Here is a list of all functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
- r -
- rand_double()
: vect.c
, evsl.h
- randn_double()
: evsl.h
, vect.c
- ratf2p2()
: ratfilter.c
, internal_proto.h
- RatFiltApply()
: internal_proto.h
, ratfilter.c
- RatLanNr()
: ratlanNr.c
, evsl.h
- RatLanTr()
: ratlanTr.c
, evsl.h
- ratparams
: struct.h
- read_coo_MM()
: MMPLanR.c
, io.c
, io.h
, io.h
, Lan_MMPLanR.c
, LanDosG.c
, Lan_MMRLanR.c
, MMRLanR.c
, MMPLanN.c
, MMRLanN.c
, io.c
- readVec()
: LanDos.c
, LanDosG.c
- Realloc
: def.h
- rec()
: dos_utils.c
, internal_proto.h
- rootchb()
: chebpoly.c