Information about final exam, Math 1241, Fall 2012
Date: Friday, December 14
Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: based on section
- Section 11: Nicholson Hall 125
- Section 12, 13, 14: Nicholson Hall 35
Content of the exam
The final exam is a cumulative exam. It is based on all the material covered in the class, meaning the material listed for exam 1, exam 2, and exam 3 as well as sections 5.5-5.8 of the textbook and Math Insight, parts 26-28. For details, see the study guide for exam 1, the study guide for exam 2, the study guide for exam 3, and the study guide for the final exam.
Material allowed in exam
In the exam, you make take with you:
- A calculator (graphing calculator is OK)
- One 8.5" x 11" piece of paper with notes (double-sided is OK)
You may not have:
- The textbook or any other book
- A cell phone or any electronic device besides a calculator
Conflict exams
If you are enrolled in two math classes that have common final exams, both exams will be scheduled for the same time. In this case, go to Vincent 115 to sign up to take one exam at 10:30am-1:30pm, and the second one at 2:00pm-5:00pm on Friday, December 14.
If you have a non-Math exam that conflicts with the exam time, first check with the instructor of that class to see if arrangements can be made. If no arrangements for the non-Math exam can be made, then contact your Math 1241 instructor about options.
Exam help
Practice problems
- Practice problems for exam 1, on discrete dynamical systems
- Practice problems for exam 1, with biology focus
- Practice problems for exam 2, on derivatives
- Practice problems for exam 2, on discrete dynamical systems
- Practice problems for exam 2, with biology focus
- Practice problems for exam 2, on partial derivatives
- Practice problems for exam 2, on minimization and maximization
- Practice problems for exam 3, on linear and quadratic Taylor polynomial problems
- Practice problems for exam 3, on elementary integral problems
- Practice problems for exam 3, on single autonomous differential equation problems
- Practice problems for final exam, 2D autonomous differential equations
Office hours
Talk to your TA or lecturer sooner rather than later. See schedule of office hours or contact for an appointment.
Review Session
Thursday, Dec 13, 11:15AM-12:15PM, Vincent 16.
Study suggestions
Check out the suggestions for studying for the exam.
SMART Learning commons
The SMART learning Commons makes available tutorials either individually or in small groups. They don't officially have tutors with Math 1241 expertise, but for calculus tutors may be able to help with standard calculus type questions.
Private math tutors for hire
The undergraduate math office mantains a list of private tutors that you can hire. You can obtain a list either in person from 115 Vincent Hall (Undergraduate Office) or by sending an email request for it to
Students must make arrangements in advance if they will miss an exam. Exam absences due to recognized University related activities, religious holidays, verifiable illness, and family/medical emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. See official University Policy on Makeup Examinations for Legitimate Absences.