EVSL  1.1.0
EigenValues Slicing Library
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
|o*evsl_cxsparse.cDefinitions used for cxsparse interface
|o*evsl_direct.hDefinitions used for direct solver interface
|o*evsl_direct_f90.cFortran interface definitions
|\*evsl_suitesparse.cDefault solver function for solving shifted systems and factoring B
|\*evsl_f90.cDefinitions used by fortran interface
|o*blaslapack.hDefs for blaslapack routines
|o*def.hDefs in EVSL
|o*evsl.hThis file contains function prototypes and constant definitions for EVSL
|o*internal_proto.hThis file contains function prototypes and constant definitions internally used in EVSL
|\*struct.hStructs used in evsl
|o*cheblanNr.cPolynomial Filtered no-restart Lanczos
|o*cheblanTr.cPolynomial Filtered thick restart Lanczos
|o*chebpoly.cComputing and applying polynomial filters
|o*chebsi.cPolynomial Filtered Subspace Iteration
|o*dos_utils.cA number of utility functions related to DOS functionality
|o*dumps.cMiscellaneous functions used for DOS based functions
|o*evsl.cSet EVSL solver options and data
|o*lanbounds.cLanczos alg. to give bounds of spectrum
|o*landos.cFunction to use Lanczos method for approximating DOS for the standard eigenvalue problem
|o*landosG.cFunction to use Lanczos method for approximating DOS for the generalized eigenvalue problem
|o*lanTrbounds.cA more robust algorithm to give bounds of spectrum based on TR Lanczos
|o*mactime.cTimer for mac OS
|o*misc_la.cMiscellaneous linear algebra functions
|o*ratfilter.cComputing and applying rational filters
|o*ratlanNr.cRational Filtered no-restart Lanczos
|o*ratlanTr.cRational filtered thick restart Lanczos
|o*simpson.cSimpson integrater
|o*spmat.cSparse matrix routines
|o*spslice.cSpectrum slicing
|o*spslice2.cSpectrum slicing
|\*vect.cVector operations