Math 5345 Fall 2007
Syllabus and Class Information
- Syllabus (last revised on 09/05/07)
- Errata for the textbook [pdf]
Homework assignments will be posted online; as announced in class I can provide you with a hard copy if you have only occasional access to the web. Documents here are generally in PDF format.
- Homework 1 due Wednesday 9/19; Solutions
- Homework 2 now due Wednesday 10/3; Solutions
- Homework 3 due Wednesday 10/17. Note: Remove Problem K2, which is essentially the same as 7.1 #12. Solutions
- Homework 4 due Friday 11/2. Solutions
- Homework 5 due Wednesday 11/14. Scanned Solutions
- Homework 6 due Wednesday, 12/12: 3.4 #4(b,e), #6, #10.
Books, notes and calculators are not allowed on exams.
- Exam 1 Study Guide. Exam 1 Solutions.
- Exam 2 Study Guide. Study Guide Solutions. Exam 2 Solutions.
- Final Exam Due Wednesday 12/19 by 3:00pm.
Links to related Materials
- Topology Applets
- A movie which uses stereographic projection to explain Möbius Transformations from Complex Analysis.
- Defense of Jordan's Proof of his Curve Theorem by Tom Hales. (This may not be a stable link.)
- Play games on a torus or Klein bottle
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Many thanks to css/edge for a lot of the ideas used in the creation of this page.