86 typedef void (*
int n,
double *br,
double *bz,
double *xr,
double *xz,
void *data);
91 typedef void (*
double *b,
double *x,
void *data);
96 typedef void (*
double *x,
double *y,
void *data);
struct _polparams polparams
parameters for polynomial filter
void(* MVFunc)(double *x, double *y, void *data)
matvec function prototype
void(* SolFuncC)(int n, double *br, double *bz, double *xr, double *xz, void *data)
linear solver function prototype: [complex version] which is used for solving system with A-SIGMA B n...
user-provided function for solving L^{T} x = b
user-provided function and data for solving B x = b
user-provided function for solving L^{T} x = b
struct _EVSLBSol EVSLBSol
user-provided function and data for solving B x = b
struct _evslstat evslStat
timing and memory statistics of EVSL
user-provided function and data for solving (A - SIGMA*B) x = b
user-provided function and data for solving (A - SIGMA*B) x = b
evslData evsldata
global variable of EVSL
void(* SolFuncR)(double *b, double *x, void *data)
function prototype for applying the solve B x = b
sparse matrix format: the compressed sparse row (CSR) format, 0-based
struct _BSolDataPol BSolDataPol
struct _ratparams ratparams
parameters for rational filter
struct _evsldata evslData
wrapper of all global variables in EVSL
wrapper of all global variables in EVSL
struct _cooMat cooMat
sparse matrix format: the coordinate (COO) format, 0-based
parameters for polynomial filter
evslStat evslstat
global statistics of EVSL
timing and memory statistics of EVSL
sparse matrix format: the coordinate (COO) format, 0-based
user-provided Mat-Vec function and data for y = A * x or y = B * x
struct _csrMat csrMat
sparse matrix format: the compressed sparse row (CSR) format, 0-based
struct _EVSLMatvec EVSLMatvec
user-provided Mat-Vec function and data for y = A * x or y = B * x
parameters for rational filter