMN, Fall 2014

 CSci 4211 Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Spring 2014.

 CSci 5231 Wireless and Sensor Networks, Fall 2013.

 CSci 4211 Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Spring 2012.

 CSci 5231 Wireless and Sensor Networks, Spring 2012.

 CSci 5211 Data Communication and Computer Networks, Fall 2011

 CSci 8211 Advanced Computer Networks and Their Applications, UMN, Spring 2010.

 CSci 4211 Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Fall 2009.

 CSci 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems, UMN, Spring 2009.

 CSci 4211 Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Fall 2008.

 CSci 8211 Advanced Computer Networks and Their Applications, UMN, Spring 2008.

 CSci 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems, UMN, Fall 2007.

 CSci 4211 Introduction to Computer Networks, UMN, Spring 2007.

 CSci 8211 Advanced Computer Networks and Their Applications, UMN, Fall 2006.

 CSci 5980 Advanced Topics in Wireless Sensor Networks, UMN, Spring 2006.

 Guest Lecturer, CSci 5105: Foundations of Modern Operating Systems, UMN, Spring 2006.

 Guest Lecturer, CS 656 Advanced Operating Systems, UVA, Spring 2005.

This page was last modified on 07/28/2016