Self-assembled DNA [1] is a unique `bottom-up' fabrication method to create 1- 2- and 3-D structures with nanometric precision. The ability to create architecture that are not subjected to the limitation of conventional fabrication techniques i.e., e beam lithography, makes this technique appealing for nano- electronic applications. The major obstacles for integrating this technology in electronic circuits is that the DNA is an organic molecule with high resistance and the fact that it can only maintain its structural properties in an aqueous environment. To overcome these issues, a recent work done at Bar Ilan University showed that it possible to convert 3D self-assembled DNA to an inorganic 3D structure that can undergo Nb deposition, when cooled down to low temperatures the Nb coated DNA nanostructure showed a behavior of a network of Josephson Junctions [2].
The ability to create superconducting structures with arbitrary dimensionally that are addressable in nanometric resolution can provide a new platform for producing high quality quantum devices for detection and controltopological quantum states that may lead to the discovery of Majorana zero-modes (MZM). This exciting project is supported by the W. M. Keck foundation.