FM 5031/2 - Financial Mathematics Practitioner Sequence
Module - Risk & Asset Allocation
Fall 1 - Random Variables
- Introduction
- Random Variables
- Characterizations
- Transformations
- Expectation
- Law of Large Numbers
- Monte Carlo
- Summary Statistics
- Normal Distribution
- Entropy
- Mixtures
- exercise
Fall 2 - Dependence
- Independence
- Conditioning & Margining
- Bivariate Normal
- Dependence
- Bayes' Rule
- Covariance
- Cholesky Decomposition
- Spectral Decomposition
- Mahalanobis Distance
- case: regression as conditional expectation
- exercise
Fall 3 - Common Characterizations
- Topological Taxonomy
- Finite Support
- Countable Support
- Interval Support
- Half-line Support
- Unbounded Support
- Common Transforms
- Common Mixtures
- Non-Parametric
- Multivariate Distributions
- exercise
Fall 4 - Estimators
- Motivation
- Sample
- Estimator
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator
- Admissibility
- exercise
Fall 5 - Heteroskedasticity
- GARCH Specification
- Parameter Estimation
- Variance Targeting
- Forecasting
- exercise
Fall 6 - Real-World Data
- Robustness
- M-Estimators
- Missing Data
- Overlapping Data
- Other Techniques
- Implied Characterization
- case: option-implied standard deviation
- assignment
Spring 1 - Prices as Random Variables
Modeling the Market
- Securities Markets
- Market Conventions
- Investment Horizon
Quest for Invariance
- Identifying Invariants
- Projecting Invariants
- Mapping Invariants
case: scaling between the sampling period and the investment period
Spring 2 - Bayesian Estimation
- Bayes' Rule
- Bayesian Estimation
- Bayesian Estimator
- Determining the Prior
- case: equilibrium allocation under normal markets and exponential utility
- exercise
Spring 3 - Investor Objective & Satisfaction
- Review
- Motivation
- Objectives
- Satisfaction
- Properties
- Value-at-Risk
- Expected Shortfall
- Expected Utility
- case: expected shortfall example
- exercise
Spring 4 - Mean-Variance Optimization
- Constraints
- Optimization
- Dimension Reduction
- Analytic Solution
- Log-Normal Model
- Investment Horizon
- Benchmarks
- case: optimal portfolio example
- exercise
Spring 5 - Bayesian Optimization
- Estimation Risk
- Robust Decisions
- Decision Strategies
- Prior Strategy
- Sample-based Strategy
- Motivation
- Von Neumann-Morenstern
- Robust Optimization
- Michaud Resampling
- Black-Litterman
- case: quadratic programming
- exercise
Spring 6 - Practical Topics
- Rebalancing & Normality
- Allocation implied prior & CAPM
- Measuring Skewness
- Black-Litterman & the NIW Prior
- Michaud & the NIW
- SeDuMi & Practical Robust Optimization
- project