The Third Pillar of Science, Simons Foundation Lecture, February 17, 2021. |
Structure Preservation in the Discretization of Partial Differential Equations, invited address at the Joint Math Meetings 2021, January 9, 2021. |
Preserving Geometry in Numerical Discretization, CMSA Colloquium, Harvard University, December 2, 2020. |
Complexes from Complexes, International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 18, 2020. |
Wave Localization and its Landscape, Distinguished lecture in the natural sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University, April 11, 2020. |
Finite Element Exterior Calculus and Applications, Peking
University/BICMR, August 15-18, 2015. |
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V |
SIAM Past President's Address, Minneapolis, July 11, 2012; highlights. |
Ten Lectures on Finite Element Exterior
Calculus, NSF/CBMS course, ICERM, June 11-15, 2012. |
Finite Element Differential Forms
on Simplices and Cubes, conference in the memory of J-L Lions, Fudan
University, May 31, 2012. |
Mathematics that Swings: the Math Behind
Golf, the 2010 Maseeh Lecture, Portland State, May 11, 2010. |
Fifty years of Whitney elements,
Colloquium on the 50th anniversary of the journal Numerische
Mathematik, Munich, June 16, 2009. |
Stability, Consistency, and
Convergence: Modern Variations on a Classical Theme, Distinguished Feng
Kang Lecture given at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, April 7, 2009. Similar
talk given as the joint AMS-MAA lecture at the Joint Math Meetings,
Washington, DC, January 2009. |
Finite element differential forms,
this version from April 2009 given at the Institute for Computational
Mathematics and Science/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of
Sciences. |
Finite element exterior calculus and the
geometrical basis of numerical stability, this version from April 2009,
given at Tsinghua University, Beijing and Fudan University, Shanghai. |
Finite element exterior calculus: A new
approach to the stability of finite elements, plenary talk at the 9th
U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, July 25,
2007. |
Differential complexes and mixed finite
elements for elasticity, workshop on Compatible Discretizations for PDE,
Centre of Mathematics for Applications, Oslo, Norway, September 26,
2005. |
Mathematics and the cosmos in the
Einstein centenary: The new mathematical gravitational astronomy, Bullitt
Lecture, University of Louisville, April 28, 2005. |
Mathematics in a dangerous time, Keynote
address for an Applied Math Workshop at University of Illinois, May 7,
2003. |
From exact sequences to colliding black
holes: Differential complexes in numerical analysis, Plenary address at
ICM 2002, the International Congress of Mathematics, Beijing, 2002. |
Numerical relativity, ICM 2002 Satellite
Conference on Nonlinear PDE: Theory and Approximation, Hong Kong, August 30,
2002. |
Mixed finite elements for elasticity,
ICM 2002 Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing, Xi'an, August 16,
2002. |
A quick introduction to the Einstein
equations, tutorial delivered at the IMA workshop on Numerical
Relativity, June 24, 2002. |
Mathematics in industry, presentation
delivered at the NSF VIGRE meeting, Reston, VA, May 4, 2002. |
Approximation by quadrilateral finite
elements, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, February 19,
2002. |
Questions on shell theory workshop on
"Elastic Shells: Modeling, Analysis, and Computation", Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, April 21, 2000. |