FM 5031/2 - Financial Mathematics Practioner Sequence
Module - Data Analysis, Simulation, and Portfolio Optimization
Instructor - John Dodson
Week 14
- Summary of Meucci's Program
- objective: develop a practical scheme to identify an optimal asset allocation
- some key assumptions
- fixed universe of assets
- fixed investment horizon; no re-balancing considerations
- well-defined investor objective, constraints, and index of satisfaction
- quantifiable manager expertise
- Robust Extensions
- minimax decision formulation for aversion of estimation risk
- explicit market vector parameter uncertainty set
- allocate to minimize the maximum of the opportunity cost
- self-adjusting calibration mechanism
Week 13
- Allocation Models
- Michaud (re-sampled)
- Von Neumann-Morgenstern (subjective expected utility)
- predictive distribution of the market
- classical-equivalent bayesian allocation
- Black-Litterman
- determine parameters for the distribution of the market (assumed to be normal)
- define investor's expertise (assumed to be linear)
- specify confidence in investor's expertise, hence conditional distribution of view given outcome (assumed to be normal)
- obtain investor's view and apply Bayes' Theorem to determine parameters of subjective distribution of the market (normal)
- consistency and marginal consistency of an investor's view
- Lab Exercise
- Application of Michaud re-sampling to Russell sector allocations
- Assignment
Week 12
- Opportunity Cost
- portfolio allocations as decisions
- the cost of sub-optimality is a loss functional for an estimator
- evaluating allocations
- classical optimization leverages estimation error
- it is not practical to extend satisfaction theory to include risk-aversion to estimation error
- illustrative examples
- prior allocation; e.g. equal-weighting
- small sample limit
- highly efficient but biased
- sample-based allocation
- Lab Exercise
- 2nd step of optimization introduced in previous week
- prospect theory certainty-equivalent satisfaction
- Arrow-Pratt approximation
Week 11
- Bayesian Estimation
- parameters as random variables
- estimates as distributions
- prior and posterior density
- updating the prior using Bayes' Theorem
- classical-equivalent estimators
- posterior mean or mode
- uncertainty ellipsoid
- conjugacy
- interpretation of the prior in terms of a random pseudo-subsample
- normal mixture
- conjugate prior for a multinormal sample with unknown mean and covariance is Normal-Inverse Wishart
- explicit formulae for parmameter updates
- Lab Exercise
- mean-variance optimization with a benchmark-relative objective
- allocating a long-only equity portfolio amongst industrial sectors
- expressing a prior with a pseudo-subsample
Week 10
- Two-step Portfolio Optimization
- dimension reduction
- maximize expected value for fixed objective variance
- dual problem
- minimize objective variance for fixed expected value
- maximize satifaction along capital market line
- Analytic Solution to Mean-Variance Optimization
- affine constraint
- two-fund separation theorem
- Pitfalls to Mean-Variance Result
- only valid locally and for short horizons
- objective is not a valid index of satisfaction
- Lab Exercise
- optimal re-balancing of a portfolio
- Assignment
Week 9
- Investor Objective
- Stochastic Dominance
- Index of Satisfaction
- properties
- money-equivalent
- estimable
- risk averse
- homogeneous
- coherent
- super-additive
- co-monotonic
- examples
- expected value
- certainty equivalent (utility)
- quantile (value at risk)
- spectral (expected shortfall)
- Lab Exercise
Week 8
- Introduction to Asset Allocation
- overview of financial securities and indexes
- problems with the Capital Asset Pricing Model
- homogenous and static objectives of the representative agent
- single period; no interperiod risk
- ambiguity about the Market Portfolio; i.e. Fama-French
- Brief Introduction to Linear Programming
- Concepts in Classical (non-Bayesian) Estimation
- information set: r.v.'s or i.i.d. observations of an invariant
- "unknown truths" about an invariant
- unknown population density
- unknown statistic value
- estimator as a function of information
- goodness
- loss
- error
- bias (accuracy)
- inefficiency (precision)
- Sample Size Regimes
- medium sample: maximum likelihood estimation
- large sample: non-parametric estimation
- small sample: shrinkage estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Fisher information
- Cramér-Rao lower bound
- Non-Parametric Estimation
- empirical density function
Glivenko-Cantelli: convergence of the empirical density
- Robustness
- noisy data
- jackknife
- trimming
- maximum likelihood: introduction to M-estimation
- non-parametric: introduction to kernel regularization
Week 7
- Background on Timeseries Analysis
- Inferring Independent Increments
- AR and MA models
- not applicable for univariate asset returns
- ...but useful for timeseries with seasonal patterns
- ...or non-simultaneous multivariate observations
- Inferring I.I.D. Increments (Invariants)
- Zakoian's TGARCH
- empirical basis
- asymmetrically variable conditional volatility
- ...models spikes, persistence, and crashes
- Estimating Timeseries Model Parameters
- maximum likelihood estimator
- Lab Exercise
- fitting TGARCH to S&P 500 index returns
- fitting GED to invariants
- simulating paths
- Assignment
- selection of shorter problems
Week 6
- Monte Carlo
- integration as expectation
- probability as expectation
- sample mean as an estimator
- scaling properites of the standard error
- Variance Reduction
- motivation
- classical techniques
- anithetic sample
- stratified sample
- control variate
- importance sampling
- Brownian Bridge
- application to treatment of missing data
- path stratification
- Likelihood Ratio for Brownian Motion Paths
- application to importance sampling
- introduction to change of measure
- Lab Exercise
Week 5
- Modeling The Market
- identifying i.i.d. invariants
- fitting a distribution
- projecting to the horizon(s)
- mapping back into asset values
- Statistical Considerations
- serial correlation
- time inhomogeneity
- conditional heteroskedasticity
- Projections
- time-scaling with the characteristic function
- Dimension Reduction
- latent factors
- principal component analysis
- explicit factors
- systematic / idiosyncratic factors
- Lab Exercise
- working with equity stock timeseries
- interpreting Eigen-portfolios
- large-scale normal-copula simulation
Week 4
- Multi-variate Location and Scale
- location-dispersion ellipsoid
- Chebyshev inequality
- Conditional Probability
- Bayes' rule
- iterated expectation
- normal example: ordinary least-squares regression as conditional expectation
- Dependence
- Venn diagrams
- linear correlation
- Spearman's rho
- copulas
- marginal-copula factorization
- Kendall's tau
- Lab Exercise
- demonstration and discussion of solution to assignment
- matrix math in MATLAB
- generating correlated random variates
- Cholesky decomposition
Week 3
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator
- density of a sample as a function of unknown parameters
- mode as a point estimator
- Brownian Motion
- limit of a random walk
- role of the Central Limit Theorem
- characterization
- initial value
- continuity
- density of increments
- simulating paths
- functional form of geometric brownian motion
- Random Variates
- building blocks: standard uniforms and normals
- quantile method
- rejection method
- Modern High-Level Programming
- compiled vs. interpreted
- imperative vs. functional
- sequential vs. concurrent
- scalar vs. array
- Lab Exercise
- fitting a fat-tailed distribution to equity index returns
- simulating paths
- estimating statistical properties of portfolio values
- Assignment
- optimizing a portfolio with a maximum drawdown constraint
Week 2
- Distribution of the Parameter from the previous Lab Exercise
- probability associated with winning interval estimate
- risk / reward discussion
- efficiency
- Applications of Simulation
- experimental modeling
- integration (Monte Carlo)
- Taxonomy of Classical Univariate Distributions
- Summary Statistics (Classical and Robust)
- location
- dispersion / scale
- standardization
- Chebyshev inequality
- Transformations of Random Variables
- general increasing function
- affine transformation
- sum of i.i.d. draws
- Lab Exercise
- sample statistics of the random walk
- terminal value, excursion, range
- review of anonymous functions in MATLAB
Week 1
- Introduction
- review of Sequence topics and objectives for this module
- syllabus
- technology
- Probability Basics
- probability triple
- random variables
- Characterizations of Distributions
- density (PDF)
- distribution (CDF)
- quantile function
- characteristic function
- Statistics Basics
- samples
- sufficient statistics
- Estimation Basics
- estimators as functions of random samples
- likelihood function example
- Lab Exercise
- guess an interval estimate for the unknown parameter of a uniform random variable given a sample
- loading data into MATLAB and working with arrays
- Practice Quiz