Welcome to release 1.0.0 of
parGeMSLR (the parallel Generalized
Multilevel Schur complement Low-Rank preconditioning/solution
package). This is a distributed-memory Multilevel Low-Rank
Preconditioning and Solution package for the solution of large and
sparse (non)symmetric linear systems of equations. Preconditioners
provided by parGeMSLR are purely algebraic and are based on a
multilevel reordering of the original set of equations/variables, exploiting a
hierarchical ordering of the interface variables at
each level. Several options for reordering are
available. At each given level, parGeMSLR decouples (using, e.g., ParMETIS)
the solution of the current linear system into one associated with the
interior variables and another associated with the interface ones.
The first subproblem is block-diagonal and solved in parallel by
applying some form of ILU preconditioning. The recursive nature of
the preconditioner appears on the second subproblem where the Schur
complement linear system is reconditioned by the interface coupling
matrix. The latter is applied by descending to the next level until
the last level is reached. In the latter case, the user can choose to
use either Block Jacobi acceleration or redundantly solve the problem
by (I)LU. Low-rank correction terms can be added at each level to
further enhance robustness, and these are applied using the Woodbury
In addition to the documentation that accompanies the package,
the technical reports listed below provide
details on the techniques used in ParGeMSLR.
Online documentation (based on Doxygen)
is available - see below.
Related publications
- Geoffrey Dillon, Vasileos Kalantzis, Yuanxhe Xi, and Yousef Saad.
A hierarchical low-rank Schur complement preconditioner for
indefinite linear systems.
Preprint ys-2018-05, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2018.
Revised version of ys-2017-02. Appeared in SISC.
- Ruipeng Li, Yuanzhe Xi, and Yousef Saad.
Schur complement based domain decomposition preconditioners with
low-rank corrections.
Preprint ys-2014-3, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2014.
- Yuanzhe Xi, Ruipeng Li, and Yousef Saad.
An algebraic multilevel preconditioner with low-rank corrections for
general sparse symmetric matrices.
Preprint ys-2014-5, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2014.
parGeMSLR is a continuing team effort. Developers of the most recent
version include:
Yousef Saad, Tianshi Xu, Vassilis Kalantzis, Ruipeng Li, Yuanzhe Xi, and Geoffrey Dillon.
If you are interested in contributing to the
effort contact us.
Documentation : (Doxygen based)
Documentation : (pdf)
Work supported by: