20 uintptr_t *Bsoldataf90) {
29 *Bsoldataf90 = (uintptr_t) Bsol;
35 void *Bsol = (
void *) (*Bsolf90);
50 uintptr_t *solshiftf90) {
58 void **solshiftdata = (
void **) malloc(rat->
void *));
61 *solshiftf90 = (uintptr_t) solshiftdata;
69 uintptr_t *solshiftf90) {
72 void **solshiftdata = (
void **) (*solshiftf90);
82 uintptr_t *solshiftf90) {
85 void **solshiftdata = (
void **) (*solshiftf90);
void ASIGMABSolDirect(int n, double *br, double *bi, double *xr, double *xz, void *data)
complex linear solver routine passed to evsl
void EVSLFORT() setup_asigmabsol_direct(uintptr_t *Af90, int *flagB, uintptr_t *Bf90, uintptr_t *ratf90, uintptr_t *solshiftf90)
Fortran interface for SetupASIGMABSolDirect.
int SetupASIGMABSolDirect(csrMat *A, csrMat *BB, int num, complex double *zk, void **data)
setup CXsparse solver for A - SIGMA B
void EVSLFORT() setup_bsol_direct(uintptr_t *Bf90, uintptr_t *Bsoldataf90)
Fortran interface for SetupBSolDirect and also SetBsol and SetLTSol.
int SetupBSolDirect(csrMat *B, void **data)
Setup the B-sol by computing the Cholesky factorization of B.
void FreeASIGMABSolDirect(int num, void **data)
free the data needed by CXSparse
void EVSLFORT() free_bsol_direct(uintptr_t *Bsolf90)
Fortran interface for FreeBSolDirectData.
void FreeBSolDirectData(void *data)
Free solver data.
This file contains function prototypes and constant definitions internally used in EVSL...
int SetLTSol(SolFuncR func, void *data)
Set the solve routine for LT.
sparse matrix format: the compressed sparse row (CSR) format, 0-based
void LTSolDirect(double *b, double *x, void *data)
Solver function of L^{T} x = L^{-T}*b.
int SetBSol(SolFuncR func, void *data)
Set the solve routine and the associated data for B.
void EVSLFORT() free_asigmabsol_direct(uintptr_t *ratf90, uintptr_t *solshiftf90)
Fortran interface for FreeASIGMABSolDirect.
int SetASigmaBSol(ratparams *rat, SolFuncC *func, SolFuncC allf, void **data)
Set the solve routine and the associated data for A-SIGMA*B if func == NULL, set all functions to be ...
void BSolDirect(double *b, double *x, void *data)
Solver function of B.
Definitions used for direct solver interface.
void EVSLFORT() set_asigmabsol_direct(uintptr_t *ratf90, uintptr_t *solshiftf90)
Fortran interface for SetASigmaBSol with Direct solve.
parameters for rational filter