Paper Guidelines
Each paper should consist of a cover page with title, authors' names,
postal and email address, an up to 200-words abstract, up to 5 keywords
and a body not longer than 12 single-spaced pages with font size at least
10 pts.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer
Style files for their initial submissions. All papers must be
submitted electronically in PDF format only.
On Acceptance
Submitting a paper to the
workshop means that if the paper were accepted, at least one author will
attend the workshop to present the paper.
In addition to being published in the workshop proceedings, revised
versions of selected accepted papers will be most likely published as a
special issue in an international book series. We are currently
negotiating with Springer-Verlag on this.
The author will be asked to register the conference/workshop and pay the
registration fee in advance, and the fee is non-refundable.
Submission Guidelines
The online submission system will be ready soon at
EasyChair Website for the workshop
All papers must be submitted through the system.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer
Style files for their initial submissions. All papers must be
submitted electronically in PDF format only.