Text: The course will be based on the book by Peter Olver. I intend to cover chapters 1-4, 6, and parts of Chapter 7 in the fall semester.
Homework: Homework will be
assigned periodically throughout the semester and
collected for grading. The assigned problems should be
regarded as the minimum required for
mastery of the material. No late homework will be
accepted, but I will drop one lowest score in the end of
the semester.
Hour Exams: There will
be three exams within the semester. Make-up exams will
only be given in exceptional circumstances, and then only
when notice is given to me before hand and a suitable
written excuse forthcoming.
Final: The third exam will serve as a Final.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to be familiar with University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code, including the consequences for violation of standards of academic honesty.
Supplementary Texts: