June Congrats to Yilikal for obtaining his PhD!
May Yilikal's paper on the interplay between spin-orbit coupling, paramagnetic pair-breaking and multi-band superconductivity is published in JOP: Condensed Matter.
April Zedong's paper on magnetic InSb nanowire quantum devices is published in Nano Letters.
February Gino's paper on three-terminal Josephson junctions is published in PRB.
February Mohit joins the group. Welcome!


May Xinxin's paper on quantum interference effects in 2D systems with spin-orbit coupling and inhomogeneous magnetism is published in PRB Rapid Communications.
May Vlad is awarded the McKnight Land-Grant Professorship by the University of Minnesota.


September Vlad is the PI of a newly-awarded DOE Quantum Information Science award. He leads a team of five faculty from Minnesota, the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon and UC Santa Barbara
March Yilikal's paper on local magnetism in a complex oxide interface is published in PR Materials Rapid Communications.


August Vlad is awarded the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Young Scientist Prize in Low Temperature Physics, at the 28th International Conference on Low temperature Physics in Gothenburg.

The Pribiag group receives a new grant from the Office of Naval Research to investigate quantum transport in complex oxide interfaces.
July Vlad is awarded the Young Investigator Award at the 3rd Functional Oxide Thin Films Conference in Rome.
February Vlad is awarded the Sloan Fellowship.


June Welcome Calvin! - Undergraduate Calvin Zachman joins the group for the summmer.
May Goodbye Ryan and Nathan!
Feburary Vlad receives the NSF Career Award.


November Welcome Wenbo! – Undergraduate Wenbo Ge joins the group.
August Our Oxford Triton dilution refrigerator is now up and running!
May Lab construction is completed. We can now begin installation of our dilution refrigerator.
Welcome Zedong! – Zedong Yang, 1st year graduate student, joins the group.
Feburary Welcome Gino! – Gino Graziano, 1st year graduate student, joins the group.
Janurary Welcome Ryan and Nathan! – Undergraduates Ryan Schmitz and Nathan Bosch join the group.


September Welcome Yilikal! – Graduate student Yilikal Ayino joins the group. We are now officially a group!
Start of the Pribiag lab.