October 1 | Julie Rana University of Minnesota |
The Craighero-Gattazzo surface is simply-connected | October 8 | Cheuk Yu Mak University of Minnesota |
Divisorial caps, uniruled caps and Calabi-Yau caps | October 20 | Weiwei Wu University of Minnesota |
Spherical and projective twists: from derived categories to Fukaya categories | October 22 | Chung-I Ho University of Minnesota |
Minimal genus problems in 4 manifolds | November 5 | Sumeyra Sakalli University of Minnesota |
On the Geography of Simply Connected, Nonspin, Symplectic 4-Manifolds with Nonnegative Signature Abstract |
November 12 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
Genus Two Lefschetz Fibrations with b_2^+ = 1 and c_1^2 = 1, 2 Abstract |
November 17 | Paul Feehan Rutgers University |
The Lojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequality and its applications to differential geometry, topology, and mathematical physics Abstract |
November 20 (Friday, 3:35, VINCENT HALL TBA) | Yongbin Ruan University of Michigan |
A mathematical theory of gauged linear sigma model (GLSM) Abstract |
November 26 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
December 3 | |
December 10 | Kyle Larson University of Texas, Austin |
February 4 | Youjin Zhang Tsingua University |
Hodge integrals and integrable evolutionary PDEs |
February 11 | Weiyi Zhang University of Warwick |
March 3 | Jun Li University of Minnesota |
March 17 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
March 24 | |
April 12 | Theodore Voronov University of Manchester |
Microformal geometry |
April 14 | Theodore Voronov University of Manchester |
On volumes of classical supermanifolds |
April 19 | Naoyuki Monden Osaka University |
April 26 | TBA |
April 28 | TBA |
September 11 | Cheuk Yu Mak University of Minnesota |
Symplectic Divisorial Capping in Dimension 4 Abstract |
September 25 | Kouichi Yasui Hiroshima University/MSU |
Partial twists and exotic Stein fillings Abstract |
October 2 | Banghe Li Chinese Academy of Science/ U. Michigan |
Schubert's clever treatments to blow-ups in 19th century |
October 9 | Fei He University of Minnesota |
Epsilon-rigidity for Ricci-flat manifolds and gradient steady Ricci solitons Abstract |
October 23 | Nur Saglam University of Minnesota |
New Exotic 4-Manifolds via Luttinger Surgery on Lefschetz Fibrations |
November 20 | Laura Starkston University of Texas, Austin |
Relations in mapping class groups and embeddings of pseudoholomorphic curves
November 27 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
December 4 | Weiwei Wu Universite de Montreal |
Homological mirror symmetry and symplectic structures on T^{2n} |
February 19 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
Exotic Lefschetz fibrations and Stein fillings with arbitrary fundamental group Abstract |
February 26 | Tian-Jun Li University of Minnesota |
Surfaces in 4-manifolds |
March 19 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
April 2 | Azer Akhmedov North Dakota State University |
An Extension of Hölder's Theorem Abstract |
April 9 | Thomas Leness Florida International University |
The SO(3) monopole cobordism and superconformal simple type Abstract |
April 16 | Al Marden University of Minnesota |
An analytic compactification of moduli space (via noded Teichmueller space). |
April 30 | Josef Dorfmeister North Dakota State University |
Kodaira Dimension and -4-Spheres
Abstract |
September 17 | Sean Cleary CCNY |
"Periodic tree diagrams and commensurations of Thompson's group F" Abstract |
September 26 | Ke Zhu Harvard University |
"Isometric embeddings of Einstein manifolds via heat kernel" Abstract |
October 3 | Jun Li University of Minnesota |
"The symplectic mapping class group of CP^2 \# n{\bar CP^2} with n < 5" Abstract |
October 10 | Gregg Musiker University of Minnesota |
"Bases for Cluster Algebras from Surfaces" Abstract |
October 17 | Azer Akhmedov North Dakota State University |
"Non-amenability of R.Thompson's group F" Abstract |
October 22 (Vincent Hall 570) | Tatyana Khodorovskiy Hunter College of CUNY |
"Bounds on embeddings of rational homology balls in symplectic 4-manifold" |
October 31 | Ovidiu Munteanu University of Connecticut |
"Topology at infinity of Ricci solitons" Abstract |
November 7 | Khalid Bou-Rabee University of Minnesota |
"Quantifying residual finiteness" Abstract |
November 14 | Xiaolan Nie University of Minnesota |
Regularity of a complex Monge-Ampère equation on Hermitian manifolds Abstract |
November 22 (FRIDAY, Time 4.30pm, Vincent Hall 206) | Tedi Draghici Florida International University |
"On almost complex 4-dimensional Lie algebras" Abstract |
December 5 | Richard Moeckel University of Minnesota |
Geometry of the reduced and regularized planar three-body problem Abstract |
January 30 | Alex Zupan University of Texas at Austin |
The geometry of the pants graph Abstract |
February 6 | Mark Hughes Stony Brook |
Constructions of broken fibrations on 4-manifolds Abstract |
February 13 | Li-Sheng Tseng University of California Irvine |
Products and cohomologies of differential forms on symplectic manifolds |
February 20 | David McReynolds Purdue University |
Primitive geodesics and arithmetic progressions | February 27 | Josef Dorfmeister North Dakota State University |
Stability of Symplectic Submanifolds Abstract |
March 20 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
April 3 | Robert Gulliver University of Minnesota |
Branch Points of Area-minimizing Nonorientable Surfaces |
April 17 | David Favero University of Alberta |
HMS, Constructible sheaves, Lagrangian Skeleta, and VGIT Abstract |
May 1 | Selman Akbulut Michigan State University |
Fake symplectic homology S^2 x S^2 of Akhmedov and Park |
May 8 | Gabriele La Nave University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Isotropic curvature, macroscopic dimension filling radius of contractible loops and fundamental group Abstract |
May 29 | Guangbo Xu University of California, Irvine |
July 17 | Mark McLean Stony Brook |
Minimal Discrepancy of Isolated Singularities and Reeb Orbits Abstract |
August 13 (Wednesday, Room 207) | Ke Zhu Minnesota State University, Mankato |
"Solvability of the Dirac equation" Abstract |
September 20 | Haojie Chen University of Minnesota |
"Type one generalized complex structures on four manifolds" |
September 27 | Robert Gulliver University of Minnesota |
"Branch points of area-minimizing projective planes" |
October 4 | Conan Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
"Mirror Symmetry" |
October 9 | Hyunjoo Cho University of Rochester |
"Almost contact structures on 7-manifolds with G_2-structures" |
November 1 | No seminar this week |
November 8 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
Construction of symplectic 4-manifolds via Luttinger surgery |
November 15 | Daniel Selahi Durusoy Michigan State University |
Remarks on the Crowell state sum model for the Alexander polynomial |
November 20 | Loredana Lanzani University of Arkansas |
The Cauchy Integral in C^n Abstract |
November 22 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
December 11 | Olguta Buse Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis |
Flexibility of symplectic ellipsoids in dimension four and higher Abstract |
December 13 | David Favero University of Vienna |
Variation of Geometric Invariant Theory Quotients and Derived Categories Abstract |
February 14 | Weiwei Wu Michigan State University |
Exact Lagrangians in $A_n$ Singularities Abstract |
March 7 | Matthew Borman University of Chicago |
Relative symplectic packing and geodesic flow
Abstract |
March 12 | Shu-Cheng Chang National Taiwan University |
The torsion flow in a closed strictly pseudoconvex CR 3-manifold Abstract |
March 21 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
March 28 | Yusuf Gurtas Queensborough CUNY |
Lantern relations and rational blow-down |
April 11 | Mustafa Kalafat Tunceli University / Michigan State University |
Topology of G_2 manifolds Abstract |
April 12 | Jingyi Chen University of British Columbia |
A Bernstein type theorem for entire Willmore graphs Abstract |
April 25 | Vlad Markovic Caltech |
Homology of curves and surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds Abstract |
May 7 | Yat-Sun Poon UC Riverside |
Deformation of Holomorphic Poisson Structures as Generalized Complex Manifolds |
May 9 | Luca Capogna IMA |
Smoothness of isometries between sub-Riemannian manifolds |
DATE | SPEAKER | TITLE | September 22 | Mehdi Lejmi University of Minnesota |
Extremal Kähler metrics Abstract |
September 29 | Gang Liu University of Minnesota |
"3-manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature" Abstract |
October 13 | Weiwei Wu University of Minnesota |
"On the homotopy type of symplectomorphism groups of non-compact symplectic manifolds" |
October 18 | Weiyi Zhang University of Michigan |
Negative curves on four dimensional almost complex manifolds |
October 21 (Friday, 2:30, VINCENT HALL 207) | Brian White Stanford University |
Densities of minimal cones |
October 27 | Mehdi Lejmi University of Minnesota |
Hermitian scalar curvature as a moment map |
November 3 | Zhongtao Wu Caltech |
Seifert fibered surgery Abstract |
November 10 | Bulent Tosun Georgia Tech |
" Legendrian and transverse knots in cabled knot types" Abstract |
November 15 | Daniel Ruberman Brandeis University |
An index theorem for end-periodic operators Abstract |
November 15 (Note Special Time: 2.30pm, 570 Vincent Hall) | Weimin Chen University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Seiberg-Witten invariants of 3-orbifolds and non-Kähler surfaces |
November 24 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
December 8 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
"Symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-Manifolds" Abstract |
January 19 | Robert Lipshitz Columbia University |
Colloquium talk "What is Khovanov the homology of?" |
January 26 | Lan-Hsuan Huang Columbia University |
Colloquium talk "Positive mass theorems and scalar curvature problems" |
January 30 - February 1 |
Second Abel Conference:
A Mathematical Celebration of John Milnor |
February 9 | Mehdi Lejmi University of Minnesota |
Deformations of extremal almost-Kähler metrics |
February 16 | Caner Koca Stony Brook University |
Weyl Energy and Kahler Metrics
Abstract |
February 23 | Gang Liu University of Minnesota |
Compact Kähler manifolds with nonpositive bisectional curvature |
March 8 | Weiwei Wu University of Minnesota |
Non-displaceable Lagrangian torus in semi-toric systems
March 15 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
March 29 | Gunter Uhlmann University of California Irvine / University of Washington |
Inverse Problems and Geometry
April 5 | Mikio Furuta University of Tokyo |
Pontrjagin-Thom construction and non-linear Fredholm theory
April 12 | Mikio Furuta University of Tokyo |
Refined Seiberg-Witten invariant
April 17 | Zhiqin Lu University of California, Irvine |
Some new development of the normal scalar curvature inequality
Abstract |
April 24 | Mikio Furuta University of Tokyo |
Pin(2)-monopole equations |
April 26 | Josef Dorfmeister North Dakota State University |
CP^2 and GW-Invariants of Symplectic 4-Manifolds
Abstract |
May 3 | Daryl Cooper University of California, Santa Barbara |
On Convex Projective Manifolds and Cusps
Abstract |
DATE | SPEAKER | TITLE | September 23 | Weiwei Wu University of Minnesota |
"Lagrangian spheres, symplectic surfaces and
symplectic mapping class groups" Abstract |
September 30 | Ke Zhu University of Minnesota |
"Thick-thin decomposition of Floer trajectories and adiabatic gluing" |
October 7 | Siu-Cheong Lau Hongkong Chinese University/Wisconsin |
"SYZ mirror symmetry and open Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau
manifolds" |
October 28 | Ovidiu Munteanu Columbia University |
"Gradient Ricci Solitons" Abstract |
November 4 | Giancarlo Urzua University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
"Arrangements of Riemann surfaces on complex surfaces" Abstract |
November 11 | John Etnyre Georgia Tech |
"Tightness in contact metric manifolds" Abstract |
November 25 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
January 27 | Jonathan Williams UC Berkeley |
A Reidemeister-Singer theorem for surface diagrams of smooth four-manifolds Abstract |
February 1 | Li-Sheng Tseng Harvard University |
Cohomology on Symplectic Manifolds Abstract |
February 4 (FRIDAY) | Hau-tieng Wu Princeton University (Note Special Time: 1.25pm, 570 Vincent Hall) |
Vector Diffusion Maps and the Connection Laplacian Abstract |
February 10 | Sema Salur University of Rochester |
Manifolds with G_2 Holonomy and Contact Structures Abstract |
February 17 | Cagri Karakurt University of Texas |
Knot Floer Homology and Contact Surgeries Abstract |
February 24 | Sean Keel University of Texas |
Theta functions and Mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau Surfaces Abstract |
March 1 (ORDWAY LECTURES) | Jun Li Stanford University |
A new class of virtual classes and its applications I Abstract |
March 8 (ORDWAY LECTURES) | Jun Li Stanford University |
A new class of virtual classes and its applications II Abstract |
March 10 | Azer Akhmedov North Dakota State University |
On discrete subgroups of diffeomorphism groups of 1-manifolds Abstract |
March 18 | No Seminar - Spring Break |
March 24 | Gang Liu University of Minnesota |
Kahler manifolds with Ricci curvature lower bound |
March 29 | Jaigyoung Choe Korean Institute for Advanced Study |
Higher dimensional versions of the Enneper surface, catenoid and helicoid Abstract |
March 31 | Jeremy Van-Horn Morris AIM |
Spinal Open Books and Symplectic Fillings Abstract |
April 7 | Albert Todd University of Rochester |
The Moduli Space of Asymptotically Cylindrical Special Lagrangian Submanifolds
Abstract |
April 21 | Ke Zhu University of Minnesota |
Thin instantons in G2-manifolds and
Seiberg-Witten invariants |
May 24 | Adriano Tomassini University of Parma |
On cohomological properties of almost-Kaehler structures |
October 1 | Sai Kee Yeung Purdue University |
"Classification of fake projective planes and its applications in geometry and topology" |
October 8 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
"The geography of symplectic 4-manifolds" Part I Abstract |
October 15 | Ren Guo University of Minnesota |
"Almost Fuchsian manifolds and Teichmuller distance" Abstract |
October 22 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
"The geography of symplectic 4-manifolds" Part II Abstract |
November 5 | Ho, Chung-I University of Minnesota |
"Luttinger surgery and
Kodaira dimension" Abstract |
November 12 | Ke Zhu Hongkong Chinese University |
"Jet Evaluation Transversality of J-holomorphic Curves and Applications" |
November 20 (Friday, 3:35, VINCENT HALL 206) | Jon Wolfson Michigan State University |
"Remarks on a Geometric Flow" |
November 26 | No Seminar - Thanksgiving |
December 3 | Guoyi Xu University of Minnesota |
"Short-time existence of the Ricci flow on noncompact Riemannian
manifolds" Abstract |
December 8 | Ludmil Katzarkov University of Miami |
"Spectrum of Categories and Applications to Symplectic Topology
" Abstract |
December 10 | Changyou Wang University of Kentucky |
"Analysis of Dirac-harmonic maps" Abstract |
January 28 | Gang Liu University of Minnesota |
On the local comparison theorem of volume for Kahler manifolds Abstract |
February 4 | Helen Wong Carleton College |
Kauffman Bracket Skein Algebras and Quantum Teichmuller
Space |
February 11 | Guoyi Xu University of Minnesota |
Harmonic mean curvature flow in Riemannian manifolds |
February 18 | No seminar this week |
February 25 | No seminar this week |
March 4 | Anar Akhmedov University of Minnesota |
Construction of exotic smooth structures Abstract |
March 11 | Mark Hovey Wesleyan University |
Twisted K-theory and Spin^c manifolds Abstract |
March 18 | Spring Break |
March 25 | Josef Dorfmeister Leibniz University Hannover |
Minimality of
Symplectic Sums.
March 30 | Sinem Celik Onaran MSRI |
Legendrian Knots in Contact Structures and Open Book Decompositions Abstract |
April 1 | Weiyi Zhang University of Minnesota |
Nakai-Moishezon Theorem and Donaldson's question for almost complex
structures on rational surfaces
Abstract |
April 8 | Selman Akbulut Michigan State University |
Cappell and Shaneson homotopy 4-spheres Abstract |
April 9 (Friday, 3:30, VINCENT HALL 313) | Selman Akbulut Michigan State University |
The Dolgachev surface Abstract |
April 15 | Adriano Tomassini University of Parma |
Some recent results in non-Kaehler geometry |
April 22 | Inanc Baykur Brandeis University |
Exotic smooth structures and
knottings in dimension four |
April 29 | Robert Gompf University of Texas |
Constructing Stein manifolds topologically Abstract |
April 30 (VINCENT HALL 207) | Lei Ni University of California, San Diego |
Manifolds with pinched flag curvature
Abstract |
May 3 (Monday, 1:30, VINCENT HALL TBA) | Yng-Ing Lee Taiwan University |
Special solutions to Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow
Abstract |
May 4 | Robert Gompf University of Texas |
Locally Holomorphic Maps Yield Symplectic Structures |
June 10 (Thursday, 1:25, VINCENT HALL 570) | Banghe Li Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Science |
Topology related to Hilbert 15th problem |
in the School of Mathematics.
e-mail: akhmedov@math.umn.edu