
Colley, Vector Calculus, fourth edition.
You must have received a grade of C- or better from Math 1572H (or equivalent).
Assigned problems are due at the beginning of recitation on Tuesdays. The homework assignments are listed on this page. The lowest two homework scores will be dropped from your final grade.
Homework is your exercise for this course. There will be a lot of it, and it should be taken seriously.
There are three in-class midterms, each 50 minutes long:
  • Midterm I is on Friday, October 5
  • Midterm II is on Friday, November 2
  • Midterm III is on Wednesday, November 28
The final exam is on Friday, December 14 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm (location to be annouced toward the end of the semester).
Exam policies
No notes or books are permitted. You are required to have a calculator capable of basic matrix operations (determinants, reduced row echelon form, matrix addition and multiplication, eigenvalues, eigenvectors). Most recent graphing calculators have such matrix capabilities. Don't buy any calculator until you're sure it has these. This requirement does not really impact you until next semester in 2574H, but I mention it now so you don’t waste your money.
All other electronic devices must be disabled and stowed out of reach for the duration of the exam.
Grading Policy
Course grades will be based solely on total numerical score, as outlined below.
CategoryGrade basisPoints eachTotal
HomeworkBest 1010100
MidtermsAll exams200600
Final exam 300300
Total  1000
I will use grade cutoffs that are no stricter than the following:
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D
930 900 870 830 800 770 730 700 665 620
In particular, this grading scheme rewards steady hard work and does not leave much room for miraculous recovery. Loss of homework points can, in principle, result in a drop of a full letter grade.
Students must make arrangements in advance if they will not be handing in homework on time or will miss an exam. Exam absences due to recognized University related activities, religious holidays, verifiable illness, and family/medical emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. See official University Policy on Makeup Examinations for Legitimate Absences.
The class will be conducted under the presumption that you have attended all lectures and recitation sessions. In particular, you are responsible for all the announcements made in class.
Scholastic conduct
We expect the highest standards of conduct from members of this class. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. See the Student Conduct Code.
Student privacy and course website
Student grades will be posted through the course's Moodle site; this site also hosts a forum where students may discuss material related to the course. In this class, our use of technology will sometimes make students' names and Internet IDs visible within the course website, but only to other students in the same class. Since we are using a secure, password-protected course website, this will not increase the risk of identity theft or spamming for anyone in the class. If you have concerns about the visibility of your Internet ID, please contact your lecturer for further information.
A final grade of incomplete is given only if you have successfully completed all but a small portion of the work of the course, and have a very compelling, well documented reason for not completing the course. You cannot receive an incomplete simply because you are behind in your work; in this case you should drop the course.
Drop dates
You may drop the course without permission by the start of the fifth week of the semester. If you drop before the start of the third week, no mention of the course will appear on your transcripts. Otherwise, you receive a "W" for the course. However, it will cost you more money to drop the course later in the semester.
University policies
Statements on many other aspects of University policy can be found through this page.