Information about exam 3, Math 1241, Fall 2012
Date: Thursday, November 29
Time and location: in your discussion section
Duration: 50 minutes
Content of the exam
The exam is based on section 3.7, most of chapter 4 (except for section 4.7), sections 5.1-5.3 of the textbook and Math Insight, parts 18-25. For details, see the study guide for exam 3.
Material allowed in exam
In the exam, you make take with you:
- A calculator (graphing calculator is OK)
- One half of one 8.5" x 11" piece of paper with notes (double-sided is OK)
You may not have:
- The textbook or any other book
- A cell phone or any electronic device besides a calculator
Exam help
Practice problems
- Linear and quadratic Taylor polynomial problems
- Elementary integral problems
- Single autonomous differential equation problems
Office hours
Talk to your TA or lecturer sooner rather than later. See schedule of office hours or contact for an appointment.
Review Session
Tuesday, Nov 27, 7:00-9:00 PM, Professor Nykamp's house. Brownies, ice cream, mathematics, and biology. Maps available.
Study suggestions
Check out the suggestions for studying for the exam.
SMART Learning commons
The SMART learning Commons makes available tutorials either individually or in small groups. They don't officially have tutors with Math 1241 expertise, but for calculus tutors may be able to help with standard calculus type questions.
Private math tutors for hire
The undergraduate math office mantains a list of private tutors that you can hire. You can obtain a list either in person from 115 Vincent Hall (Undergraduate Office) or by sending an email request for it to
Students must make arrangements in advance if they will miss an exam. Exam absences due to recognized University related activities, religious holidays, verifiable illness, and family/medical emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. See official University Policy on Makeup Examinations for Legitimate Absences.