EVSL  1.1.0
EigenValues Slicing Library
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* CXSparse/Include/cs.h file */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* This is the CXSparse/Include/cs.h file. It has the same name (cs.h) as
6  the CSparse/Include/cs.h file. The 'make install' for SuiteSparse installs
7  CXSparse, and this file, instead of CSparse. The two packages have the same
8  cs.h include filename, because CXSparse is a superset of CSparse. Any user
9  program that uses CSparse can rely on CXSparse instead, with no change to the
10  user code. The #include "cs.h" line will work for both versions, in user
11  code, and the function names and user-visible typedefs from CSparse all
12  appear in CXSparse. For experimenting and changing the package itself, I
13  recommend using CSparse since it's simpler and easier to modify. For
14  using the package in production codes, I recommend CXSparse since it has
15  more features (support for complex matrices, and both int and long
16  versions).
17  */
19 /* ========================================================================== */
21 #ifndef _CXS_H
22 #define _CXS_H
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <limits.h>
25 #include <math.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include "mex.h"
29 #endif
32 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 #ifndef NCOMPLEX
34 #include <complex>
35 typedef std::complex<double> cs_complex_t ;
36 #endif
37 extern "C" {
38 #else
39 #ifndef NCOMPLEX
40 #include <complex.h>
41 #define cs_complex_t double _Complex
42 #endif
43 #endif
45 #define CS_VER 3 /* CXSparse Version */
46 #define CS_SUBVER 1
47 #define CS_SUBSUB 9
48 #define CS_DATE "May 4, 2016" /* CXSparse release date */
49 #define CS_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, 2006-2016"
50 #define CXSPARSE
52 #include "SuiteSparse_config.h"
53 #define cs_long_t SuiteSparse_long
54 #define cs_long_t_id SuiteSparse_long_id
55 #define cs_long_t_max SuiteSparse_long_max
57 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
58 /* double/int version of CXSparse */
59 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
61 /* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
63 typedef struct cs_di_sparse /* matrix in compressed-column or triplet form */
64 {
65  int nzmax ; /* maximum number of entries */
66  int m ; /* number of rows */
67  int n ; /* number of columns */
68  int *p ; /* column pointers (size n+1) or col indices (size nzmax) */
69  int *i ; /* row indices, size nzmax */
70  double *x ; /* numerical values, size nzmax */
71  int nz ; /* # of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-col */
72 } cs_di ;
74 cs_di *cs_di_add (const cs_di *A, const cs_di *B, double alpha, double beta) ;
75 int cs_di_cholsol (int order, const cs_di *A, double *b) ;
76 int cs_di_dupl (cs_di *A) ;
77 int cs_di_entry (cs_di *T, int i, int j, double x) ;
78 int cs_di_lusol (int order, const cs_di *A, double *b, double tol) ;
79 int cs_di_gaxpy (const cs_di *A, const double *x, double *y) ;
80 cs_di *cs_di_multiply (const cs_di *A, const cs_di *B) ;
81 int cs_di_qrsol (int order, const cs_di *A, double *b) ;
82 cs_di *cs_di_transpose (const cs_di *A, int values) ;
83 cs_di *cs_di_compress (const cs_di *T) ;
84 double cs_di_norm (const cs_di *A) ;
85 int cs_di_print (const cs_di *A, int brief) ;
86 cs_di *cs_di_load (FILE *f) ;
88 /* utilities */
89 void *cs_di_calloc (int n, size_t size) ;
90 void *cs_di_free (void *p) ;
91 void *cs_di_realloc (void *p, int n, size_t size, int *ok) ;
92 cs_di *cs_di_spalloc (int m, int n, int nzmax, int values, int t) ;
93 cs_di *cs_di_spfree (cs_di *A) ;
94 int cs_di_sprealloc (cs_di *A, int nzmax) ;
95 void *cs_di_malloc (int n, size_t size) ;
97 /* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
99 typedef struct cs_di_symbolic /* symbolic Cholesky, LU, or QR analysis */
100 {
101  int *pinv ; /* inverse row perm. for QR, fill red. perm for Chol */
102  int *q ; /* fill-reducing column permutation for LU and QR */
103  int *parent ; /* elimination tree for Cholesky and QR */
104  int *cp ; /* column pointers for Cholesky, row counts for QR */
105  int *leftmost ; /* leftmost[i] = min(find(A(i,:))), for QR */
106  int m2 ; /* # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows */
107  double lnz ; /* # entries in L for LU or Cholesky; in V for QR */
108  double unz ; /* # entries in U for LU; in R for QR */
109 } cs_dis ;
111 typedef struct cs_di_numeric /* numeric Cholesky, LU, or QR factorization */
112 {
113  cs_di *L ; /* L for LU and Cholesky, V for QR */
114  cs_di *U ; /* U for LU, r for QR, not used for Cholesky */
115  int *pinv ; /* partial pivoting for LU */
116  double *B ; /* beta [0..n-1] for QR */
117 } cs_din ;
119 typedef struct cs_di_dmperm_results /* cs_di_dmperm or cs_di_scc output */
120 {
121  int *p ; /* size m, row permutation */
122  int *q ; /* size n, column permutation */
123  int *r ; /* size nb+1, block k is rows r[k] to r[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
124  int *s ; /* size nb+1, block k is cols s[k] to s[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
125  int nb ; /* # of blocks in fine dmperm decomposition */
126  int rr [5] ; /* coarse row decomposition */
127  int cc [5] ; /* coarse column decomposition */
128 } cs_did ;
130 int *cs_di_amd (int order, const cs_di *A) ;
131 cs_din *cs_di_chol (const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S) ;
132 cs_did *cs_di_dmperm (const cs_di *A, int seed) ;
133 int cs_di_droptol (cs_di *A, double tol) ;
134 int cs_di_dropzeros (cs_di *A) ;
135 int cs_di_happly (const cs_di *V, int i, double beta, double *x) ;
136 int cs_di_ipvec (const int *p, const double *b, double *x, int n) ;
137 int cs_di_lsolve (const cs_di *L, double *x) ;
138 int cs_di_ltsolve (const cs_di *L, double *x) ;
139 cs_din *cs_di_lu (const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S, double tol) ;
140 cs_di *cs_di_permute (const cs_di *A, const int *pinv, const int *q,
141  int values) ;
142 int *cs_di_pinv (const int *p, int n) ;
143 int cs_di_pvec (const int *p, const double *b, double *x, int n) ;
144 cs_din *cs_di_qr (const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S) ;
145 cs_dis *cs_di_schol (int order, const cs_di *A) ;
146 cs_dis *cs_di_sqr (int order, const cs_di *A, int qr) ;
147 cs_di *cs_di_symperm (const cs_di *A, const int *pinv, int values) ;
148 int cs_di_usolve (const cs_di *U, double *x) ;
149 int cs_di_utsolve (const cs_di *U, double *x) ;
150 int cs_di_updown (cs_di *L, int sigma, const cs_di *C, const int *parent) ;
152 /* utilities */
153 cs_dis *cs_di_sfree (cs_dis *S) ;
154 cs_din *cs_di_nfree (cs_din *N) ;
155 cs_did *cs_di_dfree (cs_did *D) ;
157 /* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
159 int *cs_di_counts (const cs_di *A, const int *parent, const int *post,
160  int ata) ;
161 double cs_di_cumsum (int *p, int *c, int n) ;
162 int cs_di_dfs (int j, cs_di *G, int top, int *xi, int *pstack,
163  const int *pinv) ;
164 int *cs_di_etree (const cs_di *A, int ata) ;
165 int cs_di_fkeep (cs_di *A, int (*fkeep) (int, int, double, void *),
166  void *other) ;
167 double cs_di_house (double *x, double *beta, int n) ;
168 int *cs_di_maxtrans (const cs_di *A, int seed) ;
169 int *cs_di_post (const int *parent, int n) ;
170 cs_did *cs_di_scc (cs_di *A) ;
171 int cs_di_scatter (const cs_di *A, int j, double beta, int *w, double *x,
172  int mark, cs_di *C, int nz) ;
173 int cs_di_tdfs (int j, int k, int *head, const int *next, int *post,
174  int *stack) ;
175 int cs_di_leaf (int i, int j, const int *first, int *maxfirst, int *prevleaf,
176  int *ancestor, int *jleaf) ;
177 int cs_di_reach (cs_di *G, const cs_di *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv) ;
178 int cs_di_spsolve (cs_di *L, const cs_di *B, int k, int *xi, double *x,
179  const int *pinv, int lo) ;
180 int cs_di_ereach (const cs_di *A, int k, const int *parent, int *s, int *w) ;
181 int *cs_di_randperm (int n, int seed) ;
183 /* utilities */
184 cs_did *cs_di_dalloc (int m, int n) ;
185 cs_di *cs_di_done (cs_di *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
186 int *cs_di_idone (int *p, cs_di *C, void *w, int ok) ;
187 cs_din *cs_di_ndone (cs_din *N, cs_di *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
188 cs_did *cs_di_ddone (cs_did *D, cs_di *C, void *w, int ok) ;
191 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
192 /* double/cs_long_t version of CXSparse */
193 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
195 /* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
197 typedef struct cs_dl_sparse /* matrix in compressed-column or triplet form */
198 {
199  cs_long_t nzmax ; /* maximum number of entries */
200  cs_long_t m ; /* number of rows */
201  cs_long_t n ; /* number of columns */
202  cs_long_t *p ; /* column pointers (size n+1) or col indlces (size nzmax) */
203  cs_long_t *i ; /* row indices, size nzmax */
204  double *x ; /* numerical values, size nzmax */
205  cs_long_t nz ; /* # of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-col */
206 } cs_dl ;
208 cs_dl *cs_dl_add (const cs_dl *A, const cs_dl *B, double alpha, double beta) ;
209 cs_long_t cs_dl_cholsol (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b) ;
211 cs_long_t cs_dl_entry (cs_dl *T, cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, double x) ;
212 cs_long_t cs_dl_lusol (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b, double tol) ;
213 cs_long_t cs_dl_gaxpy (const cs_dl *A, const double *x, double *y) ;
214 cs_dl *cs_dl_multiply (const cs_dl *A, const cs_dl *B) ;
215 cs_long_t cs_dl_qrsol (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b) ;
216 cs_dl *cs_dl_transpose (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t values) ;
217 cs_dl *cs_dl_compress (const cs_dl *T) ;
218 double cs_dl_norm (const cs_dl *A) ;
219 cs_long_t cs_dl_print (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t brief) ;
220 cs_dl *cs_dl_load (FILE *f) ;
222 /* utilities */
223 void *cs_dl_calloc (cs_long_t n, size_t size) ;
224 void *cs_dl_free (void *p) ;
225 void *cs_dl_realloc (void *p, cs_long_t n, size_t size, cs_long_t *ok) ;
227  cs_long_t t) ;
228 cs_dl *cs_dl_spfree (cs_dl *A) ;
230 void *cs_dl_malloc (cs_long_t n, size_t size) ;
232 /* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
234 typedef struct cs_dl_symbolic /* symbolic Cholesky, LU, or QR analysis */
235 {
236  cs_long_t *pinv ; /* inverse row perm. for QR, fill red. perm for Chol */
237  cs_long_t *q ; /* fill-reducing column permutation for LU and QR */
238  cs_long_t *parent ; /* elimination tree for Cholesky and QR */
239  cs_long_t *cp ; /* column pointers for Cholesky, row counts for QR */
240  cs_long_t *leftmost ; /* leftmost[i] = min(find(A(i,:))), for QR */
241  cs_long_t m2 ; /* # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows */
242  double lnz ; /* # entries in L for LU or Cholesky; in V for QR */
243  double unz ; /* # entries in U for LU; in R for QR */
244 } cs_dls ;
246 typedef struct cs_dl_numeric /* numeric Cholesky, LU, or QR factorization */
247 {
248  cs_dl *L ; /* L for LU and Cholesky, V for QR */
249  cs_dl *U ; /* U for LU, r for QR, not used for Cholesky */
250  cs_long_t *pinv ; /* partial pivoting for LU */
251  double *B ; /* beta [0..n-1] for QR */
252 } cs_dln ;
254 typedef struct cs_dl_dmperm_results /* cs_dl_dmperm or cs_dl_scc output */
255 {
256  cs_long_t *p ; /* size m, row permutation */
257  cs_long_t *q ; /* size n, column permutation */
258  cs_long_t *r ; /* size nb+1, block k is rows r[k] to r[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
259  cs_long_t *s ; /* size nb+1, block k is cols s[k] to s[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
260  cs_long_t nb ; /* # of blocks in fine dmperm decomposition */
261  cs_long_t rr [5] ; /* coarse row decomposition */
262  cs_long_t cc [5] ; /* coarse column decomposition */
263 } cs_dld ;
265 cs_long_t *cs_dl_amd (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A) ;
266 cs_dln *cs_dl_chol (const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S) ;
267 cs_dld *cs_dl_dmperm (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t seed) ;
268 cs_long_t cs_dl_droptol (cs_dl *A, double tol) ;
270 cs_long_t cs_dl_happly (const cs_dl *V, cs_long_t i, double beta, double *x) ;
271 cs_long_t cs_dl_ipvec (const cs_long_t *p, const double *b, double *x, cs_long_t n) ;
272 cs_long_t cs_dl_lsolve (const cs_dl *L, double *x) ;
273 cs_long_t cs_dl_ltsolve (const cs_dl *L, double *x) ;
274 cs_dln *cs_dl_lu (const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S, double tol) ;
275 cs_dl *cs_dl_permute (const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, const cs_long_t *q,
276  cs_long_t values) ;
277 cs_long_t *cs_dl_pinv (const cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t n) ;
278 cs_long_t cs_dl_pvec (const cs_long_t *p, const double *b, double *x, cs_long_t n) ;
279 cs_dln *cs_dl_qr (const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S) ;
280 cs_dls *cs_dl_schol (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A) ;
281 cs_dls *cs_dl_sqr (cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t qr) ;
282 cs_dl *cs_dl_symperm (const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t values) ;
283 cs_long_t cs_dl_usolve (const cs_dl *U, double *x) ;
284 cs_long_t cs_dl_utsolve (const cs_dl *U, double *x) ;
285 cs_long_t cs_dl_updown (cs_dl *L, cs_long_t sigma, const cs_dl *C,
286  const cs_long_t *parent) ;
288 /* utilities */
289 cs_dls *cs_dl_sfree (cs_dls *S) ;
290 cs_dln *cs_dl_nfree (cs_dln *N) ;
291 cs_dld *cs_dl_dfree (cs_dld *D) ;
293 /* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
295 cs_long_t *cs_dl_counts (const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *parent,
296  const cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t ata) ;
297 double cs_dl_cumsum (cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t *c, cs_long_t n) ;
299  cs_long_t *pstack, const cs_long_t *pinv) ;
300 cs_long_t *cs_dl_etree (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t ata) ;
302  cs_long_t (*fkeep) (cs_long_t, cs_long_t, double, void *), void *other) ;
303 double cs_dl_house (double *x, double *beta, cs_long_t n) ;
304 cs_long_t *cs_dl_maxtrans (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t seed) ;
305 cs_long_t *cs_dl_post (const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t n) ;
306 cs_dld *cs_dl_scc (cs_dl *A) ;
307 cs_long_t cs_dl_scatter (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t j, double beta, cs_long_t *w,
308  double *x, cs_long_t mark,cs_dl *C, cs_long_t nz) ;
309 cs_long_t cs_dl_tdfs (cs_long_t j, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *head, const cs_long_t *next,
310  cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t *stack) ;
311 cs_long_t cs_dl_leaf (cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, const cs_long_t *first,
312  cs_long_t *maxfirst, cs_long_t *prevleaf, cs_long_t *ancestor, cs_long_t *jleaf) ;
313 cs_long_t cs_dl_reach (cs_dl *G, const cs_dl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi,
314  const cs_long_t *pinv) ;
315 cs_long_t cs_dl_spsolve (cs_dl *L, const cs_dl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi,
316  double *x, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t lo) ;
317 cs_long_t cs_dl_ereach (const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t k, const cs_long_t *parent,
318  cs_long_t *s, cs_long_t *w) ;
321 /* utilities */
323 cs_dl *cs_dl_done (cs_dl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok) ;
324 cs_long_t *cs_dl_idone (cs_long_t *p, cs_dl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok) ;
325 cs_dln *cs_dl_ndone (cs_dln *N, cs_dl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok) ;
326 cs_dld *cs_dl_ddone (cs_dld *D, cs_dl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok) ;
329 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
330 /* complex/int version of CXSparse */
331 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
333 #ifndef NCOMPLEX
335 /* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
337 typedef struct cs_ci_sparse /* matrix in compressed-column or triplet form */
338 {
339  int nzmax ; /* maximum number of entries */
340  int m ; /* number of rows */
341  int n ; /* number of columns */
342  int *p ; /* column pointers (size n+1) or col indices (size nzmax) */
343  int *i ; /* row indices, size nzmax */
344  cs_complex_t *x ; /* numerical values, size nzmax */
345  int nz ; /* # of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-col */
346 } cs_ci ;
348 cs_ci *cs_ci_add (const cs_ci *A, const cs_ci *B, cs_complex_t alpha,
349  cs_complex_t beta) ;
350 int cs_ci_cholsol (int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b) ;
351 int cs_ci_dupl (cs_ci *A) ;
352 int cs_ci_entry (cs_ci *T, int i, int j, cs_complex_t x) ;
353 int cs_ci_lusol (int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b, double tol) ;
354 int cs_ci_gaxpy (const cs_ci *A, const cs_complex_t *x, cs_complex_t *y) ;
355 cs_ci *cs_ci_multiply (const cs_ci *A, const cs_ci *B) ;
356 int cs_ci_qrsol (int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b) ;
357 cs_ci *cs_ci_transpose (const cs_ci *A, int values) ;
358 cs_ci *cs_ci_compress (const cs_ci *T) ;
359 double cs_ci_norm (const cs_ci *A) ;
360 int cs_ci_print (const cs_ci *A, int brief) ;
361 cs_ci *cs_ci_load (FILE *f) ;
363 /* utilities */
364 void *cs_ci_calloc (int n, size_t size) ;
365 void *cs_ci_free (void *p) ;
366 void *cs_ci_realloc (void *p, int n, size_t size, int *ok) ;
367 cs_ci *cs_ci_spalloc (int m, int n, int nzmax, int values, int t) ;
368 cs_ci *cs_ci_spfree (cs_ci *A) ;
369 int cs_ci_sprealloc (cs_ci *A, int nzmax) ;
370 void *cs_ci_malloc (int n, size_t size) ;
372 /* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
374 typedef struct cs_ci_symbolic /* symbolic Cholesky, LU, or QR analysis */
375 {
376  int *pinv ; /* inverse row perm. for QR, fill red. perm for Chol */
377  int *q ; /* fill-reducing column permutation for LU and QR */
378  int *parent ; /* elimination tree for Cholesky and QR */
379  int *cp ; /* column pointers for Cholesky, row counts for QR */
380  int *leftmost ; /* leftmost[i] = min(find(A(i,:))), for QR */
381  int m2 ; /* # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows */
382  double lnz ; /* # entries in L for LU or Cholesky; in V for QR */
383  double unz ; /* # entries in U for LU; in R for QR */
384 } cs_cis ;
386 typedef struct cs_ci_numeric /* numeric Cholesky, LU, or QR factorization */
387 {
388  cs_ci *L ; /* L for LU and Cholesky, V for QR */
389  cs_ci *U ; /* U for LU, r for QR, not used for Cholesky */
390  int *pinv ; /* partial pivoting for LU */
391  double *B ; /* beta [0..n-1] for QR */
392 } cs_cin ;
394 typedef struct cs_ci_dmperm_results /* cs_ci_dmperm or cs_ci_scc output */
395 {
396  int *p ; /* size m, row permutation */
397  int *q ; /* size n, column permutation */
398  int *r ; /* size nb+1, block k is rows r[k] to r[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
399  int *s ; /* size nb+1, block k is cols s[k] to s[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
400  int nb ; /* # of blocks in fine dmperm decomposition */
401  int rr [5] ; /* coarse row decomposition */
402  int cc [5] ; /* coarse column decomposition */
403 } cs_cid ;
405 int *cs_ci_amd (int order, const cs_ci *A) ;
406 cs_cin *cs_ci_chol (const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S) ;
407 cs_cid *cs_ci_dmperm (const cs_ci *A, int seed) ;
408 int cs_ci_droptol (cs_ci *A, double tol) ;
409 int cs_ci_dropzeros (cs_ci *A) ;
410 int cs_ci_happly (const cs_ci *V, int i, double beta, cs_complex_t *x) ;
411 int cs_ci_ipvec (const int *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, int n) ;
412 int cs_ci_lsolve (const cs_ci *L, cs_complex_t *x) ;
413 int cs_ci_ltsolve (const cs_ci *L, cs_complex_t *x) ;
414 cs_cin *cs_ci_lu (const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S, double tol) ;
415 cs_ci *cs_ci_permute (const cs_ci *A, const int *pinv, const int *q,
416  int values) ;
417 int *cs_ci_pinv (const int *p, int n) ;
418 int cs_ci_pvec (const int *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, int n) ;
419 cs_cin *cs_ci_qr (const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S) ;
420 cs_cis *cs_ci_schol (int order, const cs_ci *A) ;
421 cs_cis *cs_ci_sqr (int order, const cs_ci *A, int qr) ;
422 cs_ci *cs_ci_symperm (const cs_ci *A, const int *pinv, int values) ;
423 int cs_ci_usolve (const cs_ci *U, cs_complex_t *x) ;
424 int cs_ci_utsolve (const cs_ci *U, cs_complex_t *x) ;
425 int cs_ci_updown (cs_ci *L, int sigma, const cs_ci *C, const int *parent) ;
427 /* utilities */
428 cs_cis *cs_ci_sfree (cs_cis *S) ;
429 cs_cin *cs_ci_nfree (cs_cin *N) ;
430 cs_cid *cs_ci_dfree (cs_cid *D) ;
432 /* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
434 int *cs_ci_counts (const cs_ci *A, const int *parent, const int *post,
435  int ata) ;
436 double cs_ci_cumsum (int *p, int *c, int n) ;
437 int cs_ci_dfs (int j, cs_ci *G, int top, int *xi, int *pstack,
438  const int *pinv) ;
439 int *cs_ci_etree (const cs_ci *A, int ata) ;
440 int cs_ci_fkeep (cs_ci *A, int (*fkeep) (int, int, cs_complex_t, void *),
441  void *other) ;
442 cs_complex_t cs_ci_house (cs_complex_t *x, double *beta, int n) ;
443 int *cs_ci_maxtrans (const cs_ci *A, int seed) ;
444 int *cs_ci_post (const int *parent, int n) ;
445 cs_cid *cs_ci_scc (cs_ci *A) ;
446 int cs_ci_scatter (const cs_ci *A, int j, cs_complex_t beta, int *w,
447  cs_complex_t *x, int mark,cs_ci *C, int nz) ;
448 int cs_ci_tdfs (int j, int k, int *head, const int *next, int *post,
449  int *stack) ;
450 int cs_ci_leaf (int i, int j, const int *first, int *maxfirst, int *prevleaf,
451  int *ancestor, int *jleaf) ;
452 int cs_ci_reach (cs_ci *G, const cs_ci *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv) ;
453 int cs_ci_spsolve (cs_ci *L, const cs_ci *B, int k, int *xi,
454  cs_complex_t *x, const int *pinv, int lo) ;
455 int cs_ci_ereach (const cs_ci *A, int k, const int *parent, int *s, int *w) ;
456 int *cs_ci_randperm (int n, int seed) ;
458 /* utilities */
459 cs_cid *cs_ci_dalloc (int m, int n) ;
460 cs_ci *cs_ci_done (cs_ci *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
461 int *cs_ci_idone (int *p, cs_ci *C, void *w, int ok) ;
462 cs_cin *cs_ci_ndone (cs_cin *N, cs_ci *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
463 cs_cid *cs_ci_ddone (cs_cid *D, cs_ci *C, void *w, int ok) ;
466 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
467 /* complex/cs_long_t version of CXSparse */
468 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
470 /* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
472 typedef struct cs_cl_sparse /* matrix in compressed-column or triplet form */
473 {
474  cs_long_t nzmax ; /* maximum number of entries */
475  cs_long_t m ; /* number of rows */
476  cs_long_t n ; /* number of columns */
477  cs_long_t *p ; /* column pointers (size n+1) or col indlces (size nzmax) */
478  cs_long_t *i ; /* row indices, size nzmax */
479  cs_complex_t *x ; /* numerical values, size nzmax */
480  cs_long_t nz ; /* # of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-col */
481 } cs_cl ;
483 cs_cl *cs_cl_add (const cs_cl *A, const cs_cl *B, cs_complex_t alpha,
484  cs_complex_t beta) ;
485 cs_long_t cs_cl_cholsol (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b) ;
488 cs_long_t cs_cl_lusol (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b,
489  double tol) ;
490 cs_long_t cs_cl_gaxpy (const cs_cl *A, const cs_complex_t *x, cs_complex_t *y) ;
491 cs_cl *cs_cl_multiply (const cs_cl *A, const cs_cl *B) ;
492 cs_long_t cs_cl_qrsol (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b) ;
493 cs_cl *cs_cl_transpose (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t values) ;
494 cs_cl *cs_cl_compress (const cs_cl *T) ;
495 double cs_cl_norm (const cs_cl *A) ;
496 cs_long_t cs_cl_print (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t brief) ;
497 cs_cl *cs_cl_load (FILE *f) ;
499 /* utilities */
500 void *cs_cl_calloc (cs_long_t n, size_t size) ;
501 void *cs_cl_free (void *p) ;
502 void *cs_cl_realloc (void *p, cs_long_t n, size_t size, cs_long_t *ok) ;
504  cs_long_t t) ;
505 cs_cl *cs_cl_spfree (cs_cl *A) ;
507 void *cs_cl_malloc (cs_long_t n, size_t size) ;
509 /* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
511 typedef struct cs_cl_symbolic /* symbolic Cholesky, LU, or QR analysis */
512 {
513  cs_long_t *pinv ; /* inverse row perm. for QR, fill red. perm for Chol */
514  cs_long_t *q ; /* fill-reducing column permutation for LU and QR */
515  cs_long_t *parent ; /* elimination tree for Cholesky and QR */
516  cs_long_t *cp ; /* column pointers for Cholesky, row counts for QR */
517  cs_long_t *leftmost ; /* leftmost[i] = min(find(A(i,:))), for QR */
518  cs_long_t m2 ; /* # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows */
519  double lnz ; /* # entries in L for LU or Cholesky; in V for QR */
520  double unz ; /* # entries in U for LU; in R for QR */
521 } cs_cls ;
523 typedef struct cs_cl_numeric /* numeric Cholesky, LU, or QR factorization */
524 {
525  cs_cl *L ; /* L for LU and Cholesky, V for QR */
526  cs_cl *U ; /* U for LU, r for QR, not used for Cholesky */
527  cs_long_t *pinv ; /* partial pivoting for LU */
528  double *B ; /* beta [0..n-1] for QR */
529 } cs_cln ;
531 typedef struct cs_cl_dmperm_results /* cs_cl_dmperm or cs_cl_scc output */
532 {
533  cs_long_t *p ; /* size m, row permutation */
534  cs_long_t *q ; /* size n, column permutation */
535  cs_long_t *r ; /* size nb+1, block k is rows r[k] to r[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
536  cs_long_t *s ; /* size nb+1, block k is cols s[k] to s[k+1]-1 in A(p,q) */
537  cs_long_t nb ; /* # of blocks in fine dmperm decomposition */
538  cs_long_t rr [5] ; /* coarse row decomposition */
539  cs_long_t cc [5] ; /* coarse column decomposition */
540 } cs_cld ;
542 cs_long_t *cs_cl_amd (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A) ;
543 cs_cln *cs_cl_chol (const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S) ;
544 cs_cld *cs_cl_dmperm (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t seed) ;
545 cs_long_t cs_cl_droptol (cs_cl *A, double tol) ;
547 cs_long_t cs_cl_happly (const cs_cl *V, cs_long_t i, double beta, cs_complex_t *x) ;
548 cs_long_t cs_cl_ipvec (const cs_long_t *p, const cs_complex_t *b,
549  cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t n) ;
550 cs_long_t cs_cl_lsolve (const cs_cl *L, cs_complex_t *x) ;
551 cs_long_t cs_cl_ltsolve (const cs_cl *L, cs_complex_t *x) ;
552 cs_cln *cs_cl_lu (const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S, double tol) ;
553 cs_cl *cs_cl_permute (const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, const cs_long_t *q,
554  cs_long_t values) ;
555 cs_long_t *cs_cl_pinv (const cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t n) ;
556 cs_long_t cs_cl_pvec (const cs_long_t *p, const cs_complex_t *b,
557  cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t n) ;
558 cs_cln *cs_cl_qr (const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S) ;
559 cs_cls *cs_cl_schol (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A) ;
560 cs_cls *cs_cl_sqr (cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t qr) ;
561 cs_cl *cs_cl_symperm (const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t values) ;
562 cs_long_t cs_cl_usolve (const cs_cl *U, cs_complex_t *x) ;
563 cs_long_t cs_cl_utsolve (const cs_cl *U, cs_complex_t *x) ;
564 cs_long_t cs_cl_updown (cs_cl *L, cs_long_t sigma, const cs_cl *C,
565  const cs_long_t *parent) ;
567 /* utilities */
568 cs_cls *cs_cl_sfree (cs_cls *S) ;
569 cs_cln *cs_cl_nfree (cs_cln *N) ;
570 cs_cld *cs_cl_dfree (cs_cld *D) ;
572 /* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
574 cs_long_t *cs_cl_counts (const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *parent,
575  const cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t ata) ;
576 double cs_cl_cumsum (cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t *c, cs_long_t n) ;
578  cs_long_t *pstack, const cs_long_t *pinv) ;
579 cs_long_t *cs_cl_etree (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t ata) ;
581  cs_long_t (*fkeep) (cs_long_t, cs_long_t, cs_complex_t, void *), void *other) ;
582 cs_complex_t cs_cl_house (cs_complex_t *x, double *beta, cs_long_t n) ;
583 cs_long_t *cs_cl_maxtrans (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t seed) ;
584 cs_long_t *cs_cl_post (const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t n) ;
585 cs_cld *cs_cl_scc (cs_cl *A) ;
587  cs_long_t *w, cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t mark,cs_cl *C, cs_long_t nz) ;
588 cs_long_t cs_cl_tdfs (cs_long_t j, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *head, const cs_long_t *next,
589  cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t *stack) ;
590 cs_long_t cs_cl_leaf (cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, const cs_long_t *first,
591  cs_long_t *maxfirst, cs_long_t *prevleaf, cs_long_t *ancestor, cs_long_t *jleaf) ;
592 cs_long_t cs_cl_reach (cs_cl *G, const cs_cl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi,
593  const cs_long_t *pinv) ;
594 cs_long_t cs_cl_spsolve (cs_cl *L, const cs_cl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi,
595  cs_complex_t *x, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t lo) ;
596 cs_long_t cs_cl_ereach (const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t k, const cs_long_t *parent,
597  cs_long_t *s, cs_long_t *w) ;
600 /* utilities */
602 cs_cl *cs_cl_done (cs_cl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok) ;
603 cs_long_t *cs_cl_idone (cs_long_t *p, cs_cl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok) ;
604 cs_cln *cs_cl_ndone (cs_cln *N, cs_cl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok) ;
605 cs_cld *cs_cl_ddone (cs_cld *D, cs_cl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok) ;
607 #endif
609 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
610 /* Macros for constructing each version of CSparse */
611 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
613 #ifdef CS_LONG
614 #define CS_INT cs_long_t
615 #define CS_INT_MAX cs_long_t_max
616 #define CS_ID cs_long_t_id
617 #ifdef CS_COMPLEX
618 #define CS_ENTRY cs_complex_t
619 #define CS_NAME(nm) cs_cl ## nm
620 #define cs cs_cl
621 #else
622 #define CS_ENTRY double
623 #define CS_NAME(nm) cs_dl ## nm
624 #define cs cs_dl
625 #endif
626 #else
627 #define CS_INT int
628 #define CS_INT_MAX INT_MAX
629 #define CS_ID "%d"
630 #ifdef CS_COMPLEX
631 #define CS_ENTRY cs_complex_t
632 #define CS_NAME(nm) cs_ci ## nm
633 #define cs cs_ci
634 #else
635 #define CS_ENTRY double
636 #define CS_NAME(nm) cs_di ## nm
637 #define cs cs_di
638 #endif
639 #endif
641 #ifdef CS_COMPLEX
642 #define CS_REAL(x) creal(x)
643 #define CS_IMAG(x) cimag(x)
644 #define CS_CONJ(x) conj(x)
645 #define CS_ABS(x) cabs(x)
646 #else
647 #define CS_REAL(x) (x)
648 #define CS_IMAG(x) (0.)
649 #define CS_CONJ(x) (x)
650 #define CS_ABS(x) fabs(x)
651 #endif
653 #define CS_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
654 #define CS_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
655 #define CS_FLIP(i) (-(i)-2)
656 #define CS_UNFLIP(i) (((i) < 0) ? CS_FLIP(i) : (i))
657 #define CS_MARKED(w,j) (w [j] < 0)
658 #define CS_MARK(w,j) { w [j] = CS_FLIP (w [j]) ; }
659 #define CS_CSC(A) (A && (A->nz == -1))
660 #define CS_TRIPLET(A) (A && (A->nz >= 0))
662 /* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
664 #define cs_add CS_NAME (_add)
665 #define cs_cholsol CS_NAME (_cholsol)
666 #define cs_dupl CS_NAME (_dupl)
667 #define cs_entry CS_NAME (_entry)
668 #define cs_lusol CS_NAME (_lusol)
669 #define cs_gaxpy CS_NAME (_gaxpy)
670 #define cs_multiply CS_NAME (_multiply)
671 #define cs_qrsol CS_NAME (_qrsol)
672 #define cs_transpose CS_NAME (_transpose)
673 #define cs_compress CS_NAME (_compress)
674 #define cs_norm CS_NAME (_norm)
675 #define cs_print CS_NAME (_print)
676 #define cs_load CS_NAME (_load)
678 /* utilities */
679 #define cs_calloc CS_NAME (_calloc)
680 #define cs_free CS_NAME (_free)
681 #define cs_realloc CS_NAME (_realloc)
682 #define cs_spalloc CS_NAME (_spalloc)
683 #define cs_spfree CS_NAME (_spfree)
684 #define cs_sprealloc CS_NAME (_sprealloc)
685 #define cs_malloc CS_NAME (_malloc)
687 /* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
688 #define css CS_NAME (s)
689 #define csn CS_NAME (n)
690 #define csd CS_NAME (d)
692 #define cs_amd CS_NAME (_amd)
693 #define cs_chol CS_NAME (_chol)
694 #define cs_dmperm CS_NAME (_dmperm)
695 #define cs_droptol CS_NAME (_droptol)
696 #define cs_dropzeros CS_NAME (_dropzeros)
697 #define cs_happly CS_NAME (_happly)
698 #define cs_ipvec CS_NAME (_ipvec)
699 #define cs_lsolve CS_NAME (_lsolve)
700 #define cs_ltsolve CS_NAME (_ltsolve)
701 #define cs_lu CS_NAME (_lu)
702 #define cs_permute CS_NAME (_permute)
703 #define cs_pinv CS_NAME (_pinv)
704 #define cs_pvec CS_NAME (_pvec)
705 #define cs_qr CS_NAME (_qr)
706 #define cs_schol CS_NAME (_schol)
707 #define cs_sqr CS_NAME (_sqr)
708 #define cs_symperm CS_NAME (_symperm)
709 #define cs_usolve CS_NAME (_usolve)
710 #define cs_utsolve CS_NAME (_utsolve)
711 #define cs_updown CS_NAME (_updown)
713 /* utilities */
714 #define cs_sfree CS_NAME (_sfree)
715 #define cs_nfree CS_NAME (_nfree)
716 #define cs_dfree CS_NAME (_dfree)
718 /* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
719 #define cs_counts CS_NAME (_counts)
720 #define cs_cumsum CS_NAME (_cumsum)
721 #define cs_dfs CS_NAME (_dfs)
722 #define cs_etree CS_NAME (_etree)
723 #define cs_fkeep CS_NAME (_fkeep)
724 #define cs_house CS_NAME (_house)
725 #define cs_invmatch CS_NAME (_invmatch)
726 #define cs_maxtrans CS_NAME (_maxtrans)
727 #define cs_post CS_NAME (_post)
728 #define cs_scc CS_NAME (_scc)
729 #define cs_scatter CS_NAME (_scatter)
730 #define cs_tdfs CS_NAME (_tdfs)
731 #define cs_reach CS_NAME (_reach)
732 #define cs_spsolve CS_NAME (_spsolve)
733 #define cs_ereach CS_NAME (_ereach)
734 #define cs_randperm CS_NAME (_randperm)
735 #define cs_leaf CS_NAME (_leaf)
737 /* utilities */
738 #define cs_dalloc CS_NAME (_dalloc)
739 #define cs_done CS_NAME (_done)
740 #define cs_idone CS_NAME (_idone)
741 #define cs_ndone CS_NAME (_ndone)
742 #define cs_ddone CS_NAME (_ddone)
744 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
745 /* Conversion routines */
746 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
748 #ifndef NCOMPLEX
749 cs_di *cs_i_real (cs_ci *A, int real) ;
750 cs_ci *cs_i_complex (cs_di *A, int real) ;
751 cs_dl *cs_l_real (cs_cl *A, cs_long_t real) ;
752 cs_cl *cs_l_complex (cs_dl *A, cs_long_t real) ;
753 #endif
755 #ifdef __cplusplus
756 }
757 #endif
758 #endif
cs_din * cs_di_qr(const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S)
struct cs_ci_symbolic cs_cis
cs_ci * cs_i_complex(cs_di *A, int real)
Definition: cs_convert.c:28
cs_cld * cs_cl_scc(cs_cl *A)
cs_dls * cs_dl_schol(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A)
cs_cln * cs_cl_chol(const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S)
int cs_ci_utsolve(const cs_ci *U, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_cl * cs_cl_add(const cs_cl *A, const cs_cl *B, cs_complex_t alpha, cs_complex_t beta)
struct cs_dl_dmperm_results cs_dld
int cs_di_dupl(cs_di *A)
cs_cln * cs_cl_qr(const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S)
double cs_ci_cumsum(int *p, int *c, int n)
void * cs_ci_realloc(void *p, int n, size_t size, int *ok)
int cs_ci_ereach(const cs_ci *A, int k, const int *parent, int *s, int *w)
cs_cl * cs_cl_multiply(const cs_cl *A, const cs_cl *B)
int cs_di_happly(const cs_di *V, int i, double beta, double *x)
cs_long_t * cp
Definition: cs.h:239
cs_long_t cs_dl_ereach(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t k, const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t *s, cs_long_t *w)
cs_long_t nb
Definition: cs.h:260
cs_cld * cs_cl_dfree(cs_cld *D)
int * q
Definition: cs.h:102
double cs_ci_norm(const cs_ci *A)
int cs_ci_lsolve(const cs_ci *L, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_cid * cs_ci_dmperm(const cs_ci *A, int seed)
cs_di * cs_di_compress(const cs_di *T)
cs_long_t cs_dl_reach(cs_dl *G, const cs_dl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi, const cs_long_t *pinv)
cs_did * cs_di_dalloc(int m, int n)
cs_long_t cs_dl_lsolve(const cs_dl *L, double *x)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_post(const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_randperm(cs_long_t n, cs_long_t seed)
struct cs_ci_sparse cs_ci
cs_long_t cs_dl_dfs(cs_long_t j, cs_dl *G, cs_long_t top, cs_long_t *xi, cs_long_t *pstack, const cs_long_t *pinv)
int m
Definition: cs.h:66
void * cs_cl_free(void *p)
cs_cl * L
Definition: cs.h:525
int * p
Definition: cs.h:342
cs_dld * cs_dl_scc(cs_dl *A)
cs_long_t * s
Definition: cs.h:259
cs_long_t * p
Definition: cs.h:533
cs_long_t * pinv
Definition: cs.h:250
cs_dl * cs_dl_compress(const cs_dl *T)
cs_long_t cs_cl_updown(cs_cl *L, cs_long_t sigma, const cs_cl *C, const cs_long_t *parent)
int * pinv
Definition: cs.h:115
int cs_di_gaxpy(const cs_di *A, const double *x, double *y)
int * parent
Definition: cs.h:378
cs_cid * cs_ci_dfree(cs_cid *D)
double * B
Definition: cs.h:116
cs_cl * cs_l_complex(cs_dl *A, cs_long_t real)
Definition: cs_convert.c:74
cs_long_t cs_dl_sprealloc(cs_dl *A, cs_long_t nzmax)
cs_long_t cs_dl_dupl(cs_dl *A)
cs_ci * cs_ci_permute(const cs_ci *A, const int *pinv, const int *q, int values)
cs_dld * cs_dl_dmperm(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t seed)
cs_dl * L
Definition: cs.h:248
int cs_ci_qrsol(int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b)
cs_cln * cs_cl_ndone(cs_cln *N, cs_cl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok)
int cs_ci_sprealloc(cs_ci *A, int nzmax)
cs_di * cs_di_add(const cs_di *A, const cs_di *B, double alpha, double beta)
int * q
Definition: cs.h:377
double unz
Definition: cs.h:108
cs_di * cs_di_permute(const cs_di *A, const int *pinv, const int *q, int values)
int * cs_di_amd(int order, const cs_di *A)
cs_cl * cs_cl_compress(const cs_cl *T)
int cs_di_ereach(const cs_di *A, int k, const int *parent, int *s, int *w)
cs_long_t n
Definition: cs.h:476
struct cs_di_numeric cs_din
cs_long_t cs_dl_pvec(const cs_long_t *p, const double *b, double *x, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_maxtrans(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t seed)
cs_long_t cs_cl_entry(cs_cl *T, cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, cs_complex_t x)
cs_long_t rr[5]
Definition: cs.h:261
cs_long_t cs_cl_usolve(const cs_cl *U, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_long_t * pinv
Definition: cs.h:513
cs_complex_t * x
Definition: cs.h:344
cs_dld * cs_dl_dfree(cs_dld *D)
cs_long_t cs_cl_dfs(cs_long_t j, cs_cl *G, cs_long_t top, cs_long_t *xi, cs_long_t *pstack, const cs_long_t *pinv)
cs_complex_t cs_cl_house(cs_complex_t *x, double *beta, cs_long_t n)
int cs_di_droptol(cs_di *A, double tol)
struct cs_dl_sparse cs_dl
int m2
Definition: cs.h:106
int * cs_ci_etree(const cs_ci *A, int ata)
int cs_ci_happly(const cs_ci *V, int i, double beta, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_amd(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A)
cs_long_t * s
Definition: cs.h:536
int * cs_ci_maxtrans(const cs_ci *A, int seed)
cs_complex_t cs_ci_house(cs_complex_t *x, double *beta, int n)
int cs_ci_fkeep(cs_ci *A, int(*fkeep)(int, int, cs_complex_t, void *), void *other)
int cs_di_updown(cs_di *L, int sigma, const cs_di *C, const int *parent)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_counts(const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *parent, const cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t ata)
cs_long_t cs_cl_leaf(cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, const cs_long_t *first, cs_long_t *maxfirst, cs_long_t *prevleaf, cs_long_t *ancestor, cs_long_t *jleaf)
cs_dls * cs_dl_sqr(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t qr)
cs_long_t cs_dl_ipvec(const cs_long_t *p, const double *b, double *x, cs_long_t n)
cs_did * cs_di_ddone(cs_did *D, cs_di *C, void *w, int ok)
struct cs_di_sparse cs_di
cs_long_t * pinv
Definition: cs.h:236
cs_long_t nz
Definition: cs.h:205
cs_long_t cs_dl_entry(cs_dl *T, cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, double x)
double lnz
Definition: cs.h:519
cs_long_t cs_dl_updown(cs_dl *L, cs_long_t sigma, const cs_dl *C, const cs_long_t *parent)
cs_long_t cs_cl_scatter(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t j, cs_complex_t beta, cs_long_t *w, cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t mark, cs_cl *C, cs_long_t nz)
struct cs_di_dmperm_results cs_did
cs_long_t * r
Definition: cs.h:258
cs_long_t cs_dl_gaxpy(const cs_dl *A, const double *x, double *y)
cs_cln * cs_cl_lu(const cs_cl *A, const cs_cls *S, double tol)
cs_cin * cs_ci_qr(const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S)
cs_complex_t * x
Definition: cs.h:479
cs_cl * cs_cl_spfree(cs_cl *A)
cs_long_t * q
Definition: cs.h:237
double cs_cl_norm(const cs_cl *A)
cs_ci * cs_ci_done(cs_ci *C, void *w, void *x, int ok)
cs_long_t * cp
Definition: cs.h:516
double lnz
Definition: cs.h:382
cs_long_t * cs_cl_idone(cs_long_t *p, cs_cl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok)
cs_long_t * q
Definition: cs.h:514
double * B
Definition: cs.h:528
cs_long_t * leftmost
Definition: cs.h:517
cs_dls * cs_dl_sfree(cs_dls *S)
int * pinv
Definition: cs.h:101
cs_di * cs_di_transpose(const cs_di *A, int values)
cs_di * cs_di_done(cs_di *C, void *w, void *x, int ok)
double unz
Definition: cs.h:520
int m
Definition: cs.h:340
void * cs_ci_calloc(int n, size_t size)
cs_cl * cs_cl_done(cs_cl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok)
double * x
Definition: cs.h:70
cs_dl * cs_dl_load(FILE *f)
int * cs_ci_post(const int *parent, int n)
cs_long_t cs_cl_lusol(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b, double tol)
#define cs_complex_t
Definition: cs.h:41
void * cs_di_free(void *p)
cs_cl * cs_cl_permute(const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, const cs_long_t *q, cs_long_t values)
cs_cl * U
Definition: cs.h:526
cs_cln * cs_cl_nfree(cs_cln *N)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_randperm(cs_long_t n, cs_long_t seed)
cs_long_t cs_dl_spsolve(cs_dl *L, const cs_dl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi, double *x, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t lo)
double cs_cl_cumsum(cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t *c, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t cs_cl_droptol(cs_cl *A, double tol)
cs_long_t cs_cl_ltsolve(const cs_cl *L, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_cl * cs_cl_spalloc(cs_long_t m, cs_long_t n, cs_long_t nzmax, cs_long_t values, cs_long_t t)
cs_cin * cs_ci_chol(const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S)
int cs_ci_tdfs(int j, int k, int *head, const int *next, int *post, int *stack)
int cs_di_entry(cs_di *T, int i, int j, double x)
int cs_di_pvec(const int *p, const double *b, double *x, int n)
int * cs_di_randperm(int n, int seed)
int cs_ci_cholsol(int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b)
cs_cld * cs_cl_ddone(cs_cld *D, cs_cl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok)
cs_long_t cs_cl_sprealloc(cs_cl *A, cs_long_t nzmax)
cs_ci * cs_ci_symperm(const cs_ci *A, const int *pinv, int values)
int cs_di_fkeep(cs_di *A, int(*fkeep)(int, int, double, void *), void *other)
void * cs_dl_realloc(void *p, cs_long_t n, size_t size, cs_long_t *ok)
void * cs_dl_calloc(cs_long_t n, size_t size)
cs_long_t cs_cl_qrsol(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b)
cs_long_t * pinv
Definition: cs.h:527
cs_long_t cs_dl_print(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t brief)
void * cs_di_realloc(void *p, int n, size_t size, int *ok)
double cs_dl_norm(const cs_dl *A)
int * pinv
Definition: cs.h:376
cs_long_t cc[5]
Definition: cs.h:539
cs_long_t * cs_dl_etree(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t ata)
cs_ci * cs_ci_load(FILE *f)
int cs_ci_dropzeros(cs_ci *A)
int cs_ci_dupl(cs_ci *A)
int * parent
Definition: cs.h:103
double * B
Definition: cs.h:251
cs_dl * cs_dl_symperm(const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t values)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_idone(cs_long_t *p, cs_dl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok)
cs_cin * cs_ci_lu(const cs_ci *A, const cs_cis *S, double tol)
int cs_ci_pvec(const int *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, int n)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_pinv(const cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t n)
double cs_dl_cumsum(cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t *c, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t * p
Definition: cs.h:477
struct cs_dl_symbolic cs_dls
int n
Definition: cs.h:67
cs_long_t m
Definition: cs.h:200
double cs_di_cumsum(int *p, int *c, int n)
int cs_ci_updown(cs_ci *L, int sigma, const cs_ci *C, const int *parent)
void * cs_ci_free(void *p)
cs_cid * cs_ci_dalloc(int m, int n)
int nz
Definition: cs.h:345
cs_long_t nzmax
Definition: cs.h:474
cs_ci * cs_ci_multiply(const cs_ci *A, const cs_ci *B)
cs_dl * U
Definition: cs.h:249
int * pinv
Definition: cs.h:390
cs_long_t cs_cl_dropzeros(cs_cl *A)
int cs_ci_lusol(int order, const cs_ci *A, cs_complex_t *b, double tol)
int cs_ci_ipvec(const int *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, int n)
double * B
Definition: cs.h:391
cs_long_t * i
Definition: cs.h:203
cs_dl * cs_dl_spfree(cs_dl *A)
void * cs_cl_realloc(void *p, cs_long_t n, size_t size, cs_long_t *ok)
int * leftmost
Definition: cs.h:380
cs_ci * cs_ci_spalloc(int m, int n, int nzmax, int values, int t)
struct cs_dl_numeric cs_dln
int cs_ci_usolve(const cs_ci *U, cs_complex_t *x)
int cs_ci_entry(cs_ci *T, int i, int j, cs_complex_t x)
cs_long_t cs_cl_lsolve(const cs_cl *L, cs_complex_t *x)
int cs_di_lusol(int order, const cs_di *A, double *b, double tol)
cs_din * cs_di_nfree(cs_din *N)
int * cs_ci_idone(int *p, cs_ci *C, void *w, int ok)
cs_long_t * q
Definition: cs.h:257
cs_long_t * cs_dl_counts(const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *parent, const cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t ata)
cs_cid * cs_ci_ddone(cs_cid *D, cs_ci *C, void *w, int ok)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_post(const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t n)
int * i
Definition: cs.h:69
cs_ci * cs_ci_compress(const cs_ci *T)
struct cs_cl_sparse cs_cl
cs_din * cs_di_ndone(cs_din *N, cs_di *C, void *w, void *x, int ok)
double * x
Definition: cs.h:204
cs_long_t m2
Definition: cs.h:518
cs_long_t cs_cl_fkeep(cs_cl *A, cs_long_t(*fkeep)(cs_long_t, cs_long_t, cs_complex_t, void *), void *other)
cs_long_t nz
Definition: cs.h:480
cs_long_t rr[5]
Definition: cs.h:538
void * cs_cl_malloc(cs_long_t n, size_t size)
int cs_di_dropzeros(cs_di *A)
cs_ci * L
Definition: cs.h:388
int * i
Definition: cs.h:343
struct cs_cl_symbolic cs_cls
cs_cls * cs_cl_schol(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A)
cs_di * cs_di_symperm(const cs_di *A, const int *pinv, int values)
double lnz
Definition: cs.h:242
cs_long_t m2
Definition: cs.h:241
cs_long_t * parent
Definition: cs.h:515
int * cs_ci_counts(const cs_ci *A, const int *parent, const int *post, int ata)
int * cs_di_idone(int *p, cs_di *C, void *w, int ok)
cs_long_t * r
Definition: cs.h:535
int cs_ci_droptol(cs_ci *A, double tol)
int nz
Definition: cs.h:71
cs_long_t cs_dl_usolve(const cs_dl *U, double *x)
struct cs_ci_numeric cs_cin
int cs_di_tdfs(int j, int k, int *head, const int *next, int *post, int *stack)
int cs_ci_print(const cs_ci *A, int brief)
int * cs_ci_randperm(int n, int seed)
int nzmax
Definition: cs.h:339
cs_did * cs_di_scc(cs_di *A)
cs_long_t cs_cl_utsolve(const cs_cl *U, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_long_t * i
Definition: cs.h:478
cs_dis * cs_di_sqr(int order, const cs_di *A, int qr)
int m2
Definition: cs.h:381
cs_cl * cs_cl_symperm(const cs_cl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t values)
cs_di * U
Definition: cs.h:114
int cs_ci_ltsolve(const cs_ci *L, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_cl * cs_cl_transpose(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t values)
struct cs_cl_numeric cs_cln
cs_long_t cs_dl_cholsol(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b)
int cs_di_sprealloc(cs_di *A, int nzmax)
void * cs_cl_calloc(cs_long_t n, size_t size)
int cs_di_ipvec(const int *p, const double *b, double *x, int n)
cs_long_t * leftmost
Definition: cs.h:240
int cs_di_usolve(const cs_di *U, double *x)
cs_din * cs_di_lu(const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S, double tol)
cs_dl * cs_dl_multiply(const cs_dl *A, const cs_dl *B)
cs_long_t cs_dl_fkeep(cs_dl *A, cs_long_t(*fkeep)(cs_long_t, cs_long_t, double, void *), void *other)
int * cs_ci_pinv(const int *p, int n)
void * cs_dl_free(void *p)
cs_dl * cs_dl_add(const cs_dl *A, const cs_dl *B, double alpha, double beta)
cs_long_t m
Definition: cs.h:475
int n
Definition: cs.h:341
int * cs_di_pinv(const int *p, int n)
cs_long_t cs_dl_lusol(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b, double tol)
cs_long_t nzmax
Definition: cs.h:199
cs_long_t cs_cl_spsolve(cs_cl *L, const cs_cl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi, cs_complex_t *x, const cs_long_t *pinv, cs_long_t lo)
cs_cl * cs_cl_load(FILE *f)
cs_cid * cs_ci_scc(cs_ci *A)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_pinv(const cs_long_t *p, cs_long_t n)
cs_dln * cs_dl_nfree(cs_dln *N)
int cs_ci_scatter(const cs_ci *A, int j, cs_complex_t beta, int *w, cs_complex_t *x, int mark, cs_ci *C, int nz)
int cs_di_spsolve(cs_di *L, const cs_di *B, int k, int *xi, double *x, const int *pinv, int lo)
cs_dld * cs_dl_ddone(cs_dld *D, cs_dl *C, void *w, cs_long_t ok)
cs_ci * cs_ci_transpose(const cs_ci *A, int values)
cs_long_t cs_dl_tdfs(cs_long_t j, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *head, const cs_long_t *next, cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t *stack)
cs_long_t * q
Definition: cs.h:534
double cs_dl_house(double *x, double *beta, cs_long_t n)
int cs_di_dfs(int j, cs_di *G, int top, int *xi, int *pstack, const int *pinv)
struct cs_di_symbolic cs_dis
cs_long_t cs_cl_dupl(cs_cl *A)
void * cs_ci_malloc(int n, size_t size)
cs_cis * cs_ci_schol(int order, const cs_ci *A)
cs_dis * cs_di_schol(int order, const cs_di *A)
int nzmax
Definition: cs.h:65
cs_dln * cs_dl_qr(const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S)
int * cs_ci_amd(int order, const cs_ci *A)
int cs_ci_spsolve(cs_ci *L, const cs_ci *B, int k, int *xi, cs_complex_t *x, const int *pinv, int lo)
cs_cld * cs_cl_dmperm(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t seed)
int cs_di_print(const cs_di *A, int brief)
cs_long_t cs_dl_qrsol(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A, double *b)
cs_cld * cs_cl_dalloc(cs_long_t m, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t cs_dl_happly(const cs_dl *V, cs_long_t i, double beta, double *x)
struct cs_cl_dmperm_results cs_cld
int cs_ci_dfs(int j, cs_ci *G, int top, int *xi, int *pstack, const int *pinv)
double cs_di_norm(const cs_di *A)
int cs_di_leaf(int i, int j, const int *first, int *maxfirst, int *prevleaf, int *ancestor, int *jleaf)
cs_cls * cs_cl_sqr(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t qr)
cs_din * cs_di_chol(const cs_di *A, const cs_dis *S)
cs_long_t cs_cl_gaxpy(const cs_cl *A, const cs_complex_t *x, cs_complex_t *y)
cs_dln * cs_dl_ndone(cs_dln *N, cs_dl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok)
int cs_di_ltsolve(const cs_di *L, double *x)
int * cs_di_counts(const cs_di *A, const int *parent, const int *post, int ata)
cs_long_t n
Definition: cs.h:201
int cs_ci_leaf(int i, int j, const int *first, int *maxfirst, int *prevleaf, int *ancestor, int *jleaf)
cs_long_t cs_cl_cholsol(cs_long_t order, const cs_cl *A, cs_complex_t *b)
cs_long_t cs_cl_reach(cs_cl *G, const cs_cl *B, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *xi, const cs_long_t *pinv)
cs_ci * U
Definition: cs.h:389
cs_cis * cs_ci_sfree(cs_cis *S)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_etree(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t ata)
cs_long_t cs_dl_leaf(cs_long_t i, cs_long_t j, const cs_long_t *first, cs_long_t *maxfirst, cs_long_t *prevleaf, cs_long_t *ancestor, cs_long_t *jleaf)
#define cs_long_t
Definition: cs.h:53
cs_ci * cs_ci_add(const cs_ci *A, const cs_ci *B, cs_complex_t alpha, cs_complex_t beta)
struct cs_ci_dmperm_results cs_cid
void * cs_di_malloc(int n, size_t size)
int cs_di_utsolve(const cs_di *U, double *x)
cs_long_t cs_cl_print(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t brief)
void * cs_di_calloc(int n, size_t size)
int * cp
Definition: cs.h:379
cs_long_t * parent
Definition: cs.h:238
int cs_ci_gaxpy(const cs_ci *A, const cs_complex_t *x, cs_complex_t *y)
double lnz
Definition: cs.h:107
cs_di * L
Definition: cs.h:113
cs_dl * cs_l_real(cs_cl *A, cs_long_t real)
Definition: cs_convert.c:51
int cs_di_cholsol(int order, const cs_di *A, double *b)
cs_cls * cs_cl_sfree(cs_cls *S)
int * cs_di_etree(const cs_di *A, int ata)
cs_long_t * cs_dl_amd(cs_long_t order, const cs_dl *A)
int * cs_di_post(const int *parent, int n)
int cs_ci_reach(cs_ci *G, const cs_ci *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv)
double unz
Definition: cs.h:383
cs_dl * cs_dl_permute(const cs_dl *A, const cs_long_t *pinv, const cs_long_t *q, cs_long_t values)
int cs_di_qrsol(int order, const cs_di *A, double *b)
cs_long_t * cs_cl_maxtrans(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t seed)
int cs_di_scatter(const cs_di *A, int j, double beta, int *w, double *x, int mark, cs_di *C, int nz)
cs_cin * cs_ci_nfree(cs_cin *N)
cs_long_t cs_dl_ltsolve(const cs_dl *L, double *x)
cs_di * cs_di_load(FILE *f)
cs_long_t cs_cl_pvec(const cs_long_t *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t n)
int * cp
Definition: cs.h:104
int * cs_di_maxtrans(const cs_di *A, int seed)
cs_long_t cs_dl_droptol(cs_dl *A, double tol)
int * p
Definition: cs.h:68
cs_di * cs_di_multiply(const cs_di *A, const cs_di *B)
cs_dl * cs_dl_done(cs_dl *C, void *w, void *x, cs_long_t ok)
cs_long_t cs_cl_ipvec(const cs_long_t *p, const cs_complex_t *b, cs_complex_t *x, cs_long_t n)
cs_dl * cs_dl_spalloc(cs_long_t m, cs_long_t n, cs_long_t nzmax, cs_long_t values, cs_long_t t)
cs_long_t cs_dl_dropzeros(cs_dl *A)
cs_long_t cc[5]
Definition: cs.h:262
cs_di * cs_di_spfree(cs_di *A)
cs_long_t cs_cl_ereach(const cs_cl *A, cs_long_t k, const cs_long_t *parent, cs_long_t *s, cs_long_t *w)
cs_did * cs_di_dfree(cs_did *D)
int cs_di_reach(cs_di *G, const cs_di *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv)
cs_ci * cs_ci_spfree(cs_ci *A)
cs_did * cs_di_dmperm(const cs_di *A, int seed)
cs_dld * cs_dl_dalloc(cs_long_t m, cs_long_t n)
cs_long_t nb
Definition: cs.h:537
double unz
Definition: cs.h:243
cs_dln * cs_dl_lu(const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S, double tol)
int cs_di_lsolve(const cs_di *L, double *x)
cs_dis * cs_di_sfree(cs_dis *S)
cs_long_t cs_dl_utsolve(const cs_dl *U, double *x)
cs_cis * cs_ci_sqr(int order, const cs_ci *A, int qr)
cs_long_t cs_cl_happly(const cs_cl *V, cs_long_t i, double beta, cs_complex_t *x)
cs_long_t cs_dl_scatter(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t j, double beta, cs_long_t *w, double *x, cs_long_t mark, cs_dl *C, cs_long_t nz)
cs_long_t cs_cl_tdfs(cs_long_t j, cs_long_t k, cs_long_t *head, const cs_long_t *next, cs_long_t *post, cs_long_t *stack)
cs_di * cs_di_spalloc(int m, int n, int nzmax, int values, int t)
cs_di * cs_i_real(cs_ci *A, int real)
Definition: cs_convert.c:5
cs_dln * cs_dl_chol(const cs_dl *A, const cs_dls *S)
double cs_di_house(double *x, double *beta, int n)
int * leftmost
Definition: cs.h:105
cs_cin * cs_ci_ndone(cs_cin *N, cs_ci *C, void *w, void *x, int ok)
cs_dl * cs_dl_transpose(const cs_dl *A, cs_long_t values)
cs_long_t * p
Definition: cs.h:256
cs_long_t * p
Definition: cs.h:202
void * cs_dl_malloc(cs_long_t n, size_t size)